Welcome to Errorism

As a professional software developer, you may often find yourself googling up obscure error messages and exception stack traces in an attempt to figure out how to work around them. Do you need to update a dependency, introduce better error handling, or use a different API instead?

When you start googling around, you often land on an error report with dozens or even hundreds of user comments, and finding a comment that actually helps you get unstuck takes minutes of scrolling.

Errorism helps you find useful comments faster. It collects error and exception reports from issue trackers such as GitHub Issues and enriches them in a number of ways:

  1. The most upvoted (and therefore most likely useful) comments are always at the top of the list. No more vigorously scrolling down and expanding hidden sections before you find a comment that actually helps you.
  2. Related discussions of the problem across the web are instantly available. Sometimes whatever is written in a particular error report is not as helpful as a Q&A page that articulates a problem and contains an answer that links to the error report.
  3. If a problem has already been solved, publicly available commits that address the problem are shown. You can often use these commits as a guide to working around the problem in your own code.

Here's a selection of error and exception reports that illustrates how Errorism makes finding solutions and workarounds a bit smoother: