moby: Bug in --volumes-from, starting from docker 1.13
Bug appears if you try to use “–volumes-from” with not exists folders
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- docker create --name test -v /some/not/exists/dir:/some/dir node:6.9.1
- docker run -it --rm --volumes-from test node:6.9.1 bash
Describe the results you received:
docker: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused “process_linux.go:359: container init caused "rootfs_linux.go:54: mounting \"/some/not/exists/dir\" to rootfs \"/var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/ea72e72f3c1d539878c6ff558bf8e386265d7cdd3e68e9d225697adaaa4b6a8d\" at \"/some/dir\" caused \"stat /some/not/exists/dir: no such file or directory\""”.
Describe the results you expected:
Docker must create dir /some/not/exists/dir
Output of docker version
Version: 1.13.0
API version: 1.25
Go version: go1.7.3
Git commit: 49bf474
Built: Tue Jan 17 09:58:26 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 1.13.0
API version: 1.25 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.7.3
Git commit: 49bf474
Built: Tue Jan 17 09:58:26 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Output of docker info
Containers: 0
Running: 0
Paused: 0
Stopped: 0
Images: 1
Server Version: 1.13.0
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 7
Dirperm1 Supported: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Volume: local
Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: 03e5862ec0d8d3b3f750e19fca3ee367e13c090e
runc version: 2f7393a47307a16f8cee44a37b262e8b81021e3e
init version: 949e6fa
Security Options:
Profile: default
Kernel Version: 4.4.0-47-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 1.953 GiB
Name: servers-dev-modera-org
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): false
WARNING: No swap limit support
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: open
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments: 23 (9 by maintainers)
Hm, well, it’s not really a data-volume container, because the data is not stored in the container, or a volume, but uses a bind-mount from the host.
That section is pretty outdated, and in real need of an overhaul; Starting with version 1.7, docker added support for “volume” management commands (e.g.
docker volume create
), which allows you to manage volumes without having to start a “dummy” container for that.Let me add a bit of information;
If you want to store persistent data, you can use a volume. When creating a volume, and attaching it to a container, the data from inside the container (at the location you attach the volume) is copied to the volume the first time it’s run. This allows you to ship an image with some default data, and initialize the volume with that default data. For example;
Because the “database-data” volume is still empty, the content of
is written to the volume. Any data written to/var/lib/mysql
is written to the volume, and is preserved after the container is deleted. This allows you to upgrade the container without loosing your data, for example, to upgrade from mysql 5.7.16 to mysql 5.7.17:The location where the actual data is stored for a volume depends on the volume-driver that is used. By default (with the “local” volume driver), it’s stored in a directory inside
on the host that the daemon runs on, but there are other plugins that allow you to store the data on (e.g.) s3, or ceph. Here is an overview of volume drivers. More enhancements are coming though; docker 1.13 adds support for “managed” plugins; this allows you to install plugins (such as volume drivers) through thedocker plugin install
During development you sometimes want (e.g) your local source code to be available inside the container, so that you can make code changes without having to rebuild the image; doing so is called “bind-mounting” a host directory. Bind-mounts are not volumes (but use the same flag, which can be confusing from a naming perspective).
Contrary to volumes, bind-mounts do not copy data from the container to the mounted directory. This is by design, because you’re giving the container access to a directory on the host, and not the other way round.
Although host-directories are automatically created when bind-mounting a directory, this feature is only for backward compatibility, and it’s advisable to create the directory on the host before bind-mounting it into the container;
Now you can bind-mount the directory into the container;
The directory is bind-mounted “over” the existing files in the container, so when visiting http://localhost:8080, you’ll see “Hello world!”. Editing the local index.html will directly update the file that’s used in the container.
Note that when bind-mounting files from the host, there’s a number of things to take into account;
I have found a solution
DockerCompose v3
version: ‘3’
Workspace Utilities Container
PHP-FPM Container
Apache Server Container
MariaDB Container
Redis Container
Volumes Setup
@vv3d0x I can confirm that adding the below
works for me as a way of avoiding having to usevolumes_from
, but is there a way to do it without having to specify the full path on the host machine indocker-compose.yml
?With v2 syntax, I could just mount the current working directory with
but if I put.
in the abovedriver_opts
, it mounts/
and not.
