zebra: Use the same format as `zcashd` for `getblocktemplate` proposal mode errors


When I use zebra-utils/zcash-rpc-block-template-to-proposal from PR #5944 to send a block proposal from Zebra to both zcashd and Zebra, I see these differences in the response format:

Proposal response diffs between ports  8232 6666 and time sources CurTime MinTime MaxTime ClampedNow:
--- /tmp/tmp.UWcAoSvcUZ.block-template-proposal/proposal-check-getblocktemplate-proposal.CurTime.8232.json	2023-01-26 15:15:37.881314992 -0300
+++ /tmp/tmp.UWcAoSvcUZ.block-template-proposal/proposal-check-getblocktemplate-proposal.MaxTime.6666.json	2023-01-26 15:15:38.329290891 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+invalid proposal: Block {
+    source: ValidateProposal(
+        "proposal is not based on the current best chain tip: previous block hash must be the best chain tip",
+    ),

Zebra should return a string to match the zcashd response format, but it is currently returning JSON. For example zcashd returns errors like bad-txns-inputs-missingorspent


We were following the specifications in the bitcoin improvement proposals here, but being compatible with the zcashd implementation is a higher priority.

It is enough to return any error string in kebab-case format - we don’t need to match the exact error wording.

For the example above about best tip error zebra should return something like:


Complex Code or Requirements

This should be a simple format change.


We can use the zebra-utils/zcash-rpc-block-template-to-proposal script to manually re-test to make sure this bug is gone. We’ll need to wait for an error.

(The previous block error happens if a new block has just arrived, or there is a chain fork.)

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments: 15 (15 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@mpguerra I don’t think this is a blocker for anything, except maybe for some mining pool software using Zebra.

We could try replacing all the punctuation and newlines in those messages with - ?

Then the message would stay detailed and readable, but it would match the format that zcashd uses.

@mpguerra we might want to schedule this fix in this sprint, the different outputs could make testing harder for everyone, because we have to check the differences every time we run the script. But this is not a consensus rule bug, so it’s not as important as #5982. @arya2 what do you think?

I think it’s low-priority since it only happens for rejections where the response is going to be different anyways because Zebra doesn’t provide any specific reject-reasons. The intent in this case is to test the template response rather than getblocktemplate in proposal mode so I think should prioritize fixing the causes of rejections over this.

It could be a blocker for running with nodes if they exit or permanently fail when they get an error response they are not expecting.

So I think we might want to fix it before we ask mining pools to test Zebra.

(We expect to return a “wrong tip block” to about 1% of proposals, due to changing chain forks, and new blocks being committed while the proposal is being created.)