BentoML: Timeout Error - raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None concurrent.futures._base.TimeoutError

Running inference on large (500 mb) image, using Pytorch, on Windows. At 4 - 5 minute the Bentoml serve process throws a time error. It actually keeps running (displaying my print statements from predict function in console) but stops logging and does not pass the results to the webservice. (See logging output below)

Output to webservice is 500 error

Additonally, same Bento repo runs without error in an Ubuntu environment.

Environment: Windows 10, dedicated venv for bentoml (python==3.7) Docker CMD: CMD [“bentoml”, “serve-gunicorn”, “./”, “–timeout”, “5000”, “–workers=1”, “–debug”]

Error Log

(bentoml) C:\Users\bnapora\bentoml\repository\ODRetNet_objectdect_stage1>bentoml serve ODRetNet_objectdect_stage1:latest --port 5002 --debug --enable-microbatch
[2021-04-02 11:36:17,507] INFO - Getting latest version ODRetNet_objectdect_stage1:20210402105755_8D6FAF
[2021-04-02 11:36:17,528] INFO - Starting BentoML API proxy in development mode..
[2021-04-02 11:36:17,633] WARNING - Using BentoML not from official PyPI release. In order to find the same version of BentoML when deploying your BentoService, you must set the 'core/bentoml_deploy_version' config to a http/git location of your BentoML fork, e.g.: 'bentoml_deploy_version = git+{username}/bentoml.git@{branch}'
[2021-04-02 11:36:17,645] WARNING - Saved BentoService bundle version mismatch: loading BentoService bundle create with BentoML version 0.12.0, but loading from BentoML version 0.12.0+12.g8a6d4a3
[2021-04-02 11:36:17,647] INFO - Your system nofile limit is 1024, which means each instance of microbatch service is able to hold this number of connections at same time. You can increase the number of file descriptors for the server process, or launch more microbatch instances to accept more concurrent connection.
======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
[2021-04-02 11:36:18,440] INFO - Starting BentoML API server in development mode..
[2021-04-02 11:36:18,636] WARNING - Using BentoML not from official PyPI release. In order to find the same version of BentoML when deploying your BentoService, you must set the 'core/bentoml_deploy_version' config to a http/git location of your BentoML fork, e.g.: 'bentoml_deploy_version = git+{username}/bentoml.git@{branch}'
[2021-04-02 11:36:18,654] WARNING - Saved BentoService bundle version mismatch: loading BentoService bundle create with BentoML version 0.12.0, but loading from BentoML version 0.12.0+12.g8a6d4a3
[2021-04-02 11:36:20,535] INFO - Detected zipimporter <zipimporter object "d:\Development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\Scripts\bentoml.exe">
[2021-04-02 11:36:20,595] WARNING - pip package requirement `object_detection_fastai` not found in current python environment
[2021-04-02 11:36:20,596] WARNING - pip package requirement `imageio` not found in current python environment
[2021-04-02 11:36:20,712] WARNING - BentoML by default does not include spacy and torchvision package when using PytorchModelArtifact. To make sure BentoML bundle those packages if they are required for your model, either import those packages in BentoService definition file or manually add them via `@env(pip_packages=['torchvision'])` when defining a BentoService
 * Serving Flask app "ODRetNet_objectdect_stage1" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

ERROR - Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                    | 12/101 [04:39<35:12, 23.74s/it] 
  File "d:\development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\lib\site-packages\bentoml\marshal\", line 100, in request_dispatcher
    resp = await func(request)
  File "d:\development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\lib\site-packages\bentoml\marshal\", line 282, in request_dispatcher
    resp = await self.relay_handler(request)
  File "d:\development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\lib\site-packages\bentoml\marshal\", line 297, in relay_handler
    request.method, url, data=data, headers=request.headers
  File "d:\development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 1117, in __aenter__
    self._resp = await self._coro
  File "d:\development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 544, in _request
    await resp.start(conn)
  File "d:\development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 905, in start
    self._continue = None
  File "d:\development\.virtualenvs\bentoml\lib\site-packages\aiohttp\", line 656, in __exit__
    raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None

