jest: Jest 24 is slower than Jest 23.6.0 on the same test suite

šŸ› Bug Report

Filing bug per #7732 Jest v24 takes 38 seconds vs v23 28 seconds to run 50 suites (296 tests).

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior: Jest v23 setup: .babelrc

  "presets": ["es2015", "react", "stage-3", "env"]


    "babel-core": "6.26.0",
    "babel-jest": "22.4.1",
    "babel-loader": "7.1.2",
    "babel-preset-env": "1.6.1",
    "babel-preset-es2015": "6.24.1",
    "babel-preset-react": "6.24.1",
    "babel-preset-stage-3": "6.24.1",
    "jest": "23.6.0",

Jest v24 setup: .babelrc

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"],
  "plugins": [
    ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": false },


    "@babel/core": "7.2.2",
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "7.3.0",
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings": "7.2.0",
    "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import": "7.2.0",
    "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta": "7.2.0",
    "@babel/preset-env": "7.3.1",
    "@babel/preset-react": "7.0.0",
    "jest": "24.1.0",

Jest config is not changed between v23 and v24:

module.exports = {
  'verbose': false,
  'coverageThreshold': {
    'global': {
      'branches': 40,
      'functions': 45,
      'lines': 50,
      'statements': 50
  'projects': [
  'moduleDirectories': [
  'testURL': 'http://mockserver:9999',
  'collectCoverage': true,
  'coverageDirectory': '<rootDir>/build/coverage/',
  'coverageReporters': [

Expected behavior

Jest v24 running performance matches v23.

Link to repl or repo (highly encouraged)

Not available

Run npx envinfo --preset jest

Paste the results here:

    OS: Windows 7
    CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz
    Node: 8.12.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    npm: 6.4.1 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions: 49
  • Comments: 139 (43 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

All I want for Christmas is yā€¦Jest 25 ā¤ļø

A new release of 25 will come next week. You can build from master now and test it out if you want. After the release, if we still have regressions vs Jest 24, please open up a new issue. This issue has more than 100 comments, so itā€™s getting a bit unwieldyā€¦ Things weā€™ve not yet tried that has been mentioned in this issue is to bundle up our modules to hit the FS less and look into what we do with stack traces.

Thank you to everyone who helped track this down!

Any update on this by any chance?

@dpinol curious which version you ended up installing that worked? The version on the npm registry tagged as 25.0.0 appears to point to which is before the perf fix landed. Indeed looking at the code on unpkg for 25.0.0 (which is what you get when installing jest@next), the fix isnā€™t applied:

@SimenB is there any version of jest (either v25+ or a patched v24) thatā€™s available on the registry currently which includes this fix? While using something like patch-package is possible, Iā€™d prefer not to fork or build a custom version given that the fix does already exist in master. If not, perhaps the simplest option from your end would be to update the jest@next tag to point to a new v25.0.1 or similar, and then developers willing to opt-in to an unstable build could at least do that?

When is this going to be in a release?

If Jest 25 is delayed for some reason, would it be possible to release a patch for 24.9 with the fix? @SimenB

Last I heard it was being tested at FB on Friday.

Hi! I donā€™t want to add to the noise of this Issue, so Iā€™ll keep it simple and add one more open-source reproduction:

Project with large code-size (in particular, a single 2-megabyte-ish generated lexer), where a single change of upgrading Jest 23.0.x to Jest v24.0.x caused test-times to jump from ~7 seconds (~5s per test-file), to ~147 (~70s for each individual test-file). Yes, a regression of 2,000%. šŸ¤Æ

Project is ELLIOTTCABLE/excmd.js; commit ELLIOTTCABLE/excmd.js@f0982114 used Jest 23, and consistently reports <10s runtimes on jest --clearCache && time jest; the next commit, ELLIOTTCABLE/excmd.js@d4d3a08d, updates Jest to v24, and shows consistent cache-cleared timing of ā‰„100s.

Again, so it doesnā€™t slip by ā€” I strongly suspect the performance regression has something to do with filesystem copying or module loading; because the thing that makes my project an outlier is definitely the loading of a single, hairy, two megabyte .js file. (An unrelated bug.)

I also am not convinced itā€™s related to Babel; Babel happily deoptimizes the styling of that file and continues on its merry way, showing a wall-clock build-time of 4.48s.

(Because Iā€™m sure this issue is a stressful one (lots of complaining users, difficult to reproduce, and performance-related and thus difficult to debug ā€¦), Iā€™d like to add: we love Jest, and your hard maintenance work, even the triage where you say ā€œnoā€, is greatly appreciated. ā¤ļø)

any progress on releasing this?

A new release of 25 will come next week. You can build from master now and test it out if you want. After the release, if we still have regressions vs Jest 24, please open up a new issue. This issue has more than 100 comments, so itā€™s getting a bit unwieldyā€¦ Things weā€™ve not yet tried that has been mentioned in this issue is to bundle up our modules to hit the FS less and look into what we do with stack traces.

Thank you to everyone who helped track this down!

@SimenB You said "A new release of 25 will come next week. " Any news about the release?


