fuse-rs: Cleanup on terminate or prior to mount
The file system is not unmounted when the application is terminated. E.g. ctrl+c
in the hello example. Attempting to run the application again (on OSX) errors out with:
mount_osxfusefs: mount point /private/tmp/test is itself on a OSXFUSE volume
I wanted to use the unmount function prior to calling mount
, but it’s private. Hoping this would do the necessary cleanup to attempt unmounting orphaned file systems, and let the application happily continue running.
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: open
- Created 8 years ago
- Reactions: 2
- Comments: 16 (3 by maintainers)
I believe you need to pass them separately:
auto-unmounting is probably a bad idea. Imagine a background process that runs
rsync --delete fuse/mnt/ dir/
, and the fuse process crashes. If the filesystem was unmounted rsync would happily delete everything in dir/, whereas you’d get an error if it was still mounted.I have fuse 2.9.5 on Linux, and it has the “-o auto_unmount” option which achieves what you want. Pass those options to the fuse::mount function, and on program exit, the filesystem will be unmounted.
Performing cleanup steps with signal handlers is a fine idea, but it doesn’t eliminate the utility of a public
function. I can think of at least two cases where it would be convenient:fuse::mount
only returns after the filesystem is unmounted: https://github.com/zargony/rust-fuse/blob/573233b236715a7bf56dd3202639aada983159c7/src/lib.rs#L374-L375SIGKILL
provides no opportunity to cleanup. But we can still unmount the killed mount on startup.It can never be foolproof - e.g.
doesn’t give a process any chance to react. But it sure would be nice to handle catchable signals likeSIGINT