vscode-cmake-tools: Project configuration fails, Unhandled exception

Brief Issue Summary

When configuring my project, vscode get stuck in a loop displaying following error:

[rollbar] Unhandled exception: Failed to open CMake cache file on code model update TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'file') {}

I was able to configure properly in the past, but for some reason it stopped working. My workspace is a multi root workspace and only one project is getting configured with CMake. VSCode is on Windows and connecting to a Linux remote host using remote development extension. CMake is latest version 3.26.0 and is in the PATH.

I already tried to delete my build folder and reconfigure manually. I have also made sure there is no build folder in another other folder than the project I am configuring.

My .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Linux",
            "intelliSenseMode": "linux-gcc-x64",
            "configurationProvider": "ms-vscode.cmake-tools",
            "compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/compile_commands.json"
    "version": 4

CMake Tools Diagnostics

  "os": "linux",
  "vscodeVersion": "1.76.2",
  "cmtVersion": "1.14.18",
  "configurations": [
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectA",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectB",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectC",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectD",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectE",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectF",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectG",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectH",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectI",
      "cmakeVersion": "3.26.0",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "Ninja",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectJ",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
      "folder": "[REDACTED]/projectK",
      "cmakeVersion": "unknown",
      "configured": false,
      "generator": "unknown",
      "usesPresets": false,
      "compilers": {}
  "cpptoolsIntegration": {
    "isReady": true,
    "hasCodeModel": false,
    "activeBuildType": "",
    "buildTypesSeen": [],
    "requests": [],
    "responses": [],
    "partialMatches": [],
    "targetCount": 0,
    "executablesCount": 0,
    "librariesCount": 0,
    "targets": []
  "settings": [
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": false
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null
      "communicationMode": "automatic",
      "useCMakePresets": "auto",
      "configureOnOpen": null

