ui-router: Refreshing the browser doesn't refresh the ui-router's state when doing nested states.

In a situation like:

                        abstract: true, //this state is abstract, it provides an abstract base for children (only abstract states can have a default child state)
                        url: '/blog',
                        templateUrl: 'blog.html',
                        controller: 'BlogCtrl'
                        url: '', //empty url demonstrates that it is the default childstate of the ui-view
                        templateUrl: 'blog_posts.html',
                        controller: 'BlogPostsCtrl'
                        url: '/:blogPostId',
                        views: {
                            '': {
                                templateUrl: 'blog_post.html',
                                controller: 'BlogPostCtrl'
                            'comments': {
                                templateUrl: 'blog_post_comments.html',
                                controller: 'BlogPostCommentsCtrl'

When you go into e.com/blog/123 and go back to e.com/blog by refreshing the browser or a location refresh, it doesn’t change the state back to blog.posts. It does do it when I use the back button or hit on a link that changes the url, but a direct location refresh doesn’t.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 11 years ago
  • Comments: 32 (3 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@bikashsharmabks: Where do you add this code to avoid browser refresh taking to home page.

angular.module(‘app’).run([‘$state’, ‘$stateParams’, function($state, $stateParams) { //this solves page refresh and getting back to state }]);