zap-hud: daemon mode always crashes

I think that this may be due to something wrong with Firefox - but the error output is a little mysterious. If I don’t use -daemon then it works (but I have to click through the GUI manually, and I MUST use chrome).

Is there a secret command for choosing to launch a different browser? using -browser chrome makes it hang…

$ bash ./zap/ZAP_D-2019-04-29/ -daemon -host -port 8082  -hud -nostdout
Found Java version 1.8.0_181
Available memory: 16384 MB
Using JVM args: -Xmx4096m
ZAP is now listening on
1556662771252   geckodriver     INFO    geckodriver 0.19.1
1556662771260   geckodriver     INFO    Listening on
1556662771570   mozrunner::runner       INFO    Running command: "/Applications/" "-marionette" "-profile" "/var/folders/3r/kb0m2qy90fdb338ydcrpvw8r0000gn/T/rust_mozprofile.uI7qyhyYofFR"
1556662772093     WARN    Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: mozillaAddons
1556662772093     WARN    Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: resource://pdf.js/
1556662772093     WARN    Loading extension '': Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: about:reader*
1556662772238   Marionette      TRACE   Received observer notification profile-after-change
1556662772362   Marionette      TRACE   Received observer notification command-line-startup
1556662772362   Marionette      TRACE   Received observer notification nsPref:changed
1556662772363   Marionette      DEBUG   Init aborted (running=false, enabled=true, finalUIStartup=false)
1556662772605   Marionette      TRACE   Received observer notification toplevel-window-ready
1556662773396   Marionette      TRACE   Received observer notification sessionstore-windows-restored
1556662773396   Marionette      TRACE   Waiting until startup recorder finished recording startup scripts...
1556662773696   Marionette      TRACE   All scripts recorded.
1556662773696   Marionette      DEBUG   Setting recommended pref app.update.disabledForTesting to true
1556662773696   Marionette      DEBUG   Setting recommended pref browser.contentblocking.introCount to 99
1556662773697   Marionette      DEBUG   Setting recommended pref datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionPolicyAccepted to false
1556662773697   Marionette      DEBUG   Setting recommended pref dom.disable_beforeunload to true
1556662773698   Marionette      DEBUG   Setting recommended pref toolkit.cosmeticAnimations.enabled to false
1556662773756   Marionette      INFO    Listening on port 63764
1556662773757   Marionette      DEBUG   Remote service is active
1556662773844   Marionette      DEBUG   Accepted connection 0 from
1556662773846   Marionette      DEBUG   0 -> [0,1,"newSession",{"acceptInsecureCerts":true,"browserName":"firefox","capabilities":{"desiredCapabilities":{"acceptInsecureCerts":true,"browserName":"firefox"}}}]
1556662773846   Marionette      DEBUG   0 <- [1,1,{"error":"unknown command","message":"newSession","stacktrace":"WebDriverError@chrome://marionette/content/error.js:179: ... et@chrome://marionette/content/server.js:235:8\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://marionette/content/transport.js:493:9\n"},null]
Exiting due to channel error.
[GFX1-]: Receive IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown
Exiting due to channel error.
May 01, 2019 12:19:33 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorCodes toStatus
INFO: HTTP Status: '404' -> incorrect JSON status mapping for 'unknown error' (500 expected)

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments: 22 (22 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

I’ll close this issue because my problem was solved by symlinking the up to date geckodriver into the manually installed macOS version of zap - or removing the manually installed version entirely.

quickurl is a scan flag it has nothing to do with your browser. (Do it in UI mode and you’ll see what it does. Or review this:

That must be leftover from the MacOS install that I performed last week. After purging ZAP and ZAP_D everything works as expected.