System.Linq.Dynamic.Core: System.Linq.Queryable breaking changes in .NET 6

Hi, I’m the area owner for System.Linq in the .NET libraries team. As part of our efforts to improve LINQ in .NET 6 we have added a small number of method overloads to the queryable APIs. This is known to break query providers whose reflection code does not account for method overloading. I have filed a breaking change issue which contains instructions on how to mitigate the problem.

I’m contacting you directly since we have received reports that your nuget package System.Linq.Dynamic.Core is also affected by this change.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions: 1
  • Comments: 17

Most upvoted comments

@sofiageo @wihrl @tirth-uhn @enchev

I’ll try to release an official 1.2.12 on NuGet this weekend.

Note that I’ll also create a new issue to also support the new Queryable methods which are introduced in .NET 6

It works for me too.

@StefH it works! Thanks so much for the quick fix.

@StefH It works fine for me on a Radzen RadzenDataGrid. It used to throw an exception before upgrading to 1.2.12-preview-01

p.s I’ve only tested filtering on a text column.


@Mike-E-angelo You can also install the official 1.2.12 version.

How extensive are the changes necessary to fix this? Can I expect a fix anytime soon?

I ended up having to downgrade a project back to .NET 5 because of this.

Preview versions for EF 6 are available on NuGet.