mongoid-history: NoMethodError: undefined method `where' for HistoryTracker:Class
I am using mongoid-history(0.5.0) with an rails(5.0.0) and mongoid(github master branch). The changes are
class HistoryTracker
include Mongoid::History::Trackable
Mongoid::History.tracker_class_name = :history_tracker
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
include Mongoid::History::Trackable
include Mongoid::Attributes::Dynamic
field :name, type: String
field :points, type: Integer, default: 0
track_history on: [:name, :points], track_create: false, track_update: true, track_destroy: true
When I run ‘user.history_tracks’ in rails console, I get
2.3.0 :012 > user = User.last
=> #<User _id: 10de0dd7710542, created_at: 2016-09-13 15:10:07 UTC, updated_at: 2016-09-13 15:10:07 UTC, email: "", encrypted_password: "$2a$10$ByExx918bnV6", remember_created_at: nil, sign_in_count: 1, current_sign_in_at: 2016-09-13 15:10:07 UTC, last_sign_in_at: 2016-09-13 15:10:07 UTC, current_sign_in_ip: "::1", last_sign_in_ip: "::1", github_handle: "prasad", active: true, name: "Prasad Surase", provider: "github", uid: "56", avatar_url: "", points: 0, version: nil, modifier_id: nil>
2.3.0 :013 > user.version
=> nil
2.3.0 :014 > user.modifier_id
=> nil
2.3.0 :015 > user.history_trac
user.history_trackable_options user.history_tracks
2.3.0 :015 > user.history_tracks
NoMethodError: undefined method `where' for HistoryTracker:Class
from /Users/prasad/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mongoid-history-0.5.0/lib/mongoid/history/trackable.rb:75:in `history_tracks'
from (irb):15
from /Users/prasad/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/railties-4.2.5/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:110:in `start'
from /Users/prasad/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/railties-4.2.5/lib/rails/commands/console.rb:9:in `start'
from /Users/prasad/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/railties-4.2.5/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:68:in `console'
from /Users/prasad/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/railties-4.2.5/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:39:in `run_command!'
from /Users/prasad/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/railties-4.2.5/lib/rails/commands.rb:17:in `<top (required)>'
from ./bin/rails:4:in `require'
from ./bin/rails:4:in `<main>'
Am I missing something or is this a valid bug?
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: open
- Created 8 years ago
- Comments: 20 (1 by maintainers)
Not entirely sure if this is related, but I’ll just throw it out there.
I’ve had an issue with Rails 5.0.1, Mongoid 6.0.2 and Mongoid-History 0.6.0. The app acts as a standalone API and shares its database with a Rails 4 app. The Rails 5 app is read-only and I did not have a problem with it up until today when I opened a rails console and tried to update a record, which always returned
. Even without calling save or validate every record had errors and was invalid right from when loaded. When I inspected the errors I gotSo, after a little research (with a short stop in this thread) I ended up reading the mongoid config specs and realised they are setting
Mongoid.belongs_to_required_by_default = true
by default, which is in compliance with the rails 5 active record default setting (changed fromdefault = false
todefault = true
), but screwed up everything when not saving a modifier.Simply adding an initializer solved the problem:
@dblock The issue basically is that ActiveRecord changed its policy towards relations with Rails 5. Before, when you defined a belongs_to relation, the foreign key was not required (could be null or not), now it is required by default unless stated otherwise.
Mongoid adopted that behavior, which breaks mongoid-history if you try to save a history without setting the modifier_id (belongs_to relation), because modifier_id will now be validated for presence by default - hence the
:modifier => "cant be blank"
error message.It is not related to the original issue I think, but rather to the issue that prasadsurase ran into when creating a sample app:
Issue for me was that creating through console the modifier_id needs to be passed manually or as some id from seed or as default value like, example:
I have a solution to my question. Posting it for feedback, or in case anyone else has the problem …
In #139 @dblock mentions that you need to set the modifier explicitly. Seeing as though there is one model at the moment that I want to track changes in, I’ve added a merge to the strong params method which now looks like this:
This works, so I’ll keep it like this for now, unless anyone has a better implementation idea