react-native-reanimated: [Reanimated] Couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated.
I am trying to upgrade my react-native version and in the process of doing so, I have ran into an issue with react-native-reanimated. Whenever my app builds, I get the following error in my metro console -
[Reanimated] Couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated. Did you forget to re-build the app after upgrading react-native-reanimated? If you use Expo Go, you must use the exact version which is bundled into Expo SDK
I have tried:
expo doctor --fix-dependencies
- Deleting podfile.lock, DerivedData folder, build folder, Pods folder, project_name.xcworkspace folder, node_modules, yarn.lock and reinstalling packages using yarn install
npx expo install react-native-reanimated
yarn cache clean
expo start --clear
Here is my metro.config
module.exports = (async () => {
const {
resolver: { sourceExts, assetExts }
} = await getDefaultConfig();
return {
transformer: {
getTransformOptions: async () => ({
transform: {
experimentalImportSupport: false,
inlineRequires: false
babelTransformerPath: require.resolve("react-native-svg-transformer")
resolver: {
assetExts: assetExts.filter(ext => ext !== "svg"),
sourceExts: [...sourceExts, "svg", "cjs"]
Here is my babel.config.js
const config = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset','babel-preset-expo'],
env: {
production: {
plugins: ['transform-remove-console'],
test: {
plugins: [
moduleName: '@env',
plugins: [
moduleName: '@env',
safe: true,
allowUndefined: true,
legacy: true,
root: ['./'],
extensions: [
alias: {
'^@app/(.+)': './app/\\1',
'^@story/(.+)': './.storybook/\\1',
cwd: 'packagejson',
module.exports = (api) => {
return config;
Any pointers in the right direction would be hugely helpful. I spent a whole day trying to resolve this with no luck unfortunately.
Steps to reproduce
yarn install
- Build app from XCode (14.2)
- Once simulator loads & metro builds the app, I get the error
Snack or a link to a repository
Reanimated version
React Native version
JavaScript runtime
Expo bare workflow
Fabric (New Architecture)
Build type
Debug mode
iOS simulator
Device model
2020 M1 Macbook Pro
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created a year ago
- Comments: 16 (4 by maintainers)
We also received this warning after upgrading Expo to 50. Updated react-native-reanimated from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2 and the warning disappeared.
Reanimated 3.5.4 does not support React Native 0.73.0, you need to upgrade Reanimated to 3.6.1.
Also, are you using JS bundle in dev mode with release build of the app?
I confirm, did the same and warning disappeared, thanks a lot upgrade to 3.6.2 guys 😃