rails: ActiveRecord silently triggers a rollback when using return in the transaction block in Rails 7

Steps to reproduce

require "bundler/inline"


gemfile(true) do
  source "https://rubygems.org"
  gem "activerecord", RAILS_VERSION
  gem "sqlite3"

require "active_record"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "logger"

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :records, force: true do |t|

class Record < ActiveRecord::Base

def transaction_with_return
  ActiveRecord::Base.transaction { return Record.create! }

def transaction_without_return
  ActiveRecord::Base.transaction { Record.create! }

class BugTest < Minitest::Test
  def setup

  def test_transaction_block_with_return
    assert_equal 1, Record.count

  def test_transaction_block_without_return
    assert_equal 1, Record.count

Expected behavior

Since using return in the transaction block was deprecated in https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/29333, I would expect that ActiveRecord is not triggering a rollback silently.

Actual behavior

ActiveRecord silently triggers a rollback when return is used in the transaction block.

System configuration

Rails version: 7.0

Ruby version: 3.0

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions: 14
  • Comments: 45 (23 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

@dylanahsmith thanks for the context!

I think I had expected that existing rails developers would discover this problem in existing code through the deprecation warning to avoid a nasty surprise.

I’m worried about my future kids learning Rails and writing perfectly looking Ruby code just to learn the hard way that return is sometimes a nono! Jokes aside, I think that no one expected that the deprecation will turn into silent rollbacks.

This is a very controversial change, pretty much everyone taking part in the discussion on the deprecation PR raised some concerns about the potential consequences of this change. The only thing that was making it easier to swallow was the promise of making it clear to the user by throwing an exception after the rollback.

Please could we just have a log message that says: ROLLBACK triggered because of return statement in transaction block ?

This will give someone something to Google. I just spent a day dismantling a model, trying to find the cause of the silent rollback - taking out every association, every validation, every callback, whittling down all the code in the transaction, only to finally discover that it was return true that was the cause of it all.

Or yes, an exception!

@matthewd wrote there also that:

silently rolling back on a non-error return is also a hugely surprising behaviour

And indeed, it was a nasty thing to discover 😬

I just had a moment of great confusion with this new behavior.

Not only is rolling back a transaction on a non erroneous condition very surprising, it does so silently. 😮 This goes against the “Principle of least astonishment”.

And the cause for this change or “workaround” is also questionable. The problem with Timeout.timout sounds like something that could have been patched within Timeout.

I don’t like it.

Thoughts on how to get this resolved? Seems sorta dangerous as is.

Yes, now if a 0.4.0 release do happen, we can consider added a dependency on timeout >= 0.4.0 and change the behavior.

timeout 0.4.0 was released today: https://rubygems.org/gems/timeout/versions/0.4.0

@zzak yes this is intended behaviour, but we are suggesting improvements, since the behaviour is surprising.

One suggestion is to raise an exception instead of quietly rolling back the transaction: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/45017#issuecomment-1118134642

Another suggestion is to add a log message so at least someone can come to understand why the rollback happened, without spending a day removing all other code from a block and eventually, somehow, finding their way to this page: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/45017#issuecomment-1216158244

Right now, all you see in the log is ROLLBACK. There’s no way to know why the rollback happened.

I like the second option more because I think an exception will be difficult to suppress if the early-return rollback is desired.

ruby/timeout#30 was merged

Yes, now if a 0.4.0 release do happen, we can consider added a dependency on timeout >= 0.4.0 and change the behavior.

I want to stress the “consider”, as adding a new dependency in a patch level release isn’t something we normally allow ourselves to do, and this could have knock-on effect on user code (because Timeout.timeout would now be rescuable).

I was also caught out by this - the transactions rolled back and since there was no exception risen everything proceeded as usual but the data was lost. I’m against this change altogether - it’s dangerous, not intuitive, and poorly documented.

I was caught out by this today. I would wholeheartedly agree that this is not expected behaviour and I spend a good deal of time reverse engineering the cause.

This change is not only surprising but also dangerous. Essentially this is no better than using an empty rescue block to swallow an exception and this goes against every good coding practice.

Is there a recommended way to patch Rails to disable this behavior? We are blocked on upgrading to 7 because of this.

I think it’s pointless discussing this further until something changes upstream.

Something changed upstream, as https://github.com/ruby/timeout/pull/30 was merged : https://github.com/ruby/timeout/commit/f16545abe68b908f91074086c3166b4dffc57802

How can we bring more attention to this issue? People are losing their data and spend many hours trying to figure out what is happening. Maybe even we could learn something from it to avoid adding more sharp edges to Rails in the future. The series of events that led to this change getting merged is very unfortunate.

@jeremyevans wrote:

I think that non-local, non-exception exits should commit the transaction, and only exceptions should roll the transaction back. Changing the behavior just because of Timeout’s design (even if Timeout is not used) seems to be a mistake to me. I certainly have a lot of code that uses throw to exit transactions and expects the transaction will be committed. Sinatra and Roda both use throw for returning responses to web requests

That makes sense. Timeout is an error and externally it doesn’t pretend otherwise but implements unwinding internally via a non-error mechanism (throw). That seems to be the flaw, not the original rails transaction behavior. Timeout unwinding should probably be done via a low level exception (below StandardError). There’s already an understanding in ruby that you shouldn’t be swallowing or recovering from those, in a general fashion (rescue Exception => e).

The current transaction behavior is surprising, incoherent and undocumented. For years everyone knew that you aborted transactions with exceptions and only exceptions. So when people intentionally used early exists they obviously weren’t trying to abort.

Does it really make sense that an early transaction block exit via next, commits, but an early block (and method) exit via return, rolls back? What is the fundamental difference that they should do the opposite of each other?

Came here to say that I spent some hours debugging why a transaction was silently rolled back even though everything worked perfectly (including tests) before upgrading to Rails 7.

I didn’t see the deprecation warning because this time I upgraded Rails from 5 -> 7 … I should’ve went one major version at a time 🙄

This is about what the safest behavior is, and as bad as rolling back a transaction may be, it will always be less bad than committing an interrupted transaction.

Both are bad, I wouldn’t be going as far as to say that one is always better than another. Depending on the application, one could be far better with a small inconsistency in their database than with data loss.

Can we at least gain control over whether the exception should be raised or not in our codebases? This is the biggest source of controversy and could help eliminate the element of surprise.

Serious question - if we’re assuming that users can be educated not to use return in transactions, why instead of that not educate users on how to use Timeout properly? That way we would avoid any harmful changes to Rails.

It’s baffling that there is already a rule in Rubocop warning against using return in transactions, but there is no warning on using Timeout.

– edit

Adding a warning on Timeout would have an additional benefit - since it’s a non-breaking change, it could be pushed to older Rails versions, together with a Rubocop check helping users fix their codebases. Today we have a situation where prior to Rails 7 something is not working as expected, and after Rails 7 something else is not working as expected.

isn’t a solution to the Timeout problem simply passing a second argument?

No, that doesn’t change anything to the problem.

Timeout.timeout uses throw / catch regardless of the error class: https://github.com/ruby/timeout/blob/cae26ed02b8f6dd34a84b04c7c71a844e5a87d48/lib/timeout.rb#L44

That code is only called if a second argument is not provided. See https://github.com/ruby/timeout/blob/cae26ed02b8f6dd34a84b04c7c71a844e5a87d48/lib/timeout.rb#L195

@byroot Help me understand - isn’t a solution to the Timeout problem simply passing a second argument?

I remember when Rails finally stopped swallowing exceptions in the after_commit callback, it’s strange seeing things like this coming back.