ts-loader: Module build failed: TypeError: loaderUtils.getOptions is not a function

I am trying to import a TS project in my JS project using ts-loader, but I am getting the following error. What can be the issue in this case?

Module build failed: TypeError: loaderUtils.getOptions is not a function  
at getLoaderOptions (C:\Users\Sujit\Desktop\Projects\MyProj-Webpack\node_modules\ts-loader\dist\index.js:61:36)
at Object.loader (C:\Users\Sujit\Desktop\Projects\MyProj-Webpack\node_modules\ts-loader\dist\index.js:15:19)
webpack: Failed to compile.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 32
  • Comments: 25 (3 by maintainers)

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Most upvoted comments

If you’re still using Webpack 4, or Node <12, try using ts-loader v8.2.0 it looks like it’s the last version with Webpack 4 compatibility: https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader/releases/tag/v8.2.0

I just had this problem too. In my case, it was caused by an older version of the loader-utils package in node_modules. ts-loader depends on this package, and older versions don’t have the getOptions function.

You could manually add a more recent version of loader-utils to your project (npm install loader-utils@latest) or try deleting node_modules and running npm/yarn install to rebuild your dependencies.

i am getting same error, now what is the work around? “webpack”: “^5.35.1”,node version:12.18.1

ts-loader 9 doesn’t support webpack 4: https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader/releases/tag/v9.0.0 This answer is right. In Typescript official website https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader Compatibility part TypeScript: 3.6.3+ webpack: 5.x+ (please use ts-loader 8.x if you need webpack 4 support) node: 12.x+

@creativecoder I tried updating to the latest version, but I am still getting the same error. @johnnyreilly What exactly do you need? Steps to reproduce the error?

Syntax Error: TypeError: loaderContext.getOptions is not a function

@ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client? (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js ./src/main.ts

I am currently encountering this challenge when migrating vue2 to vue3 with typescript, does anyone have an insight on this, kindly assist.

I’m getting this error with what I believe are correct versions for webpack 5 with workspaces in Npm@7

I’ve gotten the error to intermittently go away… Not sure how. Might have been a different error with higher priority too.

ERROR in ./main.tsx
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/ts-loader/index.js):
TypeError: loaderContext.getOptions is not a function
    at getLoaderOptions (C:\Users\camer\git\my-project\ui\node_modules\ts-loader\dist\index.js:91:41)
    at Object.loader (C:\Users\camer\git\my-project\ui\node_modules\ts-loader\dist\index.js:14:21)
PS C:\Users\camer\git\my-project> npm ls --depth 0 ts-loader webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server @types/webpack-dev-server
node-server-ui-base@0.0.0 C:\Users\camer\git\my-project
└─┬ ui@0.0.0 -> .\ui
  ├── @types/webpack-dev-server@4.0.3
  ├── ts-loader@9.2.5
  ├── webpack-cli@4.8.0
  ├── webpack-dev-server@4.0.0
  └── webpack@5.51.1


Something in the top level npm workspace was installing webpack 4 and webpack-cli was picking that up and running with it. Hope this helps someone that runs into similar and ends up here.

Just saw that error. Was because I had an older version of loader-utils installed, so upgraded it and the error went away.

Module build failed: TypeError: loaderUtils.getOptions is not a function

The same error with the same tool set: ts-loader@9.2.6 with webpack@5.67.0 and happypack@5.0.1

I’m getting “loaderContext.getOptions is not a function” now in ts-loader 9.0.2 with webpack 4.44, typescript 4.2.3, and loader-utils 2.0.0. I just upgraded to hopefully fix a different set of problems, so I have no real working configuration to go back to or compare. I’m wondering if my timing is coincidental with some breaking change.

@psujit Can you confirm that in your project you have node_modules/loader-utils/lib/getOptions.js and a reference to getOptions in node_modules/loader-utils/lib/index.js?

If runtime is complaining getOptions is not a function, it’s probably not (there)…

I think this happens a lot. I’m tempted to add a warning to the console (or even a hard error) to say “you’re not using webpack 5 - you need to”.