prettier-vscode: Breaking up HTML tags in JSX upon save

Hey guys, I’ve been using prettier for about 6 months now and never had an issue. but I recently updated VSCode and I ran into this problem today with it breaking out my HTML tags in my JSX and spacing it all wildly. Example follows: Before save:

return (
    <div className="input-group mb-3">
      <div className="input-group-prepend">
        <span className="input-group-text">
          <i className={icon} />
      className={classnames("form-control form-control-lg", {
        "is-invalid": error
      {error && <div className="invalid-feedback">{error}</div>}

After save

return ( <
      div className = "input-group mb-3" >
      div className = "input-group-prepend" >
      span className = "input-group-text" >
      i className = {
      /> <
      /span> <
      /div> <
      input className = {
        classnames("form-control form-control-lg", {
          "is-invalid": error
      placeholder = {
      name = {
      value = {
      onChange = {
      /> {
        error && < div className = "invalid-feedback" > {
          } < /div>} <

I can provide additional info if needed. Such as my settings, etc.

UPDATE 6/4/18: Resolved by disabling Beautify, which was causing issues with Prettier.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 64
  • Comments: 28 (1 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@jtbandes Thank you so much 👍 FYI: it conflicts with beautify so we add:

"beautify.ignore": [

and it fixed =))

Oh, thank the heavens, the linked issue at jsbeautify solved it for me. Disabled the Beautify plugin on my vscode and all is well.

“files.associations”: { “*.js”: “javascriptreact” } it works for me

it worked thanks get back to coding

Resolved by disabling Beautify, which was causing issues with Prettier.

What if you don’t have beautify installed?

@kajangid you are welcome, but what have I done to deserve the “thank you”?

After ignore beautify everything went ok. "beautify.ignore": [ "**/*.js", "**/*.jsx" ] This code fix the problem.