undici: SocketError: other side closed

Upon connecting to a proxy with user:pass it’s all good, but when I try to make a request to an proxy which is IP authenticated, I get ‘SocketError: other side closed’. I’m not sending the proxy-authorization header as it’s not needed. Blanked the proxy ip and port below.

var Client = require('undici');
(async ()=>{
	const client = new Client("http://proxyip:proxyport")
	const response = await client.request({
	  method: 'GET',
	  path: 'https://api.ipify.org?format=json',
	  headers: {
	    //'proxy-authorization': `Basic ${Buffer.from(':').toString('base64')}`

	let data = ''
	for await (const chunk of response.body) {
	  data += chunk


About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions: 8
  • Comments: 43 (29 by maintainers)

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This issue has been closed since 3 years ago; please open a new one with a description and an Minimum Reproducible Example if possible 🙂

I dont think this issue should be closed. @mcollina

You need to consume or destroy the response body. I think the docs mention this.

Alright, I will see if I can narrow it down.

Thanks! Tracking down those conditions is hard 😦.

Alright, I will see if I can narrow it down.