pyparrot: connection failed: bebop 1

Hello, I can’t connect to my bebop 1. connecting connection failed: did you remember to connect your machine to the Drone's wifi network? False I am well connected to my drone :p And I use a raspberry. I do not know what’s the problem? If you have an idea…

Thank you

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Comments: 40 (22 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Finally! I was able to solve the problem and connect to the drone successfully on windows (haven’t tried Linux VM yet). Turns out it’s a network configuration problem. To solve that I had to reset the network + disable McAfee for it to work. After connecting few times, the same error might return and I just reset the network adapter every time that happens.

these are commands I used (I recommend you reset the adapter 1st before trying a whole network reset) to reset network adapter: (open cmd with admin rights) netsh winsock reset

to reset the whole network settings: []

I hope this is of help to anyone who suffered the same problem as me 😃

been traveling and fell behind on this. So the firewall issue sounds like it is the key. I assume you have permission issues between the Linux VM and windows?

Finally, the bebop flight well 😃. But I have the impression that the function start_video_streamdoes not work for me. I’ll see what I can do.