react-native-device-info: Can't read property 'deviceId' of undefined

After installing and linking react-native-device-info . I get the following error on iso simulator.

Can't read property 'deviceId' of undefined 


"dependencies": {
		"react": "16.0.0",
		"react-native": "0.50.3",
		"react-native-device-info": "^0.12.1",
		"react-native-fcm": "^10.0.3",
		"react-native-router-flux": "^4.0.0-beta.23",
screen shot 2017-11-11 at 13 59 40

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 3
  • Comments: 19 (1 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

remove libRNDeviceinfo-tvOS.a it works for me 😉

I resolved this by navigating to the ios directory of the project and running pod install. I guess that doesn’t get run in the linking stage for iOS? I also had to fix a couple of gradle things, but all of those functions work properly now on iOS and Android - both real and emulated devices for each system.

Interesting. Yeah I was trying to get the following on an iPhone X emulator:

let deviceInfo = {
      model: DeviceInfo.getModel(),
      name: DeviceInfo.getDeviceName(),
      sysName: DeviceInfo.getSystemName(),
      sysVersion: DeviceInfo.getSystemVersion()

and I tried commenting out the various lines, but they all failed. I verified that the DeviceInfo object is initialized properly with a console.log as well. I’m using import * as DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info' to import the functions.

So I tried your solution (which would be pretty handy), but I’m now getting cannot read property 'isEmulator' of undefined for that function too! I’m going to try importing the functions directly now…

That happens only in the simulator.