ExpandableCell: Cells randomly disappearing and titleLabel.text displays wrong text

Hey. I have 11 ExpandableCells and about 50 ExpandedCells. I am initializing it like that:

func expandableTableView(_ expandableTableView: ExpandableTableView, expandedCellsForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> [UITableViewCell]? {

	`var cells: [ExpandedCell] = []
	for i in 0...platinumProteinMeals[indexPath.row].meals.count - 1 {
		let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: ExpandedCell.ID) as! ExpandedCell
		print("\(indexPath) | \(i) | \(platinumProteinMeals[indexPath.row].meals[i])")
		cell.titleLabel.text = platinumProteinMeals[indexPath.row].meals[i]
		cell.isHidden = false
	return cells

The platinumProteinMeals is an array of 11 NDDSections, one section would look like this: NDDSection(category: "Beef", meals: ["Beef Avocado Salad", "Beef in Chili Sauce", "Beef Soup", "Beef Steak", "Beef Tartar", "Beef with French Beans", "Chilli Lime Beef", "Thai Beef Salad"])

My issue is that the cell randomly disappears (mostly while scrolling) and a wrong meal of themeals array is getting displayed. For example a Turkey meal is being displayed in the Beef ExpandableCell. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance

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@andrei0929 @Marolicious @kwongius @ezefranca @kennydust
I added tableView.reloadData() in the end of the the function of public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) waiting you respond if this helped you or not it is not the best solution I known but may be help