rails: New ActiveModel::Error raises FrozenError without deprecation on 6.1

At GitHub we’re seeing that the new ActiveModel::Error (which I think is a great improvement overall) is raising FrozenError in our app. In particular we see it when we call errors[:some_attribute].clear.

Migrating away from calling clear is warranted but right now the errors prevent us from testing with Rails 6.1 and a deprecation warning is probably more appropriate for 6.1 than a hard failure.

More Info

ActiveModel::Error was added to Rails 6.1 in https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/32313. Part of the change was the addition of DeprecationHandlingMessageArray which serves as a delegate for the [] method:


DeprecationHandlingMessageArray handles calls to << with a deprecation warning, but does not handle calls to other array methods which mutate the array such as errors[:base].clear. In our case, we’ve run into issues with .clear so far but other array methods could conceivably be an issue as well.

Here is a reproduction script which fails under 6.1 and passed under 6.0. It’s a pretty contrived example (simplified from our actual use) but I think it serves to highlight the issue. The script will use 6.1 (master) by default and 6.0 can be run by: RAILS_6_0=1 ruby ./reproduction.rb

# frozen_string_literal: true

require "bundler/inline"

# Run for Rails 6.1 (master) - Failures
# ruby /Users/cpruitt/Desktop/activerecord_errors_repro.rb
# Run for Rails 6.0 - Passes
# RAILS_6_0=1 ruby /Users/cpruitt/Desktop/activerecord_errors_repro.rb

gemfile(true) do
  source "https://rubygems.org"

  git_source(:github) { |repo| "https://github.com/#{repo}.git" }

  if ENV["RAILS_6_0"] == "1"
    gem "activerecord", "6.0.0"
    gem "rails", github: "rails/rails"
  gem "sqlite3"

require "active_record"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "logger"

# This connection will do for database-independent bug reports.
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :users, force: true do |t|
    t.string :username
    t.datetime :suspended_at

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  validate :must_be_verbose

  def suspend(reason)
    # This clear fails under Rails 6.1 with
    # FrozenError: can't modify frozen Array

    errors.add(:base, "You need to specify a reason for the suspension.") if reason.blank?
    update_attribute(:suspended_at, Time.now)


    # Usernames must be really long
    def must_be_verbose
      return if username.to_s.length > 100
      errors.add(:base, "You need to be more witty with your username.")

class BugTest < Minitest::Test
  def test_email_validation_exists_on_save
    short_username_from_before_length_validation = 'firstuser'
    user = User.new(username: short_username_from_before_length_validation)
    user.save!(validate: false)

    assert_equal ["You need to be more witty with your username."], user.errors[:base]

  def test_user_can_be_suspended_even_if_other_validation_fails
    short_username_from_before_length_validation = 'firstuser'
    user = User.new(username: short_username_from_before_length_validation)
    user.save!(validate: false)

    user.suspend("Violated TOS")
    assert user.errors.empty?

  def test_email_validation_is_cleared_on_failed_suspend
    short_username_from_before_length_validation = 'firstuser'
    user = User.new(username: short_username_from_before_length_validation)
    user.save!(validate: false)

    # This will add "You need to be more witty with your username." to base errors

    # No reason given so will fail and will have error on base but will clear base error added above

    # Only the suspension error should appear here
    assert_equal ["You need to specify a reason for the suspension."], user.errors[:base]

CC @lulalala, @eileencodes

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments: 16 (16 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

given the size of the GitHub codebase, have you seen other errors related to this in addition to the original two you mentioned?

@enriikke The two that I mentioned are the only two that I’ve personally encountered.

I’m assuming that we will remove all deprecation warnings and delegators from the new class altogether since we don’t expect to maintain 100% compatibility. Does that sound right?

That sounds reasonable (and simplifies the code base by a lot 😄). I guess the only place that needs deprecation warnings are during app boot, checking if legacy implementation is used.

Will the legacy class be deprecated at some point?

I am guessing we would remove the legacy class in Rails 7.

I’m also assuming the default option will be the legacy class.

I think that would be the most graceful.

@enriikke not sure if you have already started tackling it. I am happy to help out if you haven’t.