Thank you! Iā€™ll dig into this later today. To verify my assumptions going in - thatā€™s fast on 23, upgrading to 24 or 25 is slow, but applying the patch makes those comparable to 23 again?

What Iā€™m seeing (over 10 runs with a warmup run for the cache)

jest version time
23.6 6.2s
24.9 8.5s
24 w/patch 6.7s
25 8.0s
25 w/patch 6.5s

I can also reproduce the hit vs miss in the caching. Thanks for the great repro @nol13! Iā€™ll land the patch later today

On topic: Of the things mentioned in this issue that helps, weā€™ve landed 2: weā€™ve dropped Node 6 and upgraded Micromatch in the next branch. These things reduced test run time by about 10% for Jestā€™s own tests (more on Windows). It also reduced memory usage by a fair bit. Weā€™ll try to get an alpha release out soon so people can test it, but you can also checkout that branch locally, and build and link jest in your project to see how it goes. Instructions are in in the root of this repo. It should also be easier to profile Jest now as we no longer transpile async-await which makes the functions calls much easier to follow

Iā€™d like to look into why pretty-format (and other modules within the sandbox) is so heavy to require - its dependency tree isnā€™t that big. No promises though on when though!

Off topic:

I donā€™t want to build Jest on my own. Because this is what you suggest, right?

Yes, thatā€™s what I was suggesting. Why donā€™t you want to help us figure out if those changes help?

I added ā€œnameā€ to my Jest config as suggested in other issue report, but that just helps for having the cache. For cold start execution times are unacceptable.

As @csvan points out, the name thing has been fixed since 24.1.0 (the PR was linked to). If it makes a difference adding name or not for releases after that, please open up a new issue as thatā€™s an optimization you shouldnā€™t have to make.

What is the condition when Jest uses cache?

Jest always uses a cache. Passing in --no-cache just deletes the previous cache - Jest will still cache things within that run. We cache transforms and test results (so we know how long they took, and can prioritize when to run which tests).

Like @csvan says - nobody is actually paid to work on Jest so any time spent is either spare time or time spent at day jobs instead of doing what weā€™re paid to do. Sometimes thereā€™s an overlap between what my day job needs and things Jest can do better (we use Jest at work), but thatā€™s not common. So when I do spend time on it, I prefer to work on things that I find enjoyable, which digging for performance regressions is not.

Not trying to be unappreciative, (thanks all contribs šŸ˜›) but just saying, if anyone is working on this, the performance regressions should probably be a priority vs. adding any new features.

I can only speak for myself of course, but if the choice is between digging into performance regressions and doing nothing, Iā€™ll choose to do nothing. Life is too short to spend spare time on things you donā€™t enjoy.

However, this project is open source, so anyone is more than welcome to dig into it and try to help the entire community by contributing fixes like @vitalibozhko and others has done. If itā€™s an issue for you at work, maybe you can spend some time while at work trying to fix it?

@ronayumik Ever since Jest 22.4.4, as new versions of Jest are released, and when Iā€™m interested in upgrading, I compare how long it takes to run our tests (412 test suites, 2015 tests).

The following gist includes several benchmarks using Jest 22, 23, and 24.

So far, every new version has been significantly slower.

Fully support @tscislo about performance issue comparing jest23 and jest24. @SimenB, sorry for my directness, but every time somebody write here a comment about performance reduction you make a surprised face, after that question about open source/not and silence. If you missed my previous message - micromatch 4.0.2 yarn resolution doesnā€™t help.

I hopefully spotted some places that slows jest 24 down comparing to jest 22, hereā€™s the link if someone is willing to try it out (a couple of tweaks and some minor features disabled just to test performance, not a real fix) I get nearly the same time on this branch as it was on jest 22 on our private project setup.

To try this out just follow Iā€™d also suggest to either run jest by means of package.json scripts or via ./node_modules/.bin/jest to make sure the linked version is utilized (i personally use the latter). One way to verify the link is properly set is by running ./node_modules/.bin/jest --version in terminal - it should give 24.8.0-dev

Weā€™ve recently switched from Babel 6/Jest 23 to Babel 7/Node 24 and have noticed similarly stark speed regressions (from ~150s to ~200s with a clean cache and ~100s to ~160s cached). Doesnā€™t appear to be Babel 7 related, since running Babel compilation by itself is actually faster now.

  1. This is for 24.9
diff --git a/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js b/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js
index 0dbc1d7..b595ec6 100644
--- a/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js
+++ b/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ const _require = require('../package.json'),
 // we need to transform a file. Since ScriptTransformer is instantiated for each
 // file we need to keep this object in the local scope of this module.
-const projectCaches = new WeakMap(); // To reset the cache for specific changesets (rather than package version).
+const projectCaches = new Map(); // To reset the cache for specific changesets (rather than package version).
 const CACHE_VERSION = '1';
@@ -239,16 +239,17 @@ class ScriptTransformer {
     this._config = config;
     this._transformCache = new Map();
     this._transformConfigCache = new Map();
-    let projectCache = projectCaches.get(config);
+    const configString = (0, _fastJsonStableStringify().default)(this._config);
+    let projectCache = projectCaches.get(configString);
     if (!projectCache) {
       projectCache = {
-        configString: (0, _fastJsonStableStringify().default)(this._config),
+        configString,
         ignorePatternsRegExp: calcIgnorePatternRegExp(this._config),
         transformRegExp: calcTransformRegExp(this._config),
         transformedFiles: new Map()
-      projectCaches.set(config, projectCache);
+      projectCaches.set(configString, projectCache);
     this._cache = projectCache;

Woah, 17s vs 113s, thatā€™s huge! Any possibility of sharing that project?

