tracing: Traceid and spanid wrong when using Kotlin Reactor Coroutines

Hello. When using Kotlin Reactor Coroutines like the following:

  return mono {
            val text = "Greetings from Spring Boot!"

then the traceId and spanId that are being included in the log statement above look like the following:

ERROR [00000000000000000000000000000000,0000000000000000] 80834 --- [atcher-worker-1] com.example.demo.HelloController         : Greetings from Spring Boot!

The traceId and spanId in the logs are always 0 (zeros) .

This happens only for log statements inside such mono {} blocks. Other log statements outside of these blocks work as expected.

I have created a sample reproducer project here:

Just start the Spring Boot app and use the following curl request:

curl --location 'localhost:8080/'

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: open
  • Created a year ago
  • Reactions: 3
  • Comments: 52 (2 by maintainers)

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Hey, I am starting working on that and may ask guidance to Kotin team on the best way to fix that. This kind of issue seems to impact both Micrometer and Spring as soon as kotlinx.coroutines.reactor.mono is involved.

Hint: you can also use spring.reactor.context-propagation=auto property instead of calling Hooks.enableAutomaticContextPropagation() by hand since Spring Boot 3.2.0.

FYI, on the Spring side, for Controllers, the coroutine entry point is provided by InvocableHandlerMethod class.

For Web MVC:

Its doInvoke(...) checks if the function is a Kotlin suspend function and, if so, ultimately calls CoroutinesUtils.invokeSuspendingFunction(...)

Notably, it does not give a CoroutineContext object, so the coroutine is started with no context.

For WebFlux:

Similar to Web MVC, it calls CoroutinesUtils.invokeSuspendingFunction(...) without giving a CoroutineContext.

Maybe Spring should take whatever is in Reactor Context at this point and copy it into Coroutine Context?

EDIT: I don’t have a suggested workaround, a fix probably needs to happen in Spring itself.

EDIT 2: There are two InvocableHandlerMethod implementations, one for Web MVC and one of WebFlux.

@meberhard This works for me so please double check:

fun router() = coRouter {
    context { CoroutineName("Custom context") }
    "/nested".nest {
        GET("/") {
            throw RuntimeException()
    onError<RuntimeException> { _, _ ->

If you can reproduce, please create a Spring Framework issue with a self contained repro as an attached archive or a link to a repository.

@grassehh is correct - enableAutomaticContextPropagation() needs to be the first thing you do @meberhard

I will have a deeper look to the 2 issues raised on Spring Framework side, and to this Stackoverflow question.

@meberhard looks like the coRouter implementation does not pick up the context that is stored by CoWebFilter in an exchange attribute. In fact I suspect that it’s better to do the following:

coRouter {
    context {[CoWebFilter.COROUTINE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE] as CoroutineContext }
    GET("/demo", demoHandler::demoCall)

The only place in Spring Framework that is handling this attribute otherwise is this: which is not getting called for coRouter handlers (just checked with a debugger).

@sdeleuze I’ve got a question on the currentCoWebFilter implementation. What happens if I actually have multiple CoWebFilter implementations in my project and they all manipulate CoroutineContext somehow?

Edit: looks like my question about CoWebFilter was already asked here: . I’ll raise a separate issue to follow up.

For me, the tracing works as expected using the CoWebFilter (basically the same code that @grassehh shared.

What I don’t get: Why doesn’t this work when I use spring’s coRouter instead of spring’s @RestController? I can see that the filter function of the CoWebFilter is also invoked when using the coRouter. But: The trace/mdccontext is dropped if I use delay with coRouter.

On some additional research I found the following:

So when I add the context to my coRouter, the tracing and mdcContext is working (also after delay):

class DemoRouter(
    private val demoHandler: DemoHandler,
    private val observationRegistry: ObservationRegistry
) {

    fun demoRoutes() = coRouter {
        context { observationRegistry.asContextElement() }
        GET("/demo", demoHandler::demoCall)


What I don’t get:

  1. The CoWebFilter is also invoked and sets the context - why is this not enough and I also have to set the context on the level of the coRouter?
  2. Is there some way to define the context for the coRouter globally -> I like it better to have it set in a central way as in CoWebFilter, otherwise I would have to add it to every coRouter.

@grassehh here are the changes I made to your repo - basically just upgrading versions to get to Spring Framework 6.1 snapshots and the code in With that I was able to get tracing context in MDC in controllers using coroutines:

I did not look more into the logbook stuff.

I have just added the last part of Spring Framework 6.1 CoroutineContext refinement: it is now possible to propagate it via CoWebFilter.

I have fixed the nested route + context issue via, so please test and report any remaining problem with Spring Framework 6.1.2-SNAPSHOT (release planned tomorrow).

Could it be related to the usage of ThreadLocal based infrastructure here? With Coroutines, like with Reactive, you are not supposed to use ThreadLocal but rather Reactor or Coroutines contexts.

I tried removing the two lines

ObservationThreadLocalAccessor.getInstance().observationRegistry = observationRegistry

-> same result, no context/traceId in the onError method.

@meberhard Not sure if this has anything to do, but have you tried declaring Hooks.enableAutomaticContextPropagation() inside your WebConfig post contruct rather than after call to runApplication ?

Also tried that -> moved this to the WebConfig, same result (no context/traceId in the onError method).

I tried it both - with the ThreadLocal stuff that you have in your example and without.

ObservationThreadLocalAccessor.getInstance().observationRegistry = observationRegistry

Just FYI - with @RestController only the line Hooks.enableAutomaticContextPropagation() is required - so probably we can drop the other lines also.

@grassehh is correct - enableAutomaticContextPropagation() needs to be the first thing you do @meberhard

good point -> I don’t even know why it worked at all with the @RestController like that. I anyway also moved this line before the run - same result: no context/traceId in the onError call.

Hint: you can also use spring.reactor.context-propagation=auto property instead of calling Hooks.enableAutomaticContextPropagation() by hand since Spring Boot 3.2.0.

Awesome! Thanks a lot for this 🙏

@marcingrzejszczak I am trying to use observationRegistry.asContextElement() but it seems to be losing my logging… a small snippet of how I am using it"has context")
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch(errorHandler) {
	withContext(observationRegistry.asContextElement()) {"has no context")
}"also has no context")

I am using spring boot and injecting observationRegistry, not sure if that is proper usage.

Also I can get the “has no context” logging properly if I change withContext(observationRegistry.asContextElement()) { with withContext(MDCContext(context)) { where val context = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap() is set before CoroutineScope. However that last always loses context

I didn’t say that. I’m just replying to @vooft comment