next.js: Next 13 fetch in server component stuck forever if response is larger than ~15kb

Verify canary release

  • I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release

Provide environment information

Operating System:
  Platform: linux
  Arch: x64
  Version: Ubuntu 20.04.0 LTS Wed Oct 26 2022 14:44:18 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
  Node: 16.14.2
  npm: 7.17.0
  Yarn: 1.22.19
  pnpm: 7.13.6
Relevant packages:
  next: 13.0.0
  eslint-config-next: N/A
  react: 18.2.0
  react-dom: 18.2.0

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No response

How are you deploying your application? (if relevant)

No response

Describe the Bug

When fetching data as described in the docs, the fetch function gets stuck and never resolves, if the payload reaches a certain size.

I created a minimal stackblitz and a mock api to reproduce the problem. If I fetch 75 posts from the mock api it will never resolve, if I only fetch 50 it works fine. Since I was able to reproduce this problem with multiple mock apis and even when using something like supabase to fetch some data I think it might be a size issue? Here the difference is 14kb vs 20kb for the two requests.

EDIT: I tried to nail the problem down further. fetch does indeed resolve but .json() does not. Does this have to do with the highWaterMark buffer size limit on nodejs streams?

Expected Behavior

Fetch should not get stuck forever.

Link to reproduction

To Reproduce

  • Open the stackblitz
  • Comment out line 3 and comment in in line 4 in pages.tsx to fetch 75 instead of 50 posts
  • See that fetch never resolves

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions: 23
  • Comments: 20 (6 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

This hurts me deeply

Thanks for reporting, I did some digging, and the issue seems to be node-fetch-specific.

Currently, on the server, Next.js uses node-fetch to polyfill fetch when Node.js <18 is used. Above Node.js 18, or when the experimental: {enableUndici: true} option in next.config.js is present, we will use undici instead, which does not have this problem.

So current workarounds are:

  1. Use Node.js 18 or above, if possible
  2. Add the following to next.config.js:
module.exports = {
  experimental: {
    enableUndici: true

Investigated this one on my flight back from Next.js Conf, it’s a known issue with cloning responses of fetch() in node-fetch and I could reproduce it with standalone node-fetch as well (outside of Next.js) both in the latest 2.x and 3.x release. Since we’re moving to using undici anyway I’ve made it so that appDir enabled it by default. Note that this does mean that appDir now requires Node.js 16.8 or later.

FYI, I just confirmed that this Vercel deployment aspect is fixed in v13.0.2-canary.1 via #42382

Hi this should be updated in v13.0.2 please update and give it a try!

FYI to @timneutkens, I can confirm that this is still broken when deploying to Vercel (same as what @icyJoseph is seeing). Neither manually setting enableUndici nor using next@13.0.2-canary.0 makes a difference.

Server Components that fetch large payloads hang until the serverless function times out.

I added some debug output and determined that my Vercel deployment is running Node.js v16.16.0.

When deploying to Vercel, on next@13.0.1, I still see this problem.

  • The enableUndici flag is still needed, even locally though
  • In Vercel, when the flag is active and with next@13.0.1, the build process goes swell, but then at runtime I get timeouts on functions that use fetch within Server Components. API routes work fine. Node version is the highest Vercel allows.
[GET] /pokemon/1
Fetching pokemon: 1
Got JSON for specie
2022-11-01T10:01:26.263Z 171204fd-e67e-4df5-8281-033e63eb019f Task timed out after 10.01 seconds

Could the problem be that this function lives at lib/ and not within app/? Locally all works wonderfully though.

Using Node 16.X ~

using node-fetch solved this

I can confirm it is fixed. Thanks!

module.exports = {
  experimental: {
    enableUndici: true

enableUndici needs to be camelCase