!Basically, if you specify a host-directory, you’re using “bind-mounts”, not “volumes”. The confusing bit here is that they are both defined through
. Bind-mounts will work in a local development setup, but are discouraged for deploying an application as using bind-mounts will make your application host-dependent. (i.e. you need to prepare the host before being able to use a bind-mount).There is a volume-plugin that allows you to specify a custom path on the host for its storage (see, and, but it’s possible to do with just the local volume driver (also see the linked issue) (edit just see you found that solution);
This assumes the host-directory (
) is present on the host@vv3d0x some things I notice in your docker-compose file;
. “legacy links” are deprecated, and discouraged as they are a “static” link between containers. For example, restarting the container you linked to will break the link, resulting in the other container no longer being able to connect. If you switch to the compose “2.x” or higher format, you can use “docker networks”, doing so allows you to connect to other containers using their service-name as hostname. Restarting containers will no longer break that connectivity. Legacy links also (by the original design) leak environment variables to every container that is connected, possibly leaking credentials to connected containers (see
. That way, you can use logging drivers, and usedocker logs
to view your logs, or send logs to a log collector (see
, althoughdepends_on
may work for initially starting up your stack, it does not resolve situations where a service is temporarily unavailable (e.g., during an update of that service, or if the service is running on a different machine, due to a network disruption). It’s advisable to design your services to be resilient against temporary outages of connected services, for example, by implementing a retry-loop if a dependent service is not available.@thaJeztah In reference to your answer (thanks for the very clear explanation):
In a setup like in the answer, with two separate images (and containers):
(a web server) andmydataimage
(a specific website - static data files - to serve), how to deploy a new version ofmydataimage
without restartingnginx
? More generally, how to deploy data packaged into a data image - a new version of it - to be consumed by other running container(s), using Docker?IIUC, deploying a new version of
by merely restarting its container will not update the shared volumeuploads-data
and songinx
will not see the new data from the newmydataimage
. The shared volumeuploads-data
will not be updated because it only gets initialized once, when mounted for the first time while it’s empty. Here it won’t be empty because it contains the previous version ofmydataimage
.You can still use the same volume for two services. If I understand correctly, you have a separate image holding the data, purely for propagating the volume? Say that that image is named
, you can do something like this;Be aware though, that there will be a “race” condition; if the
service is started before theinit
service, then the volume is propagated by the content of theweb
service’s image, not theinit
service’s image.So, you may want to do
docker-compose up init
manually to start theinit
service first (and propagate the volume), then start the other services. Alternatively (since propagating the volume is a one-time task), you can manually declare the volume “external” (i.e., the volume is not created bydocker-compose
, but created up-front), and run the image manually to propagate the volume;Then;
Is there a reason you’re using a separate image to propagate the volume, and not putting that in the services’ image itself?
Generally; volumes are used for runtime data (e.g. database data, uploads, sessions, etc), but the source code itself of your service should not be in a volume. That way you can update the source code by deploying a new version of the image (
), which will update the version of your application, but preserve the “runtime” data.Because you’re using the compose-file V1 schema, and that schema does not have support for defining volumes (i.e., no
section); when parsing your compose-file with the V1 schema,
is seen as the name of a service, andlogstash_dir:
is seen as an option for that service, which of course is not valid.So far I have been using the
not to copy the volume definition but instead to share the content provided by a volume container’s exposed volume(s), i.e. I have created an image that defines a volume and have populated that image with content under the volume path. I then start a container for that volume image and configure other containers to mount volumes_from that volume container in order to read the content from the volume shared by the volume container. This doesn’t seem to be possible anymore or is it?The
is basically a “lazy” way to copy volume definitions from one container to another, so;Is the same as running;
If you are deploying to AWS you should not use bind-mounts, but use named volumes instead (as in my example above), for example;
Which you can run with