node-zwave-js: Some Qubino 2-relay ZMNHBD devices (depending on firmware version) do not send instant status reports


  • I am not using HomeAssistant. Or: a developer has told me to come here.
  • I am not using ZWaveJS2MQTT. Or: a developer has told me to come here.
  • I have checked the troubleshooting section and my problem is not described there.
  • I have read the changelog and my problem was not mentioned there.

Describe the bug

Some Qubino 2-relay ZMNHBD devices that do not send “instant status” reports to zwavejs2mqtt when they are operated manually. They are all firmare version 1.1. However other ones, versioned 1.2 and 5.0 work perfectly. All these devices worked ok in the ancient zwave 1.4.

Forcing “Refresh values” to affected nodes results in correct value updates.

Device information

Which device(s) is/are affected (make/model)? QUBINO ZMNHBD Flush 2 relay (firmware 1.1) What are the node IDs? 21, 22, 28, 36, 37, 38, 50, 56

Did you change anything?

  • Yes: (please describe)
  • No

Did this use to work before?

  • Don’t know, this is a new device
  • No, it never worked anywhere
  • Yes, in: (Zwave 1.4)

How are you using node-zwave-js

  • zwavejs2mqtt (latest) docker image 2.1.1
  • zwavejs2mqtt (dev) docker image
  • zwavejs2mqtt Manual Docker build
    • node-zwave-js branch:
    • zwavejs2mqtt branch:
  • ioBroker.zwave2 adapter
  • HomeAssistant version XYZ
  • Pkg
  • Manual Docker build
    • node-zwave-js branch:
    • zwavejs2mqtt branch:
  • Manually built (as described in the docs)
  • Other:

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ‘…’
  2. Click on ‘…’
  3. Scroll down to ‘…’
  4. See error


Additional context

Nodes with issue: 21, 22, 28, 36, 37, 38, 50, 56 (Firmware 1.1) Nodes with no issue: 39 (Firmware 1.2)

Logs include manual switching on, then off for nodes 37 and 39, both endpoints (may be more than once).



Part of zwave2mqtt.log file for node 37. Switched on then off, both endpoints Part of zwave2mqtt.log file for node 39. Switched on then off, both endpoints

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments: 65 (28 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Note that you need to exclude and re-include Qubino devices after changing the endpoint configuration.

Hi! I’ve got similar issues with old Qubino Flush 1 Relays ZMNHAA (Z-Wave chip firmware versions 1.12, Z-Wave protocol version 3.28). I’m not receiving any unsolicited updates e.g. energy reports or status updates when manually operating a switch.

Currently running zwavejs2mqtt version 5.10.1 (Z-wave JS 8.6.1).

I migrated from Fibaro Home Center 2 (where all Qubino devices worked just fine) to running Home Assistant on a NUC with an AEON Labs Gen5 USB Z‐Stick Controller.

How should I proceed, should I open a separate issue? But I’m not sure which logs you want and how to get them…

Associations to Node 1 with a different endpoint than 1 are now possible with #2347. As for setting up the associations, I’ll have to revisit this after #2286 is solved.

No, they didn’t. Just that this is a very old firmware.

BUT, I have a FW1.2 that reports status with no issues. So may be you can act only in FW1.1 or older ones.

Some pics from PC Controller screen show how the associations were configured:

Associations-node-57-01 Associations-node-57-02 Associations-node-57-03 Associations-node-57-04

Hello. I have some news about this.

This morning, some people from Qubino support team have been make some tests directly on my zwave network using the SIlabs PCController. They have report these two texts:



I am not sure whether this is different from what they suggested before or not. I am a little bit dizzy with all these dances with endpoints. The point is that, after connecting the dongle newly to the machine that runs zwavejs2mqtt+Homeassistant, and reinterview the node (it was excluded, and included with the PC Controller) the device reports perfectly!

I have tried to mimic these associations for a different node with no success. But I think that the problem is that the associations are not made.For instance, trying to set the following association:

Node: 36 - Group: Q1 switch binary - Target: NodeID_1 - Endpoint: 1

The log says:

Calling api addAssociations with args: [ 36, 3, [ { nodeId: 1, endpoint: 1 }, [length]: 1 ], [length]: 3 ] Error while adding associations to 36: The endpoint 1 was not found on node 1!

Instead, If I try:

Node: 36 - Group: Q1 switch binary - Target: NodeID_1 - Endpoint: 0

The log says:

Calling api addAssociations with args: [ 36, 3, [ { nodeId: 1, endpoint: 0 }, [length]: 1 ], [length]: 3 ] Assocaitions: Adding Node 1 to Group 3 of Node 36 Success zwave api call addAssociations { success: true, message: ‘Success zwave api call’, result: undefined } Calling api getAssociations with args: [ 36, 3, [length]: 2 ] Success zwave api call getAssociations { success: true, message: ‘Success zwave api call’, result: [ { nodeId: 0, endpoint: 0 }, [length]: 1 ]

nodeid 0???. The fact is that in the UI “no associations” is shown when requested, but the log shows:

result: [ { nodeId: 0, endpoint: 0 }, [length]: 1 ]

I have also updated my zwavejs2mqtt to docker :latest (7.1.1) and I observe the same behavior.

Am I missing something when working with the associations in zwavejs? May be the multichannel lifeline setup needs something else?

I have been able to solve the issue enabling MQTT in zwavejs2mqtt and using automations to catch the value updates (wether changing state or not) to endpoint 0, forcing the polling to endpoints 1 and 2. This way:

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-15 a las 9 49 38

It seems to work fine (I have to watch performance). Thank you for your help, @AlCalzone. I also forwarded the issue to Qubino support. Waiting for answer…