webpacker: yarn_install task is not installing devDependencies

Due to the recent changes that have been made, webpacker:yarn_install task is not installing devDependencies. This is breaking my CI builds, since I relied on webpacker to do the install of packages for my test environment on the CI server.

Change that brought this in the webpacker gem https://github.com/rails/webpacker/commit/d5fe0fe8e492d1511c6f31648f8fe861504c111e#diff-5a0f30530a2f1282593526bb85d65029 Change that brought this in the Rails gem https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/2118c98b98c4984069e070aa0d5c398de618d02a#diff-dcd44149ba1cd25c12956a3ebecc32a3

I’m just wondering if we could introduce an optional --production=true|false flag in the rake task that does yarn install?

Or create a NODE_ENV dependant flag for the rake task?

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Comments: 32 (14 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@leikind They are not devDependencies really because you are using them on Heroku as well, which is a production environment. If however, you compile your assets locally and then push them to Heroku then they can safely live under dev dependencies, considering assets:precompile is never run on Heroku.

With webpacker, we recommend putting all build and app related dependencies under dependencies section in package.json (except test deps). I understand the confusion but you see they are not app dependencies i.e. it won’t be included in your pack but they are needed to produce a pack or build - either on Heroku or on your local machine. Does this make sense?

IMHO lots of people install webpack-* and babel-* in devDependencies since they are for building instead of serving things. yarn install --production can cause devDependencies being used to build removed. I always perform yarn before doing assets:precompile but now I get my webpack-chunk-hash in devDependencies missing after webpacker:yarn_install after upgrading webpacker. I don’t think it is a good idea forcing yarn install --production in webpacker rake task.

We just don’t use devDependencies. Yeah extra packages might get downloaded in production but it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. To me it’s just a paper cut, but the few hours I spent debugging I’ll never get back.

I am also having issues with --production being hardcoded. I have a lot of things in devDependencies that don’t belong in production and I am more likely to remove webpacker than I am to change this. I also have more than just production and development environments and would like more flexibility in passing options to NODE_ENV. It’s fine if webpacker makes certain assumptions for me but it shouldn’t force me to do things a certain way.

I don’t think you’d like the the voice of my documentation on this one. 😉

It’s just frustrating to see a lack of attention to his, especially when dev team has come up against it themselves and there’s been an unaddressed PR about it for nine months. Even closing something as a #wontfix is fine if that’s what the maintainers decide.

@leikind They are not devDependencies really because you are using them on Heroku as well, which is a production environment. If however, you compile your assets locally and then push them to Heroku then they can safely live under dev dependencies, considering assets:precompile is never run on Heroku.

Many teams run assets:precompile on heroku. In fact, it is a standard part of the rails build pack…

With webpacker, we recommend putting all build and app related dependencies under dependencies section in package.json (except test deps). I understand the confusion but you see they are not app dependencies i.e. it won’t be included in your pack but they are needed to produce a pack or build - either on Heroku or on your local machine. Does this make sense?

It does not. Webpack, babel, etc are dev ops tools. They are not application code. Heroku installs devDeps, so why force everyone to make a bad organization decision and move those to deps?

This should be addressed by the Webpacker team…

@csalvato Don’t feel bad, people have been confusing this for over ~a year~ 2 years:


I’m having issues with this change as well. In particular, yarn install --production seems to be removing the babel-plugin-relay, but it’s required as part of the asset precompilation… which is now failing due to being unable to find the plugin.

Yes let’s fix the root issue and move away from errant use of devDependencies.

Neat. Awesome. I’m on board as long as it’s in the docs.

Did you know that both Webpack and Babel are set up to behave differently depending on which flag is set? (NODE_ENV). I personally would want to run tests against production bundles.

Yes, and that’s how I’d prefer it to stay. Using the --production flag bypasses that. And the test guy is someone else, but I do agree with you on that.

@trent-boyd It’s just frustrating to see a lack of attention to his, especially when dev team has come up against it themselves

The dev team has come up against it? Pretty sure the resolution was the opposite of what you portray:

Yes let’s fix the root issue and move away from errant use of devDependencies.