I think we need to start really considering adding performance monitoring to Jest. @aaronabramov talked about this in #4471. Node comes with essentially the same performance API the browser does (available since node 8):, maybe we can use that to measure? Having some way of emitting how long different things takes should be a first step probably (so #4471, but that only talks about what happens inside of tests)

Would it be possible to release a patch to version 24 while we wait for the version 25 release?

I dug into the repo provided by @ELLIOTTCABLE in, and the commit that made the test run go from 9s to 150s on my machine was #7170. However, if I remove collectCoverage from the config, 24.8.0 also completes in 9 seconds. So the change in that case is that we actually collect coverage from the files specified, which is expensive (especially for large files). Iā€™ve got a branch switching to use V8 coverage (#8596) which should speed it up some, but it will always be expensive.

Quick test: image

With the bugfix that slowed it down, otherwise all code in jest is identical: image

Thanks for the detailed information @lulubo! I think after we get 24 to back to where 23 was, we can look at getting back to where 22 was as well. Even if 24->23 did not make a big difference for you and your team, from this issue it seems like itā€™s an issue for lots of people, so I think we should focus on that first.

Thatā€™s still pretty bad šŸ˜• Still feel like something must be wrong with jest-runtime, but idk what

For people who want to use patch-package today, the following steps should work šŸ¤ž


  1. Update package.json:
 "scripts": {
+  "postinstall": "patch-package"
  1. Get patch-package in your package.json [doc]: $yarn add patch-package postinstall-postinstall or $npm i patch-package

  2. Go to the root of your project, and open file node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js in your favorite editor

  3. Update code according to the diff: jest 24.9: jest 25:

  4. yarn patch-package @jest/transform or npx patch-package @jest/transform. If it works, you should see Created file patches/@jest+transform+24.9.0.patch

  5. Now you can test the patch by $rm -rf node_modules && yarn install, and patch-package should patch the diff for you automatically

  6. Make sure to commit patches/@jest+transform+24.9.0.patch, so everyone gets the patch, including CI/CD pipeline!

@SimenB your revert applied to 24.9.0 gets us back down to ~35s! So roughly what weā€™re seeing in 23.6.0.

Weā€™ve released jest@next from the (now merged) next branch, if anyone wanna test it out

@deleteme what I did was delete jest from the repo I was checking, and just do ../jest/jest - no linking needed. I also ran yarn && yarn add -D -W @babel/core babel-core@bridge --ignore-scripts in order to avoid the babel-core version mismatch issue.

Iā€™m not sure if this should be filed as a separate issue at this point, but sadly, 25.1.0 doesnā€™t seem to have resolved the slowdown for us. We skipped version 24 because of the slowdowns we were seeing from 23.4.2. For the whole application (130 test files, 1104 tests) I see tests go from taking 17-18 seconds in v23 to taking 23-24 seconds in v25. Running the slowest test file in our application on its own went from taking 6 seconds in v23 to 8 seconds in v25.

On windows with node 10 and warm cache:

85s without patch 56s with patch

Ok seems to beā€¦

The difference between 22 and 23 wasnā€™t a deal breaker for us, so bisecting between 24 and 23.6:

commit cold warn
25.0.0 87 53
24.9.0 81 52
24.7.1 88 55
24.0.0 86 84
fa0e81443 84 54
47cde7f24 84 52
bea5037a2 84 51
7d5de6844 83 53
ed6716787 83 53
8a7b4a9df 84 52
7a64497a2 67 37
3abfa18d7 69 37
23.6.0 59 39

Tested 24.8 vs @next on our test suite. Seems to be a slight improvement, especially on cold cache:

Jest 24.8, cold cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total Tests: 5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total Snapshots: 5 passed, 5 total Time: 26.764s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 27.88s.

Jest 24.8, warm cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total Tests: 5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total Snapshots: 5 passed, 5 total Time: 20.792s, estimated 24s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 21.35s.

Jest 25.0 (@next), cold cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total Tests: 5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total Snapshots: 5 passed, 5 total Time: 24.008s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 24.78s.

Jest 25.0 (@next) warm cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total Tests: 5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total Snapshots: 5 passed, 5 total Time: 20.267s, estimated 22s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 20.86s.

Thatā€™s a horrendous regression šŸ™ Is your project open source?

