vscode: Code lens get randomly bungled in the latest stable, "actual command NOT FOUND" error on click
- VSCode Version: 1.44.2
- OS Version: Win10
This looks like the same issue as locked&closed https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/84153. I think I’ve found a simple and reliable repro so I suggest that issue to be reopened.
Repro steps:
1: Make basic HelloWorld c# program with “dotnet new console”. Add test class like in the gif to have some densely packed code lens.
2. Move/delete/enter multiple lines at the same time.
3. Result: code lens get mixed up, and clicking on the bungled ones result in actual command NOT FOUND
Here is a visual demonstration:
It’s broken whenever number of references doesn’t match the field name. It frequently gets bungled and un-bungled on every change, so it’s likely some racing-conditions are going on.
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 4 years ago
- Reactions: 1
- Comments: 15 (6 by maintainers)
Commits related to this issue
- don't resolve code lens when typing, immediately resolve code lens after receiving them, fixes https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/96783 — committed to microsoft/vscode by jrieken 4 years ago
- Squashed 'lib/vscode/' changes from e5a624b788d..ea3859d4ba2 ea3859d4ba2 Bump version number to 1.52.1 (#112659) 608dfc13634 Catch all localhost duplicates when forwarding a port (#112575) 8b5ece7c20... — committed to coder/code-server by code-asher 4 years ago
- Squashed 'lib/vscode/' changes from e5a624b788d..ea3859d4ba2 ea3859d4ba2 Bump version number to 1.52.1 (#112659) 608dfc13634 Catch all localhost duplicates when forwarding a port (#112575) 8b5ece7c20... — committed to coder/code-server by jsjoeio 4 years ago
- Squashed 'lib/vscode/' changes from e5a624b788..3e344b17b7 3e344b17b7 Remove extrenuous file. (#113825) 36f9eaf1e7 Merge pull request #113596 from Ry0taK/release/1.52 e73a6b082c Create ryotak.txt ea3... — committed to coder/code-server by code-asher 3 years ago
- Squashed 'lib/vscode/' changes from e5a624b788d..3e344b17b7b 3e344b17b7b Remove extrenuous file. (#113825) 36f9eaf1e7b Merge pull request #113596 from Ry0taK/release/1.52 e73a6b082cd Create ryotak.tx... — committed to coder/code-server by code-asher 3 years ago
- Squashed 'lib/vscode/' changes from e5a624b788..3e344b17b7 3e344b17b7 Remove extrenuous file. (#113825) 36f9eaf1e7 Merge pull request #113596 from Ry0taK/release/1.52 e73a6b082c Create ryotak.txt ea3... — committed to coder/code-server by code-asher 3 years ago
Thanks @SirIntruder. I can reproduce and I believe I know what’s happening here: Code lens works in two phases.
Whenever you type we start again but there is also code to resolve new places when typing, e.g when removing a large block of text which then reveals new, unresolved places. The problem is that the resolve call isn’t valid because the positions of the original lenses have changed. Another problem is that the resolve-after-type races against the resolve-after-places.