youtube-dl: Youtube download speed still slow
- I’m reporting a broken site support
- I’ve verified that I’m running youtube-dl version 2021.12.17
- I’ve checked that all provided URLs are alive and playable in a browser
- I’ve checked that all URLs and arguments with special characters are properly quoted or escaped
- I’ve searched the bugtracker for similar issues including closed ones
It’s great to see that youtube-dl has finally received an update. However, the slow download speed issue is still present. @dstftw Do you plan to update youtube-dl to fix this problem?
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 3 years ago
- Reactions: 7
- Comments: 42 (11 by maintainers)
Commits related to this issue
- Move myself to inactive — committed to ytdl-org/youtube-dl by dstftw 3 years ago
The fact that a vaguely useful project ever existed here is merely coincidental; this project was created solely as a way for its malignant narcissist maintainer to use more people as a source of narcissistic supply. He has time to troll his own users every single day but apparently no time to do releases in 6 months. Brew install yt-dlp it’s a fork by people who actually give a crap, all the bugs that dstftw uses as an excuse to attack and gaslight users were fixed in the other port many many months ago; speeds are good, the insane command line options make sense now and the defaults are actually useful, and thinking about using it doesn’t make me want to decapitate myself. YMMV
Just use instead.
The current maintainer has proven himself to be incapable of properly steering this project.
Admittedly, this is a hard thing to do for a project of this size and reach, but by no means an insurmountable task - people organize themselves all the time to do this successfully. However, the total refusal to seek help, delegate, and communicate, resulting in a period of 6 month-long radio silence followed a paltry release that doesn’t fix the most pressing issue (throttling) without further explanations or apologies in such a crucial project is just inexcusable.
It is irresponsible and damaging to the FOSS world to run an important project like this. Less technical users who don’t keep up with every little bit of news haven’t heard about yt-dlp, and so have been stuck with a barely-functioning youtube-dl release for months.
At this point the maintainer should cede the repository to the maintainers of yt-dlp, so that they can continue its development under the better-known
“brand”/name. The last thing that we need is for youtube-dl to become another Apache OpenOffice: 1, 2.I admire your bravery and shamelessness in promoting your useless project everywhere.
Please consider collaborating with the yt-dlp maintainers and put them in charge of this repository, so that they can continue development of their active fork under the better-known name.
Alternatively, set this repository to archived status and place a big notice at the top of the README stating that it is abandoned, but further development continues on the yt-dlp fork.
Your efforts in the maintenence of the project are much appreciated, but you can’t (well, shouldn’t) abandon a project without ensuring all users know where they can go next - it’s the least you can do when stepping down as a maintainer.
Issue has been addressed before, fixes have also been provided. I had the same issue and installing this merge request fixed it:
pip install --force-reinstall -U git+
Getting solid 5MiB/s now
yt-dlt does seem to fix the issue, and doesn’t seem to have installed malware.
Not to worry, nothing gets lost on the Internet…
Screenshot from OctoDroid.
I would assume this is generated from GitHub’s public API. Anyone can open the commenter’s page in the same app and verify.
Perhaps Steven Penny from Dallas should think twice before he writes. I would not hope to get hired with that attitude.
(I guess we owe an apology to the original author of this ticket, who probably didn’t open it just to be witness to this silly spat.)
dateinformation is only updated when generating a new release:
What, like Google?
What’s the point, if issue will not be resolved anyway here, and it’s fixed long time ago in fork.
@alakani, @fstirlitz, @kssi, @megapro17 As many comments that were being responded to have magically disappeared, shouldn’t we just hide our spat-related posts as off-topic?
Your email address is on your public profile, the github logs are also public and you would have to take it up with them. Your profile also implies that you own - I don’t think Josh would appreciate that, especially with how you’re acting
Having same issue. It’s pretty clear IMO that google / youtube is throttling. If they wanted us to be able to download content, they would give us a download button, or other way via the UI to download. Just the facdt that this program and others like it exist should tell you that we’re in an arms race with one of the most powerful corporations on the planet, and at the moment, we’re losing.
Remember to always check every binary you install for malware!
Open source is a cut throat business and no one is getting paid
Idk man, I don’t do windows. Just pip install it in a virtual environment…