oxidized: "source returns no usable nodes" error after docker host reboot

Hello everyone, I know, this error appears a lot of times here, but I couldn’t find any solution. I read my config files multiple times to see if there is a typo somewhere, but didn’t find anything.

I installed oxidized and LibreNMS a few weeks ago on the same server, but each in its own docker container (multiple docker container for libreNMS). All the container are in the same docker network, which is a bridge.

Everything worked fine until I restarted my host server. Since then, Oxidized is unable to start, with the following error :

I, [2023-08-02T09:12:01.964453 #2635]  INFO -- : Oxidized starting, running as pid 2635
I, [2023-08-02T09:12:02.020787 #2635]  INFO -- : lib/oxidized/nodes.rb: Loading nodes
I, [2023-08-02T09:12:02.043168 #2635]  INFO -- : lib/oxidized/nodes.rb: Loaded 0 nodes
F, [2023-08-02T09:12:02.043231 #2635] FATAL -- : Oxidized crashed, crashfile written in /home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/crash
source returns no usable nodes

Here is my oxidized config file :

username: top_secret_username
password: top_secret_password
interval: 3600
resolve_dns: true
use_syslog: false
threads: 30
use_max_threads: false
timeout: 20
retries: 3
prompt: !ruby/regexp /^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/
next_adds_job: true
vars: {}
groups: {}
group_map: {}
models: {}
pid: "/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/pid"
  directory: "/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/crashes"
  hostnames: false
  history_size: 10
  default: ssh
  debug: false
    secure: false
  utf8_encoded: true
  default: http
  debug: false
    url: http://docker_host:8001/api/v0/oxidized
      name: hostname
      model: os
      group: group
      X-Auth-Token: 'token'
    file: "/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/router.db"
    delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/
      name: 0
      model: 1
    gpg: false
  default: git
    user: oxidized
    email: o@example.com
    repo: "/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/git-repos/default.git"
    directory: "/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/configs"

If I set default: csv instead of default: http in the input, everything works fine. I already renewed the LibreNMS API token multiple times, with multiple rights (Admin and Global Read) with no success. If I set debug: true in the oxidized file, I don’t have any logs in the logs folder.

Running curl from the oxidized container to the libreNMS container works fine, I get the list of all the devices which are in LibreNMS :

root@1835b2f94b92:/home/oxidized# curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: token' http://docker_host:8001/api/v0/oxidized
[ . . . ]

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments: 17 (10 by maintainers)

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I think i have something functional. Would be nice if someone can confirm too


@ytti fyi