mongodb-memory-server: MongoDB Memory Sever // Unable to Startup and/or Connect


  • NodeJS: v17.5.0
  • mongodb-memory-server-*: 8.8.0
  • mongodb(the binary version): 5.8.0
  • mongodb(the js package): 2.0.19
  • system: MacOS

package: mongo-memory-server

from package.json:

  "config": {
    "mongodbMemoryServer": {
      "debug": "1"

What is your question?

Hey all. I do not know if this is a bug or not or something else I am doing wrong, but no matter what I do to “start” the MonogMemoryServer it never in the output shows that the “process” has started. I tried every possible varation that I can think of and I ran out of ideas.

I am using this for local development along with unit testing, and not just for unit testing. This would also run “in memory” on my development instance.


Here are the error messages:

[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node --trace-warnings src`
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
Debugger attached.
  MongoMS:ResolveConfig Debug Mode Enabled, through package.json +0ms
  MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer create: Called .create() method +0ms
  MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Mongo[unknown]: start: Called .start() method +1ms
  MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Mongo[unknown]: _startUpInstance: Called MongoMemoryServer._startUpInstance() method +0ms
  MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Mongo[unknown]: getStartOptions: forceSamePort: false +0ms
  MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Mongo[unknown]: _startUpInstance: Creating new MongoDB instance with options: {
  instance: {
    port: 50311,
    dbName: '',
    ip: '',
    storageEngine: 'wiredTiger',
    replSet: undefined,
    dbPath: '/var/folders/cs/wq9ybm2956x6vjjl2rhk_9jr0000gn/T/mongo-mem--17310-EG5By9TnK4Zd',
    tmpDir: {
      name: '/var/folders/cs/wq9ybm2956x6vjjl2rhk_9jr0000gn/T/mongo-mem--17310-EG5By9TnK4Zd',
      removeCallback: [Function: _cleanupCallback]
    keyfileLocation: undefined,
    args: [ '--enableMajorityReadConcern=false' ],
    auth: false
  binary: undefined,
  spawn: undefined
} +22ms
  MongoMS:MongoInstance create: Called .create() method +0ms
  MongoMS:MongoInstance Mongo[50311]: start +0ms
  MongoMS:MongoBinary getPath +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateOptions +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: Generating Download Path, preferGlobal: "true" +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generatePaths {
  version: '5.0.8',
  downloadDir: '',
  os: { os: 'darwin' },
  platform: 'darwin',
  arch: 'x64',
  systemBinary: ''
} +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary getBinaryName +1ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +1ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: Paths: {
  legacyHomeCache: '/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  modulesCache: '/Users/me/Documents/MYREPO/GIT.nosync/app-name/node_modules/.cache/mongodb-memory-server/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  relative: '/Users/me/Documents/MYREPO/GIT.nosync/app-name/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  resolveConfig: ''
}  +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: no existing binary for version "5.0.8" was found +7ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: using global (preferGlobal) "/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8" +0ms
  MongoMS:MongoBinary getPath: MongoBinary options: {
  "version": "5.0.8",
  "downloadDir": "/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries",
  "os": {
    "os": "darwin"
  "platform": "darwin",
  "arch": "x64",
  "systemBinary": "",
  "checkMD5": false
} +11ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary locateBinary: Trying to locate Binary for version "5.0.8" +1ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateOptions +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: Generating Download Path, preferGlobal: "true" +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generatePaths {
  version: '5.0.8',
  downloadDir: '/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries',
  os: { os: 'darwin' },
  platform: 'darwin',
  arch: 'x64',
  systemBinary: ''
} +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary getBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +1ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generatePaths: resolveConfigValue is not empty +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: Paths: {
  legacyHomeCache: '/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  modulesCache: '/Users/me/Documents/MYREPO/GIT.nosync/app-name/node_modules/.cache/mongodb-memory-server/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  relative: '/Users/me/Documents/MYREPO/GIT.nosync/app-name/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  resolveConfig: '/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8'
}  +0ms
[16:00:42 UTC] DEBUG: Processing Plugins...
[16:00:42 UTC] DEBUG: Processing Routes...
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: no existing binary for version "5.0.8" was found +400ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: using resolveConfig (DOWNLOAD_DIR) "/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8" +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary locateBinary: running generateDownloadPath +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: Generating Download Path, preferGlobal: "true" +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generatePaths {
  version: '5.0.8',
  downloadDir: '/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries',
  os: { os: 'darwin' },
  platform: 'darwin',
  arch: 'x64',
  systemBinary: ''
} +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary getBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +1ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generatePaths: resolveConfigValue is not empty +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary combineBinaryName +0ms
  MongoMS:DryMongoBinary generateDownloadPath: Paths: {
  legacyHomeCache: '/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  modulesCache: '/Users/me/Documents/MYREPO/GIT.nosync/app-name/node_modules/.cache/mongodb-memory-server/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  relative: '/Users/me/Documents/MYREPO/GIT.nosync/app-name/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8',
  resolveConfig: '/Users/me/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-darwin-5.0.8'
}  +0ms

I am on MacOSX system and updated to the latest code. I tried everything from different ports to the database name. Below is the javascript code that is excuting the start process.

Code Sample

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
const { MongoMemoryServer } = require('mongodb-memory-server')

// removed irrlevent code

class MongoDatabase extends DatabaseServices {

// removed irrlevent code

  async connectDatabase () {
    let mongoDbUri

    if (this.databaseInfo.localMemory) {

      let _mongo
      do {
        _mongo = await MongoMemoryServer.create({
          instance: {
            ip: '',
            storageEngine: 'wiredTiger',  // I did this as a test, removed, it still didn't work
            args: ['--enableMajorityReadConcern=false'] // same here, but it didn't make a difference.
      } while(_mongo.getUri() === null)

      // set settings
      const _mongoUri = _mongo.getUri().replace(/\//gi, '').split(':') // NOTE: I never am able to connect and get the getUri method. = _mongoUri[1]
      this.databaseInfo.port = _mongoUri[2]

      mongoDbUri = 'mongodb://' + + ':' + this.databaseInfo.port


About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions: 1
  • Comments: 24

Most upvoted comments

closing because issue is stale and has gone slightly off-topic, if this issue should be encountered again feel free to post here (as long as the used mongodb-memory-server version is below 9.0)

ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) moved from openssl 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.16 to openssl 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.7 . While the mongodb downloads page doesnt have a mongodb binary for jammy, their apt repo does have a version specifically for jammy that doesnt need openssl 1.1.1f, located at So, for mongodb-memory-server to work on jammy, we’ll need to extract the binary from the .deb package.

I figured this out by comparingdpkg -l | grep " openssl " with the circleci nodejs images: docker run -it cimg/node:16.17.0 vs docker run -it cimg/node:16.18.1 (both docker images are based on ubuntu jammy, just at different moments in time), and ldd ~/.cache/mongodb-memory-server/mongod-x64-ubuntu-6.0.3 vs running ldd on the binary extracted from the above deb

Here’s a pastebin of the debug logs if that can be of any help: I will dig them more thoroughly and edit this message if needed

your issue according to the logs is:

/home/eric-burel/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-ubuntu-5.0.8: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version OPENSSL_1_1_1’ not found (required by /home/eric-burel/.cache/mongodb-binaries/mongod-x64-ubuntu-5.0.8)`

this means you are missing a OPENSSL library