Debug Log

[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectA/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] Injecting new Kit into CMake driver
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectB/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[extension] Configuring workspace on open [REDACTED]/projectA
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectC/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[proc] Executing command: /opt/tools/cmake/bin/cmake --version
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[main] Starting new CMake driver
[main] Starting CMake driver
[cmakefileapi-driver] Creating instance of CMakeFileApiDriver
[driver] Initializating base driver using kit
[driver] CMakeDriver Kit set to __unspec__
[kit] The environment for kit '__unspec__': {
  "MANPATH": ":/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/share/man",
  "SHELL": "/bin/bash",
  "TMPDIR": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "SSH_CLIENT": "[REDACTED] 50081 22",
  "GTEST_COLOR": "1",
  "http_proxy": "",
  "USER": "jlav",
  "LS_COLORS": "",
  "NO_STATUS": "1",
  "SSH_AUTH_SOCK": "/tmp/vscode-ssh-auth-sock-159397797",
  "VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server",
  "MAIL": "/var/spool/mail/jlav",
  "PWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "LANG": "C",
  "https_proxy": "",
  "HTTPS_PROXY": "",
  "SHLVL": "4",
  "HOME": "/export/home/jlav",
  "HTTP_PROXY": "",
  "TMP": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "LOGNAME": "jlav",
  "LESSOPEN": "||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s",
  "_": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/node",
  "HISTSIZE": "1000",
  "HISTCONTROL": "ignoredups",
  "VSCODE_AMD_ENTRYPOINT": "vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess",
  "VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG": "{\"locale\":\"en\",\"availableLanguages\":{}}",
  "BROWSER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/bin/helpers/browser.sh",
  "VSCODE_CWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI": "/export/home/jlav/tmp/vscode-ipc-1d4dd13c-9afe-40d2-b80e-130bf47fd4a7.sock",
[driver] Trying to detect generator supported by system
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cmakefileapi-parser] Read reply folder: [REDACTED]/projectA/build/.cmake/api/v1/reply
[cmakefileapi-parser] Found index files: ["cache-v2-9e82f784970310eccb10.json","cmakeFiles-v1-56c98b669b0eb76f2f96.json","codemodel-v2-df1800008ab87a239da1.json",[REDACTED],"toolchains-v1-05ca3ff5362bdd026ef5.json"]
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectB
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectD/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectE/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[driver] Setting new variant Release
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectF/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectG/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectH/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectC
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectI/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] Starting new CMake driver
[main] Starting CMake driver
[cmakefileapi-driver] Creating instance of CMakeFileApiDriver
[driver] Initializating base driver using kit
[driver] CMakeDriver Kit set to __unspec__
[kit] The environment for kit '__unspec__': {
  "MANPATH": ":/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/share/man",
  "SHELL": "/bin/bash",
  "TMPDIR": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "SSH_CLIENT": "[REDACTED] 50081 22",
  "GTEST_COLOR": "1",
  "http_proxy": "",
  "USER": "jlav",
  "LS_COLORS": "",
  "NO_STATUS": "1",
  "SSH_AUTH_SOCK": "/tmp/vscode-ssh-auth-sock-159397797",
  "VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server",
  "MAIL": "/var/spool/mail/jlav",
  "PWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "LANG": "C",
  "https_proxy": "",
  "HTTPS_PROXY": "",
  "SHLVL": "4",
  "HOME": "/export/home/jlav",
  "HTTP_PROXY": "",
  "TMP": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "LOGNAME": "jlav",
  "LESSOPEN": "||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s",
  "_": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/node",
  "HISTSIZE": "1000",
  "HISTCONTROL": "ignoredups",
  "VSCODE_AMD_ENTRYPOINT": "vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess",
  "VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG": "{\"locale\":\"en\",\"availableLanguages\":{}}",
  "BROWSER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/bin/helpers/browser.sh",
  "VSCODE_CWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI": "/export/home/jlav/tmp/vscode-ipc-1d4dd13c-9afe-40d2-b80e-130bf47fd4a7.sock",
[driver] Trying to detect generator supported by system
[main] Injecting new Kit into CMake driver
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cmakefileapi-parser] Read reply folder: [REDACTED]/projectA/build/.cmake/api/v1/reply
[cmakefileapi-parser] Found index files: ["cache-v2-9e82f784970310eccb10.json","cmakeFiles-v1-56c98b669b0eb76f2f96.json","codemodel-v2-df1800008ab87a239da1.json",[REDACTED],"toolchains-v1-05ca3ff5362bdd026ef5.json"]
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectD
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectE
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectF
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectG
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectH
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectJ/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[main] Safe constructing new CMakeProject instance
[variant] Constructing VariantManager
[main] Constructing new CMakeProject instance
[main] Starting CMake Tools second-phase init
[driver] Setting new variant Release
[variant] Loaded new set of variants
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: /export/home/jlav/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json
[kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: [REDACTED]/projectK/.vscode/cmake-kits.json
[main] CMakeProject instance initialization complete.
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectJ
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[rollbar] Unhandled exception: Failed to open CMake cache file on code model update TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'file') {}
