performance: Node errors are very slow to create

Unfortunately, it’s becoming increasingly common that errors are used as part of normal control flow.

  • AbortController throws an AbortError as part of cancellation logic.
  • A lot of web frameworks use throwing errors as part of request response logic using e.g. Hence, a normal 404 response can have nontrivial overhead due to to creating and throwing an error instead of simply doing res.statusCode = 404; res.end(); return;.
  • Web specs use throwing errors as a normal flow control mechanism (e.g. WebStreams)

Hence the current state of constructing errors in Node is not optimal. The errors are heavily enriched with lots of helpful information, however at a huge performance cost. We need to investigate what can be done to improve this and discuss possible compromises.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created a year ago
  • Reactions: 5
  • Comments: 16 (15 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

I am currently looking into improving the performance. So far I have identified two things that we are able to improve.

We are able to move some checks from the runtime to the setup time. This is however only a small part of the overall performance overhead. One big bottleneck is ErrorCaptureStackTrace and this is a tricky part. We might be able to remove that.

Besides the actual performance bottleneck, the implementation itself has become difficult to maintain by now as we have lots of very similar functions that create things slightly different. I am working on unifying that but it is going to take some time to do this right.

I already implemented some first improvements locally:

                                                                        confidence improvement accuracy (*)   (**)   (***)
error/hidestackframes.js nested=0 n=10000 type='direct-call-noerr'              **     10.55 %       ±7.38% ±9.82% ±12.78%
error/hidestackframes.js nested=0 n=10000 type='direct-call-throw'             ***     86.07 %       ±4.43% ±5.92%  ±7.77%
error/hidestackframes.js nested=0 n=10000 type='hide-stackframes-noerr'                 2.42 %       ±6.27% ±8.35% ±10.88%
error/hidestackframes.js nested=0 n=10000 type='hide-stackframes-throw'        ***     85.11 %       ±4.05% ±5.39%  ±7.01%
error/hidestackframes.js nested=1 n=10000 type='direct-call-noerr'                      4.10 %       ±4.73% ±6.29%  ±8.19%
error/hidestackframes.js nested=1 n=10000 type='direct-call-throw'             ***     97.84 %       ±3.46% ±4.61%  ±6.00%
error/hidestackframes.js nested=1 n=10000 type='hide-stackframes-noerr'                -0.35 %       ±4.18% ±5.56%  ±7.24%
error/hidestackframes.js nested=1 n=10000 type='hide-stackframes-throw'        ***     91.28 %       ±3.56% ±4.76%  ±6.23%
error/node-error.js type='node' n=100000                                       ***    167.19 %       ±7.47% ±9.99% ±13.11%
error/node-error.js type='regular' n=100000                                             0.15 %       ±4.17% ±5.55%  ±7.23%

Created now also

as first step to improve SystemError instanciation.

FWIW I have an open PR that makes Error creation slower, but also less vulnerable. I guess it’d be nice to see if there’s a way to make both things happen or if those are two conflicting goals.

This is really problematic. I would recommend we include also @jasnell and maybe we schedule a custom meeting for this. There is a lot to talk about.

I checked AbortError again and it seems like the stack trace is needed in most cases to allow users to identify the point where they called abort() or similar.

There are a few places where it’s possible to remove the stack frames such as when running in a timeout (AbortSignal.timeout(ms)). Besides that, I have only found a case in child process that should actually create the error earlier to include the proper stack trace.

The errors are just slow as long as we have to collect the stack frames and we should probably keep that behavior as it is.