Patch# 13 - result_boxes_cnt: 6
                                                                                                                                                                        Patch# 14 - result_boxes_cnt: 6                                                                                                         | 13/101 [05:02<34:52, 23.78s/it] 
                                                                                                                                                                        Patch# 15 - result_boxes_cnt: 6                                                                                                         | 14/101 [05:26<34:35, 23.86s/it] 
                                                                                                                                                                        Patch# 16 - result_boxes_cnt: 6                                                                                                         | 15/101 [05:53<35:22, 24.68s/it] 
                                                                                                                                                                        Patch# 17 - result_boxes_cnt: 7                                                                                                         | 16/101 [06:19<35:37, 25.14s/it] 
                                                                                                                                                                        Patch# 18 - result_boxes_cnt: 7                                                                                                         | 17/101 [06:46<35:39, 25.47s/it] 
                                                                                                                                                                        Patch# 19 - result_boxes_cnt: 7                                                                                                         | 18/101 [07:12<35:39, 25.78s/it] 
                                                                                                                                                                        Patch# 20 - result_boxes_cnt: 7                                                                                                         | 19/101 [07:39<35:32, 26.00s/it] 
 20%|█████████████████████████▋                                                                                                        | 20/101 [08:05<32:46, 24.28s/it]
[2021-04-02 11:44:38,269] INFO - {'service_name': 'ODRetNet_objectdect_stage1', 'service_version': '20210402105755_8D6FAF', 'api': 'predict', 'task': {'data': '{"filename":"D:\\\\DataSets\\\\MITOS_WSI_CCMCT\\\\WSI\\\\2efb541724b5c017c503.svs"}', 'task_id': '7f8098e2-6628-48a1-b536-7338c02efbed', 'http_headers': (('Host', 'localhost:5002'), ('Connection', 'keep-alive'), ('Content-Length', '75'), ('Accept', '*/*'), ('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36 Edg/89.0.774.63'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ('Origin', 'http://localhost:5002'), ('Sec-Fetch-Site', 'same-origin'), ('Sec-Fetch-Mode', 'cors'), ('Sec-Fetch-Dest', 'empty'), ('Referer', 'http://localhost:5002/'), ('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate, br'), ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.9'), ('Cookie', '_pk_id.1.1fff=1aef6d922a4cf667.1614357171.; _ga=GA1.1.2126624898.1616688679; csrftoken=h3VUxPXWaJlRdDxoaez4L9OOSlCom4GC6GyD5qJNqg8BKTNv0sM1C9KOkvYUMf0N; sessionid=bwsnoh09gj31efxzyvyqnayry3shft89; _xsrf=2|0d92a214|b5cff3615b227cfcce0abb55cd3d2355|1617143649; username-localhost-8889="2|1:0|10:1617145371|23:username-localhost-8889|44:NjMwYTU3ZjYyMTM0NDllNmE5MWUzZTEzMzUwNDI5NTA=|58a0761abdaa3a4c814a51bfa4d17a42052fa0b768d8ec9b4bde0ff9e18a9c10"; username-localhost-9090="2|1:0|10:1617228019|23:username-localhost-9090|44:ZmVlNzYxY2ViNDAxNGM4MjllOGYzZTAzYTFjZWU1MzM=|2569752bd39e53913113217b13480ad065e48aec48a4c2ae1fbda31fbeae673f"; username-localhost-8888="2|1:0|10:1617387614|23:username-localhost-8888|44:YTI0ODNmOGE0MWFkNDNkZDg5YzVlM2Q4M2VjNTcyZTM=|61d78347a0692c3d7b5c0ce923712db0a41d75284e47b47584987e47c7e3af9a"'))}, 'result': {'data': '{"2efb541724b5c017c503.svs": [[2733.0, 17584.0, 2783.0, 17644.0, 0.0, 0.689713180065155], [2716.0, 17568.0, 2774.0, 17627.0, 0.0, 0.5896230340003967], [2638.0, 17598.0, 2694.0, 17654.0, 0.0, 0.5084918141365051], [2654.0, 17612.0, 2711.0, 17668.0, 0.0, 0.30136606097221375], [2760.0, 17590.0, 2798.0, 17643.0, 0.0, 0.7467142343521118], [2767.0, 17602.0, 2817.0, 17654.0, 0.0, 0.3130497336387634], [3890.0, 70860.0, 3933.0, 70911.0, 0.0, 0.31610095500946045]]}', 'http_status': 200, 'http_headers': (('Content-Type', 'application/json'),)}, 'request_id': '7f8098e2-6628-48a1-b536-7338c02efbed'} - - [02/Apr/2021 11:44:38] "POST /predict HTTP/1.1" 200 -

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions: 2
  • Comments: 15 (5 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

We will take a look into this for 1.0 releases. Thank you for the feedback.

I have used the “mb_max_latency” option in the @bentoml.api section as per this documentation, the timeout error was resolved for me. Hope this helps folks who are facing similar issues.

I tried suggestions in #1234 . Neither adding --timeout to docker run or including increased value in environment variable changed behavior. Still get asyncio.TimeoutError at 5:00 min of run time.