zebra: `fake_peer_set::mempool_requests_for_transactions` failed with Nil response


In PR #5383, fake_peer_set::mempool_requests_for_transactions failed with:

internal error: entered unreachable code: MempoolTransactionIds requests should always respond Ok(Vec<UnminedTxId>), got Ok(Nil)

_Originally posted by @teor2345 in https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/issues/5383#issuecomment-1275204946_


Just allow a Nil response, the other tests cover this case as well.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments: 15 (15 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

How do we know that it failed with Nil response, as opposed to a different unexpected response? It’s not clear to me from the logs…

That specific log message is only used when Nil is returned: https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/blob/71f5e63e6455a79c5a02f2dc5fc5261001fc7846/zebrad/src/components/inbound/tests/fake_peer_set.rs#L81-L85

The log should probably also say Nil, or log the actual response.