That’s an example of bikeshedding if I ever saw one. I should not have to […] find that your team is imposing their own view on how devDependencies should work.

👆That’s bikeshedding if I ever saw it. The WebpackER team is aligning themselves with how Webpack is used by the Node.js community. This is smart, it will do a lot to reduce friction between Rails & JS pipelines.

Remember that package.json & devDependencies are all constructs from the Node.js world. Nothing is being imposed, it’s just being aligned with existing usage/documentation.

Hundreds of other JS-based open source projects intentionally instruct you to use the --dev flag during installation.

Like I said here, those instructions aren’t always meant for end users that are not creating a package themselves (like any Webpacker app). The 2 links below are useful for explaining why this is: https://yarnpkg.com/blog/2018/04/18/dependencies-done-right/ https://stackoverflow.com/a/22004559/6091685

Webpacker is a development tool for bundling up code intended to be run in a browser. It would make sense to me that other development tools (like Babel, its plugins, and other Webpack loaders) would also be installed as development dependencies.

Rails is a development tool too 🙃. Did you know that both Webpack and Babel are set up to behave differently depending on which flag is set? (NODE_ENV) I personally would want to run tests against production bundles.

The webpacker team is just trying to keep you on the most pain-free path. Just chuck your devDependencies in dependencies and be done with it…none of this will matter soon anyway because the rules are changing ¯\(ツ).

IMO there are legitimate use cases for devDependencies in the package.json of a Rails app - say you want to have JS testing libraries like Karma, Jasmine etc installed via yarn on CI but don’t want these when in the production environment (see https://github.com/rails/webpacker/issues/1330 for further context).

Webpacker hardcoding --production into a Rake task is disruptive of other yarn uses which don’t relate to asset compilation.

The app is indeed built on Heroku, assets:precompile is executed.

You see, if my app were a Node.js app using only the node buildpack, I’d have no issues building my app on Heroku, as the node buildpack would install all packages first, run build scripts (webpack for instance), and then strip devDependencies. So, the node team in Heroku does invite its customers to build their node apps on Heroku.

I see no argument against building my app on Heroku except for the webpacker team making it harder.

Here’s my current hack to solve my problem:

namespace :yarn do
  desc 'Install all JavaScript dependencies as specified via Yarn'
  task :install do
    system('./bin/yarn install --no-progress')

We’re still having production flag hardcoded y’all and I still don’t understand why 😄

Thanks, everyone and sorry about the confusion 🙏 @jakeNiemiec really like the way you have explained it ❤️

@trent-boyd I understand this could be confusing but even if we remove production flag, which I think we should because it hardcodes the environment. Anyway, Yarn would use NODE_ENV to infer the current env and install dependencies accordingly. That’s why I suggested putting all build dependencies in the dependencies section because they are needed to build the webpack bundle, unless you are building locally. Of course, you are free to exclude test and linter modules because you won’t be using them on production (up to you).

@jakeNiemiec is there some confusion here about what devDependencies vs production dependencies means? I feel like many believe that the dependencies include something in a production bundle and therefore increase the package size? (if this question/comment is just chatter, thumbs down and I’ll delete)

I have a Rails 5.1.6 app with webpacker successfully deployed on Heroku app with 2 buildpacks: (1)nodejs and (2) ruby.

Upgrading to 5.2.0 breaks the Heroku build for the reasons @nikolalsvk listed above. The build fails because there is a number of devDependencies not installed after rake yarn:install.

Moving devDependencies to dependencies feels very very wrong.

What is interesting is Heroku’s approach to handling devDependencies and dependencies in their nodejs buildpack:

By default, Heroku will install all dependencies listed in package.json under dependencies and devDependencies.

After running the installation and build steps Heroku will strip out the packages declared under devDependencies before deploying the application.

( https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/nodejs-support#package-installation )

It seems like a more reasonable approach than just excluding all devDependencies.

Unfortunately, the rails buildpack is executed after the nodejs buildpack, and webpacker:yarn_install makes sure none of my devDependencies are present.

