vscord: Couldn't connect to Discord via RPC:

I tried to use vscord but when trying to edit code it says: Couldn't connect to Discord via RPC: RPC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: Connection timed out

I do have the necessary settings enabled in discord: image

Heres the exact error log:

[6:23:15 PM] [INFO] Discord Rich Presence for VS Code activated.
[6:23:15 PM] [INFO] Registered Discord Rich Presence commands
[6:23:25 PM] [ERROR] Encountered following error while trying to login: RPC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: Connection timed out
    at Ma.login (c:\Users\kuezy\.vscode-insiders\extensions\leonardssh.vscord-5.0.10\node_modules\@xhayper\discord-rpc\dist\Client.js:250:20)
    at new Qi (c:\Users\kuezy\.vscode-insiders\extensions\leonardssh.vscord-5.0.10\src\controller.ts:34:14)
    at Object.<anonymous> (c:\Users\kuezy\.vscode-insiders\extensions\leonardssh.vscord-5.0.10\src\extension.ts:10:20)
    at Module.u._compile (e:\Users\Kuezy\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\out\vs\loader.js:4:1313)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1220:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1035:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:876:12)
    at Function.c._load (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:5:13343)
    at Function.r._load (e:\Users\Kuezy\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:120:13363)
    at Function.w._load (e:\Users\Kuezy\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:115:61309)
    at Function.v._load (e:\Users\Kuezy\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:115:60713)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1059:19)
    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
    at Function.r [as __$__nodeRequire] (e:\Users\Kuezy\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\out\vs\loader.js:5:101)
    at d.rb (e:\Users\Kuezy\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:115:62572)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
[6:23:25 PM] [INFO] [002] Destroyed Discord RPC client
[6:23:25 PM] [INFO] Successfully logged in to Discord with client ID 782685898163617802

When looking at the discord client ID it says 782685898163617802 which is not my client id…

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments: 56 (10 by maintainers)

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ctrl + shift + p Then use: “developer:reload Window”

This fix the problem ( in my pc )

I solved the issue! Turns out I was using the Flatpak version of VSCodium. Manually installing the .deb provided by VSCodium’s website fixed the issue.

Reconnecting works now