azure-pipelines-tasks: Code coverage results is empty (except for download link)

I have a pipeline that is successfully generating a .coverage file artifact. However, nothing shows up in the “Code Coverage” tab. Based on a few other related threads I found, the file needs to be in a Jacoco format in order for that DevOps tab to work. So, I tried opening the .coverage file in note bad, and it’s a binary file of some kind and I can’t tell if it’s in the correct format or not.

Here is the log from the Test and Publish steps:

##[section]Starting: Visual Studio Test
Task         : Visual Studio Test
Description  : Run unit and functional tests (Selenium, Appium, Coded UI test, etc.) using the Visual Studio Test (VsTest) runner. Test frameworks that have a Visual Studio test adapter such as MsTest, xUnit, NUnit, Chutzpah (for JavaScript tests using QUnit, Mocha and Jasmine), etc. can be run. Tests can be distributed on multiple agents using this task (version 2).
Version      : 2.148.7
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         : [More information](
SystemVssConnection exists true
SystemVssConnection exists true
SystemVssConnection exists true
Running tests using vstest.console.exe runner.
Test selector : Test assemblies
Test filter criteria : null
Search folder : d:\a\1\s
Run in parallel : true
Run in isolation : false
Path to custom adapters : null
Other console options : /Platform:x64
Code coverage enabled : true
Diagnostics enabled : true
SystemVssConnection exists true
Run the tests locally using vstest.console.exe
Test selector : Test assemblies
Test assemblies : **\tests\**\*.Tests.dll,!**\obj\**
Test filter criteria : null
Search folder : d:\a\1\s
Run settings file : d:\a\1\s
Run in parallel : true
Run in isolation : false
Path to custom adapters : null
Other console options : /Platform:x64
Code coverage enabled : true
Diagnostics enabled : false
Rerun failed tests: false
VisualStudio version selected for test execution : toolsInstaller
[command]C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\VsTest\16.0.1\x64\tools\net451\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe @d:\a\_temp\6c0296a1-509c-11e9-aabf-058f3e1d3174.txt
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.0.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...
M i c r o s o f t   ( R )   C o v e r a g e   C o l l e c t i o n   T o o l   V e r s i o n   1 6 . 0 . 3 0 3 1 9 . 0 
 C o p y r i g h t   ( c )   M i c r o s o f t   C o r p o r a t i o n .     A l l   r i g h t s   r e s e r v e d . 
[ 00:00:00.00] VSTest Adapter v2.4.1 (64-bit Desktop .NET 4.0.30319.42000)
[ 00:00:01.70]   Discovering: DevOpsTemplate.Tests
[ 00:00:02.34]   Discovered:  DevOpsTemplate.Tests
[ 00:00:02.35]   Starting:    DevOpsTemplate.Tests
[ 00:00:03.19]   Finished:    DevOpsTemplate.Tests
M i c r o s o f t   ( R )   C o v e r a g e   C o l l e c t i o n   T o o l   V e r s i o n   1 6 . 0 . 3 0 3 1 9 . 0 
 C o p y r i g h t   ( c )   M i c r o s o f t   C o r p o r a t i o n .     A l l   r i g h t s   r e s e r v e d . 
 Passed   DevOpsTest.Tests.TestOne.A
Results File: d:\a\1\s\TestResults\VssAdministrator_fv-az478_2019-03-27_14_27_32_076.trx

  d:\a\1\s\TestResults\1cf2519b-6de4-49cc-b930-fbd067a228f6\VssAdministrator_fv-az478 2019-03-27 14_27_21.coverage

Total tests: 1. Passed: 1. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.
Test execution time: 9.5364 Seconds
##[section]Async Command Start: Publish test results
Publishing test results to test run '1000852'
Test results remaining: 1. Test run id: 1000852
Published Test Run :
##[section]Async Command End: Publish test results
##[section]Finishing: Visual Studio Test

And the publish coverage step:

##[section]Starting: Publish code coverage results
Task         : Publish Code Coverage Results
Description  : Publish Cobertura or JaCoCo code coverage results from a build
Version      : 1.148.0
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         : [More Information](
##[warning]No code coverage results were found to publish.
##[section]Finishing: Publish code coverage results

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions: 2
  • Comments: 30 (8 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Apologies for the delay in response.

