ui-router: $stateChangeStart -> event.preventDefault() forces wrong url change.
in my main controller:
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, toUrl, fromUrl) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
if (notLoggedIn) {
states definition (just the relevant portion, other states are obviously there):
$urlRouterProvider.when('', '/home');
console output
so it first loads the application
then it applies the first “when” condition on urlRouter level, so it goes to /home.
Then, the $stateChangeStart triggers, checks that user is not logged is (own logic), and does event.preventDefault(). At this stage, instantly, the url is reset
and somehow, the “otherwise” condition triggers in
This 3rd step is unexpected and breaks the flow of the application (preventing interferes with urlRouter)
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 9 years ago
- Comments: 29 (4 by maintainers)
After some issue studying, rewriting my otherwise statement to this
solved my
issue.(Sorry, don’t know where i copied that from)
Was experiencing this issue myself with an outdated version of ui-router v0.2.15 and tried all the work arounds to no avail. For anyone experiencing this issue, ui-router v0.4.2 has now rectified the issue.
The work around I found was:-
The key for me was to return the new state
Yes, that’s it. I have the login redirect right after the preventDefault (edited my initial code), pretty much the same as you’ve described. But it will never reach it, as preventDefault resets the url and then triggers the “otherwise” condition on urlRouter. I do understand that in this particular case, there’s no previous state and maybe the url reset makes sense. But it collides with otherwise, which prevents the redirect from working.
I’m not very good at providing sample codes on these external services, sorry. This should do, though. angular 1.3.8, newest ui-router.