ora: ORA-28112: failed to execute policy function

Hi! Another trouble šŸ˜ƒ Iā€™m calling the same stored procedure for a number of times. The first 374 runs are OK, but on the run 375 it fails with ORA-28112 Another effect that I observe, is that the memory usage grows constantly. Iā€™ve eliminated all of my code to isolate the case and made sure that only the driverā€™s code is running. The memory leakage continuedā€¦ Iā€™ve suspected that the cursors are not getting released and found out in debugger that the line stmt.go#193 (C.OCIHandleFree(unsafe.Pointer(ocistmt), C.OCI_HTYPE_STMT)) isnā€™t called indeedā€¦ Itā€™s just my speculation, but may be this is a reason for this effect?

Hereā€™s the code that eventually fails:

func LoadUState(guid string) (err error) {
	session, err := SessionPool.Get()
	defer SessionPool.Put(session)
	if err != nil {
	stmt, err := session.Prep("call sp_get_user_state(:i_user_guid, :o_cur_users,:o_cur_auth_users,:o_cur_acct_accounts,:o_cur_settings)")

        defer stmt.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	usersCur := &ora.Rset{}
	authUsersCur := &ora.Rset{}
	accountsCur := &ora.Rset{}
	settingsCur := &ora.Rset{}

	_, err = stmt.Exe(guid, usersCur, authUsersCur, accountsCur, settingsCur)

	if err != nil {
		return err


	return nil

With kind regards, LK

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Tamas, I truly appreciate your effort! Youā€™ve done one hell of the job on this project and AFAIK this is the only solid attempt to give us enterprise Oracle slaves šŸ˜ƒ a way to bring Go to the corporate world. #223 is just a total No Go for us, since 80% of our Oracle code is implemented as a stored procedures that return cursorsā€¦ Iā€™d really love to contribute to this project since itā€™s of paramount value in the success of Go in the enterprise, so if you need any help, please, just let me knowā€¦

BTW, Iā€™ve observed, that if you return cursors from prepared statement executed from the driver, rather than calling SP, the behaviour is differentā€¦

With kind regards, LK