I am wondering what the correct solution should be.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but this change broke my production deploys. I too had all my compilation related packages in devDependencies, so the production server couldn’t build the assets correctly.

I should not have to crawl the Webpacker source or track down this exact issue just to find out that your team is imposing their own view on how devDependencies should work.

@trent-boyd Mr Boyd, ~please feel free~ you should ~to~ send a PR

Thank you @gauravtiwari for your time contributing to the rails/webpacker project. Webpacker has been a delight and it saves me so much time integrating Vue into Rails ❤️


With webpacker, we recommend putting all build and app related dependencies under dependencies section in package.json (except test deps).

That’s an example of bikeshedding if I ever saw one. Further, this is listed nowhere in the documentation. I should not have to crawl the Webpacker source or track down this exact issue just to find out that your team is imposing their own view on how devDependencies should work.

Hundreds of other JS-based open source projects intentionally instruct you to use the --dev flag during installation. Webpacker is a development tool for bundling up code intended to be run in a browser. It would make sense to me that other development tools (like Babel, its plugins, and other Webpack loaders) would also be installed as development dependencies.

And besides that, what is the --production flag really helping anyway? If I want to really streamline my NPM install times or cut down on disk usage, that should be something I opt-in to.

@odlp IMO there are legitimate use cases for devDependencies in a Rails app

You never need to worry about downstream dependencies in a Rails app, if you come across a --save-dev in a README, that was not put there for you (the same problem exists in Node.js-land). @nikolalsvk, What is the purpose for a CI test? To simulate a production environment and programmatically test a bunch of edge cases. Wouldn’t you want to test against minified/transpiled production bundles?

say you want to have JS testing libraries like Karma, Jasmine etc installed via yarn on CI but don’t want these when in the production environment (see #1330 for further context).

Are you using webpack to bundle Karma or Jasmine? I don’t understand why you would do this.

@chevinbrown Is there some confusion here about what devDependencies vs production dependencies means? I feel like many believe that the dependencies include something in a production bundle and therefore increase the package size?

Less “confusion” and more like ritual inclusion of programing patterns that subvert their original purpose (e.g.: running CI tests in development mode). All it does is tell yarn/npm what libraries to put in node_modules. If you include Karma in dependencies, you will just additionally have Karma and it’s dependencies in your node_modules. At worse you have an extra 8 seconds to wait when you install your dependencies.

TL;DR: You should follow what @gauravtiwari said, there are mechanical differences between the production and development flags, they are more than just labels: image

@leikind @Zyphrax It doesn’t make sense to me to move all the TypeScript typings and Webpack loaders in dependencies just to make compilation work.

devDependencies has more usefulness in the context of a JS library.

Let’s take webpack as an example. Notice that react is installed under devDependencies.

  • If your developing for the webpack library locally, it would install react.
  • If your developing for a rails app that lists webpack as a dependency, it would NOT install react. This is because webpack does not need react to function, therefore it does not need to pass the lib downstream.

This is what @gauravtiwari was getting at. Your rails app is “the end of the JS line”, you don’t need to worry about downstream users. I am aware that many READMEs will tell you to use --save-dev, but devDependencies offer no practical use. (esp. in the context of webpacker)

TL;DR: If you need something to build you production bundle, it cannot be placed in devDependencies. (including: webpack, typescript, node-sass, sass-loader)

With webpacker, we recommend putting all build and app related dependencies under dependencies section in package.json (except test deps). I understand the confusion but you see they are not app dependencies i.e. it won’t be included in your pack but they are needed to produce a pack or build - either on Heroku or on your local machine. Does this make sense?

@gauravtiwari I agree this makes sense if you look at the devDependencies / dependencies distinction as code that’s used only locally during the dev workflow (like Prettier, ESLint, etc) vs code that’s executed on production. I think what you’re hearing from other people (and please count myself in that list) is that they all have different understandings of the term and some of those understandings have been implemented into widely used tools (like Heroku).

I ran into the same problem myself when deploying this via the opsworks_ruby cookbook to AWS. My solution was to move the devDependencies into dependencies, but I’d like to see it install dependencies preferably by default, or as an option.