Have you tried the branch from

Another thing that will probably help is to update our code to target node 8 - that will stop transpiling async-await. You can do that by changing this line:


I see 3 main changes

Upgrade to micromatch@4 Move stack collection (maybe even remove? I just skimmed through) Do not use pretty-format to format thrown non-errors Does that seems right?

That looks correct

which parts had the most impact?

Iā€™d say the most noticeable impact comes from requiring of ā€œheavyā€ modules like pretty-format even though those are only needed under certain circumstances (e.g. spec uses snapshots, failed spec need to format the error, etc.). The changes made were the most obvious places from profile flame chart. In terms of CPU load there is one obvious thing - getAllCoverageInfo using deepCyclicCopyObject (7% of total time), replaced with JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()), it fits just fine for coverage cloning - in case of my project it reduces total cloning time from 2.3 s to 0.4s

I was afraid that being eager to collect the stacks would have a negative impact on perf: #6965 (comment). Not sure what to do here - stacks are important for understanding what went wrong if tests fail. Maybe we could add an option for it, so people can opt-in to better traces? Which theyā€™d activate when tests fail to (potentially) get a better trace

Put the stack collection back - got plus 1-2s (15.5 > 16.5-17.x) to the total time on hot cache with in band execution. Test Suites: 66 passed, 66 total Tests: 16 skipped, 441 passed, 457 total Snapshots: 9 passed, 9 total Time: 17.398s

It might be worth trying to measure the retaining memory without stack evaluation in place, my guess is that it would only become an issue in watch mode.

Iā€™m a bit surprised by the pretty-format change - I wouldnā€™t expect that to be heavy as most of the time Errors are thrown and that code path is not activated.

As mentioned above itā€™s not the execution time that makes difference, but the time to require a module

We ended up migrating to Mocha (+Chai and Sinon), which reported a significant improvement on the testing time.

Hi There, I would like to share my experience here with Jest. I like jest but the problem that Iā€™m having it takes a lot of time to run 6 tests, it took 13.4 seconds

 PASS  test/domain/model/Actor.test.ts (12.193s)
  Actor creation
    āˆš should create an actor (5ms)
    āˆš should create an actor will publish ActorCreated event (3ms)
  Actor roles
    āˆš should create a role and to be an instance of it (15ms)
    āˆš should publish CreatorRoleAssignedToActor event when add a creator role to an actor (2ms)
    āˆš should publish UserRoleAssignedToActor event when add a user role to an actor (5ms)
    āˆš should create a user actor and publish UserRoleAssignedToActor domain event (1666ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       6 passed, 6 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        13.4s
Ran all test suites.

Watch Usage: Press w to show more.
npx envinfo --preset jest
npx: installed 1 in 2.847s

    OS: Windows 10
    CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
    Node: 11.7.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    npm: 6.5.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD

Also in the package.json

"scripts": {
  "test": "jest",
  "test:watch": "jest --watch",
"devDependencies": {
   "@types/jest": "^24.0.12",
   "jest": "^24.5.0",
   "jest-coverage-badges": "^1.1.2",
   "jest-junit": "^6.4.0",
   "ts-jest": "^24.0.2",


module.exports = {
	preset: "ts-jest",
	testEnvironment: "node",
	coverageDirectory: "doc/code-coverage",
	collectCoverageFrom: [
	coverageReporters: ["json", "html", "json-summary", "jest-junit", "lcov"]

Iā€™m using it with typescript:

in my sh test folder, I have a file with 6 tests:

Then I tried to use mocha

npm i -D chai @types/chai mocha @types/mocha sinon @types/sinon sinon-chai @types/sinon-chai source-map-support nyc

and I put mocha.opts inside ā€˜testā€™ folder

--require ts-node/register
--watch-extensions ts

and in the package.json:

	"scripts": {
		"test:watch": "mocha --opts test/mocha.opts --watch"

I ran the same tests (only I modifed the assertions to use sinon-chai), and it ran amazingly fast (about 1-2 second(s)),

Actor creation
    āˆš should create an actor
    āˆš should create an actor will publish ActorCreated event

  Actor roles
    āˆš should create a role and to be an instance of it
    āˆš should publish CreatorRoleAssignedToActor event when add a creator role to an actor
    āˆš should publish UserRoleAssignedToActor event when add a user role to an actor
    āˆš should create a user actor and publish UserRoleAssignedToActor domain event (325ms)

  6 passing (336ms)

Something is not good, and I donā€™t know what is the problem.

Jest v24:

Test Suites: 96 passed, 96 total
Tests:       276 passed, 276 total
Snapshots:   129 passed, 129 total
Time:        113.429s

Jest v23:

Test Suites: 96 passed, 96 total
Tests:       276 passed, 276 total
Snapshots:   129 passed, 129 total
Time:        17.288s

I was just about to post that a stable Jest 25 was just released, and youā€™ve already tested it šŸ˜€

Fantastic numbers, thanks for sharing @csvan!

