storybook: addon-docs: Props doesn't work when using React.memo.

Describe the bug I trying show the props in docs page using <Props of={Component}/> in .mdx file. But i receive this message “No props found for this component”

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create Component in React and wrapped this with React.memo
  2. Run Storybook and open docs tab
  3. The prop table does not appear

Screenshots ex1

Code snippets


function Button({ label, onClick }) {
  return (
    <ButtonContainer onClick={onClick}>
      <Label> {label} </Label>

Button.propTypes = {
  label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

export default React.memo(Button);


# Button

Exemplo do **botão** padrão.

<Preview withToolbar>
  <Story name="Default" height="100px" parameters={{ decorators: [withKnobs] }}>
      labelColor={text("Label Color", theme.colors.white)}
      onClick={() => alert("Button Click")} />

## Props

<Props of={Button} />

System: OS: Linux 4.15 Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver) CPU: (4) x64 Intel® Core™ i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz Binaries: Node: 10.15.3 - /usr/local/bin/node Yarn: 1.19.1 - /usr/bin/yarn npm: 6.4.1 - /usr/local/bin/npm Browsers: Chrome: 78.0.3904.108 Firefox: 72.0.1 npmPackages: @storybook/addon-actions: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/addon-backgrounds: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/addon-centered: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/addon-docs: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/addon-knobs: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/addon-storysource: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/addon-viewport: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/core: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/react: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 @storybook/theming: 5.3.7 => 5.3.7 npmGlobalPackages: @storybook/cli: 5.3.4

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions: 11
  • Comments: 35 (16 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

Unsatisfying workaround is to also export your pure component and use that for documentation purposes

FWIW I discovered that <Props of={MemoizedComponent.type} /> will correctly render a props table. No idea what’s going on under the hood there, lol


Actually, the exported component is the same in both cases. It’s passing storybook the component as myComponent.type that did the trick!

My PR should make this unnecessary 👍

Sorry for the shameless bump, but is this scheduled to be fixed in an upcoming release? 😃

I am not sure if this is resolved, but I am still facing the same issue, where controls ( props ) are not getting generated automatically if I wrap my components using React.memo “@storybook/addon-essentials”: “^6.0.21”, “@storybook/react”: “^6.0.21”, “react-docgen-typescript@1.20.4”,

@hipstersmoothie thanks Andrew! (I am also an Andrew!)

Here’s the requested repo for you!

Look in the stories folder. I commented by providing two examples. One with the direct export (which works) and one with the wrapped export (using memo, does not work)

@shilman Open PR to react-docgen-typescript to fix the React.memo behavior

@SomilKumar what happens when you set:

export default {
  title: '...',
  component: MyComponent.type,

@mkinfrared if you submit a pr to react-docgen-typescript-loader with just a test case I will try to fix it

I encountered the same issue as @lukemorales had. The description and default value of each prop is not being filled.

I ended up using the workaround in the 1st comment.

I was able to resolve this by changing my component from

const myComponent = memo(()=><div>...</div>)
export default myComponent


const myComponent = ()=><div>...</div>
export default memo(myComponent)

and then in storybook doing the

export default {
  title: 'myComponent',
  component: myComponent.type,
  decorators: [withKnobs],

@andezzat this is the issue i was mentioning. i’m thinking maybe your “exotic component logic” from #12638 can fix this problem if applied here:

you can see that there’s an attempt to do something like it already, but that it’s not working as desired.