xyflow: fitView() on onLoad doesn't seem to act, but works with Control Panel

Hello there,

I am currently working on the fitView() method on my diagram, but I see that it doesn’t seem to fit on onLoad().

I am doing this, following the doc :

const onLoad = (reactFlowInstance) => {

But it doesn’t happen. But when I click on the fitView button on the control, it does work !

Here is how I use the props in the component :

        elementsSelectable={diagramMode !== "View"}
        defaultPosition={[0, 0]}
          nodeColor={(node) => {
            switch (node.type) {
              case "input":
                return "red";
              case "default":
                return "#00ff00";
              case "output":
                return "rgb(0,0,255)";
                return "#eee";
        <Controls />

I tried adding padding as a parameter, to do as the Control Panel . Here is the code of the control panel I found in the sources :

{showFitView && (
          className="react-flow__controls-button react-flow__controls-fitview"
          onClick={() => fitView({ padding: 0.1 })}
          <FitviewIcon />

But even when adding padding like this, it does not change the behaviour. I tried to look at the older issues but couln’t find something related.

Would you have any idea about the source of this ?

Thank you, Yoann

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions: 5
  • Comments: 15 (3 by maintainers)

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This seems to happen when the elements are changed after ReactFlow gets mounted (e.g. with useEffect like in the custom node example). That is because the onLoad handler gets called before the new elements are passed to the component. You can workaround this by waiting for the elements to change in an extra useEffect hook. Minimal example: https://codesandbox.io/s/unruffled-ishizaka-fhljt?file=/src/App.js

happening to me too. Fixed it by adding setTimeout, i.e.

onLoad={(instance) => setTimeout(() => instance.fitView(), 0)}

EDIT: this might be caused by setting ‘defaultPosition’, it doesn’t happen once I comment it out

For anyone stumbling across this because fitView doesn’t seem to be working, the answer in my case was to wait for useNodesInitialized [1] to return true after changing the nodes.

Simply calling setNodes(...) then reactFlowInstance.fitView() doesn’t act on the nodes you just set. It can be a few react update cycles before the nodes you set are fully settled inside RF, so waiting on one useEffect isn’t good enough. Even setTimeout didn’t work unless the timeout was at least about 100ms for me. But a useEffect(()=>{ ... fitView ... }, nodesInitialized) worked a charm.

(Also for anyone wondering about onLoad in OP – it’s now called onInit.)

[1] https://reactflow.dev/docs/api/hooks/use-nodes-initialized/

For anyone stumbling across this because fitView doesn’t seem to be working, the answer in my case was to wait for useNodesInitialized [1] to return true after changing the nodes.

Simply calling setNodes(...) then reactFlowInstance.fitView() doesn’t act on the nodes you just set. It can be a few react update cycles before the nodes you set are fully settled inside RF, so waiting on one useEffect isn’t good enough. Even setTimeout didn’t work unless the timeout was at least about 100ms for me. But a useEffect(()=>{ ... fitView ... }, nodesInitialized) worked a charm.

(Also for anyone wondering about onLoad in OP – it’s now called onInit.)

[1] https://reactflow.dev/docs/api/hooks/use-nodes-initialized/

yes , after layout then setNodes then call reactFlowInstance.fitView() does not work. setTimeout work for me. but that’s not a good solution. it introduce fickers since the view change suddenly in one frame.
@moklick can you give a fitView utility funtion that accept newNodes as parameter (not nodes snapshot) , let us do the layout and fit view in one render and avoid the flickers.

Fixed it by adding onInit and useEffect. Those steps are:

  const [reactFlowInstance, setReactFlowInstance] = useState(null);

  const onInit = (rf) => {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (reactFlowInstance && nodes?.length) {
  }, [reactFlowInstance, nodes?.length]);

As my case was caused by elements being ready when the component was first rendered I worked around it in the end by just not trying to render the ReactFlow component until i had some elements to draw and then it worked fine. E.g. adapting the example from above, i just:

{elements && <ReactFlow
        elementsSelectable={diagramMode !== "View"}
        defaultPosition={[0, 0]}
          nodeColor={(node) => {
            switch (node.type) {
              case "input":
                return "red";
              case "default":
                return "#00ff00";
              case "output":
                return "rgb(0,0,255)";
                return "#eee";
        <Controls />

just wanted to add that this happens to me too in version 6.2.2 and in order to fix it I use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout but i has the same effect. In my case I’m not changing the defaultPosition. And even if I do set a defaultPosition, it doesn’t do anything when using it with fitView