webpack-dev-server: version 2.10.0 throw error

  • Operating System: MacOs
  • Node Version: 9.2.0
  • NPM Version: 4.5.0
  • webpack Version: 3.10.0
  • webpack-dev-server Version: 2.10.0
  • This is a bug
  • This is a modification request


  // webpack.config.js
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  entry: './index.js',
  output: {
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
  devServer: {
    host: '',
    publicPath: '/',
    contentBase: './dist',
  devtool: 'source-map',
  // package.json 
  "name": "test",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "webpack-dev-server"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "webpack": "^3.8.1",
    "webpack-dev-server": "^2.9.3"

Expected Behavior

good running

Actual Behavior

It will throw the error when update to version 2.10.0. Before 2.9.3 no this error.

For Bugs; How can we reproduce the behavior?

// Error:

npm run dev

> test@1.0.0 dev /Users/***/Documents/my/test
> webpack-dev-server ./webpack.config.js

webpack-dev-server 2.10.0
webpack 3.10.0
Usage: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/

Config options:
  --config       Path to the config file
                         [string] [default: webpack.config.js or webpackfile.js]
  --config-name  Name of the config to use                              [string]
  --env          Environment passed to the config, when it is a function

Basic options:
  --context    The root directory for resolving entry point and stats
                                       [string] [default: The current directory]
  --entry      The entry point                                          [string]
  --watch, -w  Watch the filesystem for changes                        [boolean]
  --debug      Switch loaders to debug mode                            [boolean]
  --devtool    Enable devtool for better debugging experience (Example:
               --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map)                  [string]
  -d           shortcut for --debug --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map
               --output-pathinfo                                       [boolean]
  -p           shortcut for --optimize-minimize --define
               process.env.NODE_ENV="production"                       [boolean]
  --progress   Print compilation progress in percentage                [boolean]

Module options:
  --module-bind       Bind an extension to a loader                     [string]
  --module-bind-post                                                    [string]
  --module-bind-pre                                                     [string]

Output options:
  --output-path                 The output path for compilation assets
                                       [string] [default: The current directory]
  --output-filename             The output filename of the bundle
                                                   [string] [default: [name].js]
  --output-chunk-filename       The output filename for additional chunks
       [string] [default: filename with [id] instead of [name] or [id] prefixed]
  --output-source-map-filename  The output filename for the SourceMap   [string]
  --output-public-path          The public path for the assets          [string]
  --output-jsonp-function       The name of the jsonp function used for chunk
                                loading                                 [string]
  --output-pathinfo             Include a comment with the request for every
                                dependency (require, import, etc.)     [boolean]
  --output-library              Expose the exports of the entry point as library
  --output-library-target       The type for exposing the exports of the entry
                                point as library                        [string]

Advanced options:
  --records-input-path       Path to the records file (reading)         [string]
  --records-output-path      Path to the records file (writing)         [string]
  --records-path             Path to the records file                   [string]
  --define                   Define any free var in the bundle          [string]
  --target                   The targeted execution environment         [string]
  --cache                    Enable in memory caching
                      [boolean] [default: It's enabled by default when watching]
  --watch-stdin, --stdin     close when stdin ends                     [boolean]
  --watch-aggregate-timeout  Timeout for gathering changes while watching
  --watch-poll               The polling interval for watching (also enable
                             polling)                                   [string]
  --hot                      Enables Hot Module Replacement            [boolean]
  --prefetch                 Prefetch this request (Example: --prefetch
                             ./file.js)                                 [string]
  --provide                  Provide these modules as free vars in all modules
                             (Example: --provide jQuery=jquery)         [string]
  --labeled-modules          Enables labeled modules                   [boolean]
  --plugin                   Load this plugin                           [string]
  --bail                     Abort the compilation on first error
                                                       [boolean] [default: null]
  --profile                  Profile the compilation and include information in
                             stats                     [boolean] [default: null]
  --hot-only                 Do not refresh page if HMR fails          [boolean]

Resolving options:
  --resolve-alias         Setup a module alias for resolving (Example:
                          jquery-plugin=jquery.plugin)                  [string]
  --resolve-extensions    Setup extensions that should be used to resolve
                          modules (Example: --resolve-extensions .es6,.js)
  --resolve-loader-alias  Setup a loader alias for resolving            [string]

Optimizing options:
  --optimize-max-chunks      Try to keep the chunk count below a limit
  --optimize-min-chunk-size  Try to keep the chunk size above a limit
  --optimize-minimize        Minimize javascript and switches loaders to
                             minimizing                                [boolean]

Stats options:
  --color, --colors   Enables/Disables colors on the console
                                           [boolean] [default: (supports-color)]
  --info              Info                             [boolean] [default: true]
  --quiet             Quiet                                            [boolean]
  --client-log-level  Log level in the browser (info, warning, error or none)
                                                      [string] [default: "info"]

SSL options:
  --https           HTTPS                                              [boolean]
  --key             Path to a SSL key.                                  [string]
  --cert            Path to a SSL certificate.                          [string]
  --cacert          Path to a SSL CA certificate.                       [string]
  --pfx             Path to a SSL pfx file.                             [string]
  --pfx-passphrase  Passphrase for pfx file.                            [string]