Hopefully today. We just need to make sure it works for FB (best test nothing is broken that exists šŸ™‚)

You can use patch-package in the meantime. A diff:

diff --git a/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js b/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js
index 8b02912..2191456 100644
--- a/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js
+++ b/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ const {version: VERSION} = require('../package.json'); // This data structure is
 // we need to transform a file. Since ScriptTransformer is instantiated for each
 // file we need to keep this object in the local scope of this module.
-const projectCaches = new WeakMap(); // To reset the cache for specific changesets (rather than package version).
+const projectCaches = new Map(); // To reset the cache for specific changesets (rather than package version).
 const CACHE_VERSION = '1';
@@ -224,16 +224,17 @@ class ScriptTransformer {
     this._config = config;
     this._transformCache = new Map();
     this._transformConfigCache = new Map();
-    let projectCache = projectCaches.get(config);
+    const configString = (0, _fastJsonStableStringify().default)(this._config);
+    let projectCache = projectCaches.get(configString);
     if (!projectCache) {
       projectCache = {
-        configString: (0, _fastJsonStableStringify().default)(this._config),
+        configString,
         ignorePatternsRegExp: calcIgnorePatternRegExp(this._config),
         transformRegExp: calcTransformRegExp(this._config),
         transformedFiles: new Map()
-      projectCaches.set(config, projectCache);
+      projectCaches.set(configString, projectCache);
     this._cache = projectCache;

Pretty low, but weā€™ll try to get a stable 25 out. Itā€™s currently a bit delayed due to issues rolling it out at FB (something with how they fake promises are broken). And making this part of 25 is pretty doable.

However, as mentioned, I was unable to get a difference in cache hits and misses when testing it out. Iā€™d like to write a test for this when landing it. @nol13 can you share your jest config? What would be perfect would be a small repository we could pull down, and see it logging cache misses, but I very much understand if thatā€™s a bit much to ask šŸ™‚

@SimenB Iā€™m happy to help. I want to try again with the yarn add -D -W @babel/core babel-core@bridge --ignore-scripts trick.

Did you notice if the increased time is for tests themselves, or boot up?

Sorry, I couldnā€™t tell.

Can you provide the instructions how you did the bisecting? Would be really helpful for next time.

@mucsi96 The contributing doc was helpful. Iā€™m using hyperfine and a fish shell function to start the benchmarks, and a spreadsheet to record measurements.

Thatā€™s great, thanks! Matches our results

Thought Iā€™d pop in with a report on my jest performance adventures the past month.

837 suites, 16259 tests, Node v10 TypeScript back-end, universal app with Vue + Nuxt

ā€¦and of course, a private repo šŸ˜ƒ

Initially, these tests tookā€¦ 4m30s w/cold cache or 3m20s w/hot cache on both bare Windows and WSL. Both cases were about 30s faster on MacOS or Ubuntu.

I know this is just anecdotal, but hereā€™s stuff I triedā€¦

  • Whitelisting working directories in Windowsā€™ security software had no effect.
  • Switching from WSL back to ā€œrawā€ Windows had no effect.
  • Using runInBand severely worsened the performance (this workstation has a Xeon with 20 virtual cores)
  • I narrowed it down to maxWorkers=4 as the least-bad option.
  • Changing jest environment away from jsdom wasnā€™t initially an option, since the code under test is a universal app, but see below.

Ultimately, here are the things that helped my team:

  • Switching to Ubuntu (uninstalled Windows) reduced test times by ~15%
  • Rolling back to jest v22 then reduced our test times by another ~40% or so
  • Splitting the test suites into client- and server-side (in our universal app), and running them individually gave us some flexibility, as followsā€¦
  • When working locally in a given area, we could run only the one suite, cutting time by ~50%
  • Further, I was able to switch the ā€œserver-sideā€ test suite from jest-environment-jsdom-global to jest-environment-node. This shaved off another ~25% or so. (I also tried node env but it gave us weird event loop stuff I didnā€™t have time to explore, and there was no discernible performance benefit over the jest-environment-node)
  • I use a little shell script to run the two test suites in parallel for a complete run, and it only takes about 25% longer than running each alone, which is a significant net savings over the whole run in one go.

Hope this helps someone. Bottom line though: Rolling back to jest v22 was the biggest single gain. FWIW my colleagues were all experiencing the issues, and we run every OS with a variety of hardware configurations.

Bringing this up again: I suspect that Nodeā€™s regular require has lots of optimization that we miss out on because require really comes from jest-runtime. This could perhaps be verified by looking at how long module trees take to load in regular Node vs the Jest runtime.

We can definitely try out bundling our modules and see if it makes a difference! At least the ones that are required inside the sandbox. We currently bundle for browser, but that includes dependencies - here weā€™d keep them external I think.

Not trying to be unappreciative, (thanks all contribs šŸ˜›) but just saying, if anyone is working on this, the performance regressions should probably be a priority vs. adding any new features. I imagine lots of others will also be staying on 22 or 23 for the time being.

Are the majority (any?) of code bases out there not running into this issue? Most people just donā€™t care?


after that question about open source/not and silence.

Well, having access to a non-trivial project where the issue is readily reproducible sure does help in finding out why it happens. But what do I know.

