testee: Reporter out of sync with tests being run in browser.

I’m compiling LESS and ES6 (using 6to5) at runtime and dynamically resolving the CommonJS require() calls in the browser for my tests and as a result, if nothing is cached, it can take awhile to run. It seems that Testee becomes out of sync with the tests. Using the Dot reporter, sometimes I only see 2 dots output to the console, sometimes I see 5, sometimes 6, but the reporter never actually finishes even after the tests have finished running and it only seems to get through a few of them (at most) before hanging.

The command I’m running it with is:

./node_modules/.bin/testee tests/index.html --timeout 600 --browsers chrome --reporter Dot.

I’ve tried upping the timeout and using different reporters but it doesn’t seem to help. Any ideas?

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 9 years ago
  • Comments: 21 (9 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@Macrofig Sinon has a fake server with a clock mechanism however this is not what is used in a plain fakeServer.create() from what I can tell. Overrides of global behaviors are out of scope of Testee and should probably be raised in either Socket.io or Jasmine/Sinon if these are problematic.

@treshugart Were there any more developments on your end?