Response options:
  --content-base          A directory or URL to serve HTML content from.[string]
  --watch-content-base    Enable live-reloading of the content-base.   [boolean]
  --history-api-fallback  Fallback to /index.html for Single Page Applications.
  --compress              Enable gzip compression                      [boolean]

Connection options:
  --port                The port
  --disable-host-check  Will not check the host                        [boolean]
  --socket              Socket to listen
  --public              The public hostname/ip address of the server    [string]
  --host                The hostname/ip address the server will bind to
                                                 [string] [default: "localhost"]
  --allowed-hosts       A comma-delimited string of hosts that are allowed to
                        access the dev server                           [string]

  --help, -h    Show help                                              [boolean]
  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --bonjour     Broadcasts the server via ZeroConf networking on start [boolean]
  --lazy        Lazy                                                   [boolean]
  --inline      Inline mode (set to false to disable including client scripts
                like livereload)                       [boolean] [default: true]
  --open        Open the default browser, or optionally specify a browser name
  --useLocalIp  Open default browser with local IP                     [boolean]
  --open-page   Open default browser with the specified page            [string]

Missing argument values: config, config-name, context, entry, module-bind, module-bind-post, module-bind-pre, output-path, output-filename, output-chunk-filename, output-source-map-filename, output-public-path, output-jsonp-function, output-library, output-library-target, records-input-path, records-output-path, records-path, define, target, watch-aggregate-timeout, devtool, resolve-alias, resolve-extensions, resolve-loader-alias, optimize-max-chunks, optimize-min-chunk-size, prefetch, provide, plugin, open-page

If you have the same error

Downgrade to 2.9.7 temporarily.

npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server@2.9.7

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 162
  • Comments: 57 (3 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

Public Service Announcement: Please do not comment with +1, Same here, etc. Instead, click the “thumbs up” icon underneath the opening post:


“Same here” comments are not helpful. Please just +1 the issue. If you want to be notified of updates, click the “Subscribe” button to the right.

yargs has been rolled back to v6.6.0 in webpack-dev-server@2.10.1. Issue is resolved. We’ll look into the breakages of that dependency update and issue a patch once an upgrade path is found.

To everyone on this issue who replied “me too” - this is not said to be rude, and I say this with ❤️ - github reactions have been around for nearly two years now (https://github.com/blog/2119-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments) specifically to combat the “me too,” “same issue” replies. Adding those replies to an issue does nothing but make it harder for maintainers to read legitimate information added to the issue by other users. In short, you’re hurting the issue more than helping. You should know better by now.

We’ve locked this issue to prevent further flooding in of those kinds of comments. That said, we’re working on resolving the problem today.

Same here! Still haven’t been able to resolve the issue

Is anyone here using yarn? Found a good ol’ removal of node_modules and an npm install did the trick


Same. v2.9.7 is working fine for me.

Same error here, was working before update.

@ganesharulanantham Me too, it took me lots of time to figure out

I solved this problem by reinstall version 2.9.7 of webpack-dev-server: yarn add -D webpack-dev-server@2.9.7

I have got the same issue ++1

Same error here, was working before update. Use vue-cli to build a new project but…

Same issue, Never realised it is related the version upgrade

Downgrading yargs dependency in webpack-dev-server from 10.0.3 to 8.0.2 fixes this issue. So it really looks like it is a yargs problem.


I have solved this problem by this command: npm install webpack-dev-server@2.9.7 --save-dev

@readeujet that doesn’t work for me either. @ArtOfCode- Rolling back to 2.9.7 works at the moment.

having the same issue

Same issue. Config has not changed. Please fix

I have got the same issue

Same error!, I am using v2.9.7 instead v2.10.

Same issue for me as well

I have got the same issue

+1 mac os: 10.13.2 node: v7.2.1

same issue, version 2.9.7 will help.

I have got the same issue ++1

Same problem. I’m using v2.9.1, node v9.3.0, windows 10. Tried both npm and yarn.

worked: npm install webpack-dev-server@2.9.7 --save-dev and inline:false

installing node modules from yarn is the issue, did npm i it worked.

Same issue running yarn on Windows 10. Tried deleting node_modules and running yarn install as mentioned previously, but that did not work. Downgrading to 2.9.7 worked for me.

@coolapollo you’re necro-bumping on a closed issue with many participants. It happens. It’s fine, but try not to do it 😉 . See this description of necro bumping if you’d like a more detailed explanation. It has suggestions on what to do instead too 👌 .

As stated before.The problem is the new version of webpack-dev-server.A simple downgrade does the trick. Try npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server@2.9.7 and try again

I have got the same issue If i copy webpack-dev-server which installed 2 days ago it works fine (just cp -r /old_project/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/ /new_project/node_modules/). rollback version to old versions (2.9.7, 2.9.3) does not fork for me.

Mac OS:10.12.6 node:v8.9.4 npm:5.6.0 rollback webpack-dev-server version to 2.9.7 fix it.

npm install webpack-dev-server@2.9.7 --save-dev

Got the same issue here, and it breaks the latest version of vue-cli

npm install webpack-dev-server@2.9.7 --save-dev

same here, commit 00e8500b0853312be3cf369976509fbce2a4b7dc seems to have introduced this bug.

in my case, installing from yarn worked, but from npm throws error.

Hit this issue too. Moving back to 2.4.5 is a temporary fix; all higher versions that I’ve tried have been affected.