As for the ā€œsilenceā€, pretty sure the team are not hired to work on Jest and are just as busy with their day-to-day jobs as you and me. Itā€™s an open source project, nothing stops you from trying to figure the problem out for yourself.

We use jest to test our Angular 8 application with babel-jest and ts-jest. We used to run our 200 tests in less then 5mins on hest 23 and now with 24.9 it is over 20mins which is completely unacceptable. Iā€™m using node 10. The time is greater for both cold start and also with cache.

Is there any workaround for now, anyone actively working on solving this issue? @SimenB @thymikee ? As it becomes more and more obvious that this performance issue starts to be a show stopper for most of the users.

Opting in sounds like a good idea - that way I can run jest fast on ci and more verbose locally when I really want to debug something.

Interesting, would you be able to post a reproduction in a new issue? This issue in particular was about a specific bug introduced in Jest 24 which has been fixed in #8890

Ran 24.9 vs 25.1 on a local test suite. Amazing work @SimenB and friends!

Jest 25.1


Test Suites: 3 skipped, 218 passed, 218 of 221 total Tests: 12 skipped, 962 passed, 974 total Snapshots: 17 passed, 17 total Time: 46.692s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 47.55s.


Test Suites: 3 skipped, 218 passed, 218 of 221 total Tests: 12 skipped, 962 passed, 974 total Snapshots: 17 passed, 17 total Time: 32.527s, estimated 44s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 33.65s.

Jest 24.9


Test Suites: 3 skipped, 218 passed, 218 of 221 total Tests: 12 skipped, 962 passed, 974 total Snapshots: 17 passed, 17 total Time: 68.89s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 70.14s.


Test Suites: 3 skipped, 218 passed, 218 of 221 total Tests: 12 skipped, 962 passed, 974 total Snapshots: 17 passed, 17 total Time: 57.806s, estimated 65s Ran all test suites. āœØ Done in 58.92s.

Ya, itā€™s a super stripped down repo, but the patch applied to 24.9.0 still takes it from 4.8s to 4.2s consistently and makes the cache hit.

^Hereā€™s a minimal example. Without the patch, this hits with runInBand but misses without it.

I think this is a valid revert. All tests pass except for the ones added in the linked commit. But if it doesnā€™t make any difference, itā€™s not worth trying for you.

Do you get any difference before and after that commit, btw? And of course, while it might not help in your case, it might very well work in other cases