Right now, we don’t have an ETA to share on the new user experience feature for code coverage results. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we are unable to enroll new users for the private preview as well at this time. Sorry !

We will get back with an update as soon as we are ready to roll this out more broadly for customers to try.

Can someone please clarify if the Code Coverage tab is supposed contain only a link to download the results? Or is it supposed to display the results, but it is broken due to a bug in the task?

Not asking you to immediately fix a bug (should there be one), just some information would be much appreciated.

Edit: according to the Visual Studio Test task is responsible for the Code Coverage tab being mostly empty.

I stumbled across the same issue but was able to solve this with that configuration:

- task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
      summaryFileLocation: 'tests/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml'
      codeCoverageTool: 'Cobertura'
      reportDirectory: 'tests/coverage/lcov-report'

The arguments codeCoverageTool and reportDirectory (containing html report) are not part of the official documentation: However, auto-completion in vscode helped me.

We are closing this ticket now as soon we will be releasing this new view to show the code coverage results.



If anyone is interested in this view , please mail your account details to We will enable this view on your account.

Hi, I am unable to email account details with error:

Your message to couldn’t be delivered.

The group sadadirs only accepts messages from people in its organization or on its allowed senders list, and your email address isn’t on the list. richard.torhan Office 365 sadadirs Sender Action Required           Sender not allowed | richard.torhan | Office 365 | sadadirs | Sender |   | Action Required |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Sender not allowed richard.torhan | Office 365 | sadadirs Sender |   | Action Required   |   |   |   |   |     |   |   |   |     |   | Sender not allowed How to Fix It It appears you aren’t in the same organization as the group (or a sub-group) you’re sending to or your email address isn’t on the group’s allowed senders list. Ask the owner of the group to grant you permission to send to it, and then try again. If the group belongs to a different organization than yours, contact the organization’s customer service department for assistance. If the group is in your organization and you don’t know who the group owner is, you can find it by doing the following in either Outlook on the web or Outlook: ·         Open your Sent folder and select the original message. ·         If you’re using Outlook on the web, select the group name located on the To or CC line. If you’re using Outlook, double-click the group name located on the To or CC line. ·         In Outlook on the web, from the pop-up dialog box, choose Owner. In Outlook, choose Contact. The owner’s name is listed under Owner. The owner of the group may have intentionally chosen to restrict who can send messages to it, and they may not want to adjust the existing restriction. In this case, you’ll have to contact the group members by some other means, such as sending an email message to their individual email addresses or contacting them by phone. | How to Fix It | It appears you aren’t in the same organization as the group (or a sub-group) you’re sending to or your email address isn’t on the group’s allowed senders list. Ask the owner of the group to grant you permission to send to it, and then try again. If the group belongs to a different organization than yours, contact the organization’s customer service department for assistance. If the group is in your organization and you don’t know who the group owner is, you can find it by doing the following in either Outlook on the web or Outlook: | ·         Open your Sent folder and select the original message. ·         If you’re using Outlook on the web, select the group name located on the To or CC line. If you’re using Outlook, double-click the group name located on the To or CC line. ·         In Outlook on the web, from the pop-up dialog box, choose Owner. In Outlook, choose Contact. The owner’s name is listed under Owner. | The owner of the group may have intentionally chosen to restrict who can send messages to it, and they may not want to adjust the existing restriction. In this case, you’ll have to contact the group members by some other means, such as sending an email message to their individual email addresses or contacting them by phone. How to Fix It It appears you aren’t in the same organization as the group (or a sub-group) you’re sending to or your email address isn’t on the group’s allowed senders list. Ask the owner of the group to grant you permission to send to it, and then try again. If the group belongs to a different organization than yours, contact the organization’s customer service department for assistance. If the group is in your organization and you don’t know who the group owner is, you can find it by doing the following in either Outlook on the web or Outlook: ·         Open your Sent folder and select the original message. ·         If you’re using Outlook on the web, select the group name located on the To or CC line. If you’re using Outlook, double-click the group name located on the To or CC line. ·         In Outlook on the web, from the pop-up dialog box, choose Owner. In Outlook, choose Contact. The owner’s name is listed under Owner. The owner of the group may have intentionally chosen to restrict who can send messages to it, and they may not want to adjust the existing restriction. In this case, you’ll have to contact the group members by some other means, such as sending an email message to their individual email addresses or contacting them by phone.