BotBuilder-Samples: Task modules not working in ms teams

Sample information

  1. Sample type: Samples
  2. Sample language: nodejs
  3. Sample name: 54. teams-task-module

Describe the bug

The task module is not opening on interaction with the button inside ms teams.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Cloned the repo
  2. Navigated to folder 54. teams-task-module
  3. Did npm install
  4. Updated .env file and manifest json with app ids
  5. Created a zip and installed the app into ms teams.
  6. Sent a message after installation and bot replied with hero card and adaptive card.
  7. Tried pressing any one of the buttons in either of the above cards and nothing happens in desktop app.
  8. Tried checking in web app for console errors and got 2 error messages. One interacting with the button for the first time got the error TaskModuleLaunchService: launchTaskModuleByInvoke failed: "could not find app definition for app e4ac1f5d-26e0-49e4-ad35-e9db5081035d" and in subsequent interactions this error Error: Extension already rendered, only one extension command request can be processed at a time.

Expected behavior

Task Module modal should work open and functions handleTeamsTaskModuleFetch and handleTeamsTaskModuleSubmit should get fired.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments: 34 (11 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Thanks for the response @sayali-MSFT @ChetanSharma-msft. I’ve noticed sometimes the HTML pages works and sometimes it doesn’t, the result seems to be inconsistent.

Looks like Teams updated today to version (64-bit). It was last updated on 6/30/2022. I can give it another try and report back.


@sayali-MSFT the Microsoft teams version is and this is the public ring application that is available on ms teams at Rattle

@harkiratsaluja -We will inform the internal team ,Let you know once we get any update.