diff --git i/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts w/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts
index 6ee27c6dd..d00996c62 100644
--- i/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts
+++ w/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts
@@ -30,23 +30,13 @@ import {
 import shouldInstrument from './shouldInstrument';
 import enhanceUnexpectedTokenMessage from './enhanceUnexpectedTokenMessage';
-type ProjectCache = {
-  configString: string;
-  ignorePatternsRegExp?: RegExp;
-  transformRegExp?: Array<[RegExp, string, Record<string, unknown>]>;
-  transformedFiles: Map<string, TransformResult>;
 // Use `require` to avoid TS rootDir
 const {version: VERSION} = require('../package.json');
-// This data structure is used to avoid recalculating some data every time that
-// we need to transform a file. Since ScriptTransformer is instantiated for each
-// file we need to keep this object in the local scope of this module.
-const projectCaches: WeakMap<
-  Config.ProjectConfig,
-  ProjectCache
-> = new WeakMap();
+const cache: Map<string, TransformResult> = new Map();
+const configToJsonMap = new Map();
+// Cache regular expressions to test whether the file needs to be preprocessed
+const ignoreCache: WeakMap<Config.ProjectConfig, RegExp | null> = new WeakMap();
 // To reset the cache for specific changesets (rather than package version).
 const CACHE_VERSION = '1';
@@ -64,7 +54,6 @@ async function waitForPromiseWithCleanup(
 export default class ScriptTransformer {
   static EVAL_RESULT_VARIABLE: 'Object.<anonymous>';
-  private _cache: ProjectCache;
   private _config: Config.ProjectConfig;
   private _transformCache: Map<Config.Path, Transformer>;
   private _transformConfigCache: Map<Config.Path, unknown>;
@@ -73,21 +62,6 @@ export default class ScriptTransformer {
     this._config = config;
     this._transformCache = new Map();
     this._transformConfigCache = new Map();
-    let projectCache = projectCaches.get(config);
-    if (!projectCache) {
-      projectCache = {
-        configString: stableStringify(this._config),
-        ignorePatternsRegExp: calcIgnorePatternRegExp(this._config),
-        transformRegExp: calcTransformRegExp(this._config),
-        transformedFiles: new Map(),
-      };
-      projectCaches.set(config, projectCache);
-    }
-    this._cache = projectCache;
   private _getCacheKey(
@@ -95,7 +69,12 @@ export default class ScriptTransformer {
     filename: Config.Path,
     instrument: boolean,
   ): string {
-    const configString = this._cache.configString;
+    if (!configToJsonMap.has(this._config)) {
+      // We only need this set of config options that can likely influence
+      // cached output instead of all config options.
+      configToJsonMap.set(this._config, stableStringify(this._config));
+    }
+    const configString = configToJsonMap.get(this._config) || '';
     const transformer = this._getTransformer(filename);
     if (transformer && typeof transformer.getCacheKey === 'function') {
@@ -146,13 +125,9 @@ export default class ScriptTransformer {
   private _getTransformPath(filename: Config.Path) {
-    const transformRegExp = this._cache.transformRegExp;
-    if (!transformRegExp) {
-      return undefined;
-    }
+    const transformRegExp = this._config.transform;
     for (let i = 0; i < transformRegExp.length; i++) {
-      if (transformRegExp[i][0].test(filename)) {
+      if (new RegExp(transformRegExp[i][0]).test(filename)) {
         const transformPath = transformRegExp[i][1];
         this._transformConfigCache.set(transformPath, transformRegExp[i][2]);
@@ -402,7 +377,7 @@ export default class ScriptTransformer {
     if (!options.isCoreModule) {
       instrument = shouldInstrument(filename, options, this._config);
       scriptCacheKey = getScriptCacheKey(filename, instrument);
-      const result = this._cache.transformedFiles.get(scriptCacheKey);
+      const result = cache.get(scriptCacheKey);
       if (result) {
         return result;
@@ -416,7 +391,7 @@ export default class ScriptTransformer {
     if (scriptCacheKey) {
-      this._cache.transformedFiles.set(scriptCacheKey, result);
+      cache.set(scriptCacheKey, result);
     return result;
@@ -514,9 +489,22 @@ export default class ScriptTransformer {
   shouldTransform(filename: Config.Path): boolean {
-    const ignoreRegexp = this._cache.ignorePatternsRegExp;
-    const isIgnored = ignoreRegexp ? ignoreRegexp.test(filename) : false;
+    if (!ignoreCache.has(this._config)) {
+      if (
+        !this._config.transformIgnorePatterns ||
+        this._config.transformIgnorePatterns.length === 0
+      ) {
+        ignoreCache.set(this._config, null);
+      } else {
+        ignoreCache.set(
+          this._config,
+          new RegExp(this._config.transformIgnorePatterns.join('|')),
+        );
+      }
+    }
+    const ignoreRegexp = ignoreCache.get(this._config);
+    const isIgnored = ignoreRegexp ? ignoreRegexp.test(filename) : false;
     return (
       !!this._config.transform && !!this._config.transform.length && !isIgnored
@@ -643,34 +631,6 @@ const getScriptCacheKey = (filename: Config.Path, instrument: boolean) => {
   return filename + '_' + mtime.getTime() + (instrument ? '_instrumented' : '');
-const calcIgnorePatternRegExp = (config: Config.ProjectConfig) => {
-  if (
-    !config.transformIgnorePatterns ||
-    config.transformIgnorePatterns.length === 0
-  ) {
-    return undefined;
-  }
-  return new RegExp(config.transformIgnorePatterns.join('|'));
-const calcTransformRegExp = (config: Config.ProjectConfig) => {
-  if (!config.transform.length) {
-    return undefined;
-  }
-  const transformRegexp: Array<[RegExp, string, Record<string, unknown>]> = [];
-  for (let i = 0; i < config.transform.length; i++) {
-    transformRegexp.push([
-      new RegExp(config.transform[i][0]),
-      config.transform[i][1],
-      config.transform[i][2],
-    ]);
-  }
-  return transformRegexp;
 const wrap = (content: string, ...extras: Array<string>) => {
   const globals = new Set([

Ergh yes, good point.

diff --git i/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts w/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts
index 6ee27c6dd..d91d661c7 100644
--- i/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts
+++ w/packages/jest-transform/src/ScriptTransformer.ts
@@ -43,10 +43,7 @@ const {version: VERSION} = require('../package.json');
 // This data structure is used to avoid recalculating some data every time that
 // we need to transform a file. Since ScriptTransformer is instantiated for each
 // file we need to keep this object in the local scope of this module.
-const projectCaches: WeakMap<
-  Config.ProjectConfig,
-  ProjectCache
-> = new WeakMap();
+const projectCaches = new Map<string, ProjectCache>();
 // To reset the cache for specific changesets (rather than package version).
 const CACHE_VERSION = '1';
@@ -74,17 +71,18 @@ export default class ScriptTransformer {
     this._transformCache = new Map();
     this._transformConfigCache = new Map();
-    let projectCache = projectCaches.get(config);
+    const stringifiedConfig = stableStringify(this._config);
+    let projectCache = projectCaches.get(stringifiedConfig);
     if (!projectCache) {
       projectCache = {
-        configString: stableStringify(this._config),
+        configString: stringifiedConfig,
         ignorePatternsRegExp: calcIgnorePatternRegExp(this._config),
         transformRegExp: calcTransformRegExp(this._config),
         transformedFiles: new Map(),
-      projectCaches.set(config, projectCache);
+      projectCaches.set(stringifiedConfig, projectCache);
     this._cache = projectCache;

Keeping the logging you already do is probably a nice idea as well in case this makes no difference

@SimenB Node-gyp environment issues has delayed me from running jest@next, but I wanted to post some other results.