[extension] Attempting to use cache to configure workspace file://[REDACTED]/projectK
[main] Not starting CMake driver: no kit selected
[main] Unable to configure with existing cache
[main] Starting new CMake driver
[main] Starting CMake driver
[cmakefileapi-driver] Creating instance of CMakeFileApiDriver
[driver] Initializating base driver using kit
[driver] CMakeDriver Kit set to __unspec__
[kit] The environment for kit '__unspec__': {
  "MANPATH": ":/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/share/man",
  "SHELL": "/bin/bash",
  "TMPDIR": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "SSH_CLIENT": "[REDACTED] 50081 22",
  "GTEST_COLOR": "1",
  "http_proxy": "",
  "USER": "jlav",
  "LS_COLORS": "",
  "NO_STATUS": "1",
  "SSH_AUTH_SOCK": "/tmp/vscode-ssh-auth-sock-159397797",
  "VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server",
  "MAIL": "/var/spool/mail/jlav",
  "PWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "LANG": "C",
  "https_proxy": "",
  "HTTPS_PROXY": "",
  "SHLVL": "4",
  "HOME": "/export/home/jlav",
  "HTTP_PROXY": "",
  "TMP": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "LOGNAME": "jlav",
  "LESSOPEN": "||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s",
  "_": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/node",
  "HISTSIZE": "1000",
  "HISTCONTROL": "ignoredups",
  "VSCODE_AMD_ENTRYPOINT": "vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess",
  "VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG": "{\"locale\":\"en\",\"availableLanguages\":{}}",
  "BROWSER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/bin/helpers/browser.sh",
  "VSCODE_CWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI": "/export/home/jlav/tmp/vscode-ipc-1d4dd13c-9afe-40d2-b80e-130bf47fd4a7.sock",
[driver] Trying to detect generator supported by system
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cmakefileapi-parser] Read reply folder: [REDACTED]/projectA/build/.cmake/api/v1/reply
[cmakefileapi-parser] Found index files: ["cache-v2-9e82f784970310eccb10.json","cmakeFiles-v1-56c98b669b0eb76f2f96.json","codemodel-v2-df1800008ab87a239da1.json",[REDACTED],"toolchains-v1-05ca3ff5362bdd026ef5.json"]
[driver] Setting new variant Release
[rollbar] Unhandled exception: Failed to open CMake cache file on code model update TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'file') {}
[main] Starting new CMake driver
[main] Starting CMake driver
[cmakefileapi-driver] Creating instance of CMakeFileApiDriver
[driver] Initializating base driver using kit
[driver] CMakeDriver Kit set to __unspec__
[kit] The environment for kit '__unspec__': {
  "MANPATH": ":/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/share/man",
  "SHELL": "/bin/bash",
  "TMPDIR": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "SSH_CLIENT": "[REDACTED] 50081 22",
  "GTEST_COLOR": "1",
  "http_proxy": "",
  "USER": "jlav",
  "LS_COLORS": "",
  "NO_STATUS": "1",
  "SSH_AUTH_SOCK": "/tmp/vscode-ssh-auth-sock-159397797",
  "VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server",
  "MAIL": "/var/spool/mail/jlav",
  "PWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "LANG": "C",
  "https_proxy": "",
  "HTTPS_PROXY": "",
  "SHLVL": "4",
  "HOME": "/export/home/jlav",
  "HTTP_PROXY": "",
  "TMP": "/export/home/jlav/tmp",
  "LOGNAME": "jlav",
  "LESSOPEN": "||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s",
  "_": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/node",
  "HISTSIZE": "1000",
  "HISTCONTROL": "ignoredups",
  "VSCODE_AMD_ENTRYPOINT": "vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess",
  "VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG": "{\"locale\":\"en\",\"availableLanguages\":{}}",
  "BROWSER": "/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/bin/ee2b180d582a7f601fa6ecfdad8d9fd269ab1884/bin/helpers/browser.sh",
  "VSCODE_CWD": "/export/home/jlav",
  "VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI": "/export/home/jlav/tmp/vscode-ipc-1d4dd13c-9afe-40d2-b80e-130bf47fd4a7.sock",
[driver] Trying to detect generator supported by system
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cache] Reading CMake cache file [REDACTED]/projectA/build/CMakeCache.txt
[cache] Parsing CMake cache string
[cmakefileapi-parser] Read reply folder: [REDACTED]/projectA/build/.cmake/api/v1/reply
[cmakefileapi-parser] Found index files: ["cache-v2-9e82f784970310eccb10.json","cmakeFiles-v1-56c98b669b0eb76f2f96.json","codemodel-v2-df1800008ab87a239da1.json",[REDACTED],"toolchains-v1-05ca3ff5362bdd026ef5.json"]
[driver] Setting new variant Release
[rollbar] Unhandled exception: Failed to open CMake cache file on code model update TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'file') {}
[main] Starting new CMake driver
[main] Starting CMake driver
[cmakefileapi-driver] Creating instance of CMakeFileApiDriver
[driver] Initializating base driver using kit
[driver] CMakeDriver Kit set to __unspec__

Additional Information

In Developer Tools console

  ERR [Extension Host] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'file')
	at /export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.14.18/dist/main.js:38634:117
	at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
	at CTestDriver.refreshTests (/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.14.18/dist/main.js:38633:30)
	at async CMakeProject.startNewCMakeDriver (/export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.14.18/dist/main.js:34583:9)
	at async /export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.14.18/dist/main.js:34818:21
	at async /export/home/jlav/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.14.18/dist/main.js:52921:36

No response

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments: 18 (1 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

For me its Catch2 with catch_discover_tests and also an empty backtraceGraph.

We are using googletest and the list of test is generated dynamically. On a clean configure, all the tests listed by ctest --show-only=json-v1 -C Debug are “NOT_BUILT” and show no command.

When we add a native ctest to our cmake add_test(NAME dummytest COMMAND echo toto), we indeed have a backtrace info. So it looks like its only with our google tests when using gtest_discover_tests