Windows 10, Node v10.14.2 Project with Typescript

Test Suites: 1492 total Tests: 9668 total

It pieced some other config changes based on discussions in this thread. Primarily:

  • Turned off collecting code coverage
  • Reordered moduleFileExtensions to have ts and tsx at the front of the list

Jest 24.8 baseline, Cold Cache: 629 seconds Jest 24.8 baseline, Warm Cache: 296 seconds

Jest 24.8 w/config changes, Cold Cache: 445 seconds Jest 24.8 w/config changes, Warm Cache: 209 seconds

Compared to jest 23.6, I came to the following conclusions:

  • The warm cache time in 24.8 is pretty close to the warm cache time in 23.6. Unfortunately itā€™s still over 3 minutes, but with a project of our size I think thatā€™s par for the course.
  • The cold cache time is still about 60 seconds slower than the cold cache time in 23.6. But based on findings from others, im sure once we run jest@next we should see this cold cache time decrease.

Once I fix my environment issues Iā€™ll update with that result too.

@SimenB The test suite belongs to a private git repo.

I had difficulty using yarn link for jest-cli because of a babel 6 vs 7 incompatibility issue. So instead, I attempted to do a git bisect of the jest repo by doing yarn add /path/to/jest/packages/jest, between the v22.4.4 and v23.6.0 git tags.

I suspect that because I wasnā€™t using yarn link, the technique of using yarn add /path/to/jest/packages/jest was not testing the actual changes of each commit, but whatever was the released version at that commit.

Anyhow, the result of this bisect (flawed as it was), was that 614f739378d4f1757d8dc99219309553db5b9403 was good, and 7922488d676aa7bc5a6334699df220c7b001e299 was bad.

614f739378d4f1757d8dc99219309553db5b9403 had the about the same median test duration time (9.36s). 7922488d676aa7bc5a6334699df220c7b001e299 had a significantly slower median test duration time (15.47s).

I will try again to get yarn link working for jest-cli.

Thanks @lulubo ! Why do you suggest rolling back to 22 and not 23?

Whoops, sorry I forgot to mention that part. Our performance tests with v23 were only marginally better than v24. Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t recall the exact numbers or percentage, but v22 was where we saw the significant gains.

Yeah, thatā€™s a great point. We should definitely try to figure out if our require algorithm is missing any optimizations we could apply. If itā€™s constructing the module object itself, the resolver, or something else.

The require function is created here, if anyone wanna dig:

@DavyJohnes early after 24 was released there was a cache-busting bug which required users to set name manually in their config to make sure cache worked as intended. To my knowledged that has been patched for some time now, see

I ran a test on 24.9 vs 24.8 on one of our suites. No improvements unfortunately.

24.8, cold cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total
Tests:       5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total
Snapshots:   5 passed, 5 total
Time:        29.323s
Ran all test suites.
āœØ  Done in 30.65s.

24.8, warm cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total
Tests:       5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total
Snapshots:   5 passed, 5 total
Time:        19.109s, estimated 26s
Ran all test suites.
āœØ  Done in 19.91s.

24.9, cold cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total
Tests:       5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total
Snapshots:   5 passed, 5 total
Time:        29.684s
Ran all test suites.
āœØ  Done in 30.57s.

24.9, warm cache:

Test Suites: 3 skipped, 112 passed, 112 of 115 total
Tests:       5 skipped, 494 passed, 499 total
Snapshots:   5 passed, 5 total
Time:        20.909s, estimated 27s
Ran all test suites.
āœØ  Done in 21.65s.

Thatā€™s great @vitalibozhko! Looking at the diff, I see 3 main changes

  1. Upgrade to micromatch@4
  2. Move stack collection (maybe even remove? I just skimmed through)
  3. Do not use pretty-format to format thrown non-errors

Does that seems right? If yes, which parts had the most impact? Some comments on the changes:

  1. Weā€™ll be upgrading micromatch in jest 25.
  2. I was afraid that being eager to collect the stacks would have a negative impact on perf: Not sure what to do here - stacks are important for understanding what went wrong if tests fail. Maybe we could add an option for it, so people can opt-in to better traces? Which theyā€™d activate when tests fail to (potentially) get a better trace
  3. Iā€™m a bit surprised by the pretty-format change - I wouldnā€™t expect that to be heavy as most of the time Errors are thrown and that code path is not activated.

Iā€™m going to look at the source code and do a few diffs to see what I can find. I may be able to at least get started with some help.

If anyone already started pls ping or reply in this thread, much love.

Will try the latest version(24.8.0) shortly and report back.

EDIT: Just as slow on 24.8.0. Anyone have a workaround? We have ~5500 tests and literally canā€™t run them on the latest version(dies in CI due to timeouts or takes all eternity(20+ mins) vs the 3mins it used to take).

The fastest jest release has been 22.4.4. All newer versions have been much slower.

@thymikee Can we remove the Windows-tag here? This is definitely present on MacOS and Ubuntu as well.

Would be great if you could attach a repro that one can checkout and analyze.