type-graphql: Too slow for simple large list

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. type-graphql is slower than normal graphql for simple large list.

type-graphql: time = 920

import 'reflect-metadata';
import { ObjectType, Field, Resolver, Query, buildSchemaSync } from 'type-graphql';
import { graphql } from 'graphql';

class Item {
  a: number;
  b: number;
  c: number;
  d: number;
  e: number;

class ItemResolver {
  @Query(() => [Item])
  items() {
    return new Array(5000).fill(0).map((v, i) => ({ a: i, b: i, c: i, d: i, e: i }))

const schema = buildSchemaSync({
  resolvers: [ItemResolver]

const start = Date.now();
graphql(schema, '{ items { a b c d e } }')
  .then((r) => {
    console.log('time =', Date.now() - start);

normal graphql: time = 101

import {
} from 'graphql';

const Item = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Item',
  fields: {
    a: { type: GraphQLString },
    b: { type: GraphQLString },
    c: { type: GraphQLString },
    d: { type: GraphQLString },
    e: { type: GraphQLString },

var schema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'RootQueryType',
    fields: {
      items: {
        type: GraphQLList(Item),
        resolve() {
          return new Array(5000).fill(0).map((v, i) => ({ a: i, b: i, c: i, d: i, e: i }))

const start = Date.now();
graphql(schema, '{ items { a b c d e } }')
  .then((r) => {
    console.log('time =', Date.now() - start);

Describe the solution you’d like I think some optimizations are needed for simple cases.

If I change createSimpleFieldResolver, it runs faster.

function createSimpleFieldResolver(fieldMetadata) {
    return (root, args, context, info) => root[fieldMetadata.name];

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions: 8
  • Comments: 20 (13 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments


I cannot base a medical enterprise application on a framework maintained by a SINGLE developer, way to risky

I understand your point of view as for enterprise grade products you need a solid, stable and well supported products. However, be aware that “official” graphql-js is also maintained by Ivan Goncharov alone 😉

Try to think of a tooling that you can offer to assist developing your framework and sell it, or write a book, or try to find some case-studies from successful projects using this, get some insight, and you can also assemble a team and leverage that to offer paid enterprise support and training.

I have some sponsorship from companies, I have backers on OpenCollective so I hope things will move forward into less hobbyist, more stable part-time maintaining 😉

I don’t want to go into a paid plan, especially not now when TypeGraphQL just started adopting in GraphQL community. For workshops and training it also might be too early but I am always open for any request. Maybe a paid course on a learning platform would be a good fit I think 🤔

Also, in Gold Sponsors tier, you will “get a premium technical support from our core contributors”, so if you only need a support with solving problems, fixing bugs or adding new features in TypeGraphQL for your enterprise app, and you are able to pay for this, it’s not a problem as I run my own business and can send an invoice for that 😉

Note: partially related to #71.

@sixmen It’s a well known fact that abstraction makes things slower. But your comparison only show super-simple hello world case when you just read properties of generated objects.

If you are interested in making TypeGraphQL faster, you should consider creating more real-life benchmarks, where you call http endpoint, read from databse, write from database, have inputs validation, some auhtorization guard mechanism, middlewares for catching and transforming results, etc. In this more complicated scenario, the difference will be much smaller cause the most of time it will execute arbitrary user code, not the framework internals.

I can make @Field({ simple: true }) decorator option to skip all the middlewares and other framework internals and generates simple property access resolvers if that fixes your real app problem. But I would rather invite you to create some benchmark suites, measure time spend in different TypeGraphQL internals an maybe we found some easy optimizations like skipping transforming object instances or validation of empty args objects, etc.

Second discover - Node 13 is really fast! 🚀 Without any changes in the code (only ES2018 build), it drops execution time from 2.196s to 1.622s and from 7.311s to just 4.557s!

Also, using default resolvers for object fields increase the speed for nested objects from 4.557s to 3.086s, which is really close to 2.422s of graphql-js 💪

Now after confirmation I can work on API to enable that optimization 😉

I’ve created a simple benchmark which showed that it speeds up the execution of simple object returning from 4831 ms to 2196 ms, and deeply nested object from 17067 ms to 7311 ms! 💪

But it’s still 2196 ms vs 871 ms of graphql-js, as well as 7311 ms vs 2206 ms 😞

Will check the behavior for big arrays of object and then add an option to disable TypeGraphQL resolver stack in favor of direct object field access 😉

As Node 8 is going out of support, we can bump to 10.3 and use ES2018 features 💪 Will try to make this change as a part of 0.18 release as it’s a breaking change 😉

I checked the beta, and the issue I created is resolved. (I used the forked version for a while - https://github.com/croquiscom/type-graphql/commits/croquis-190523 -, and I’ll apply the way you worked)

But I found another problem after I created the issue. It is not critical for me like this issue, but it is still a problem.

So, I made another issue #487, please check it.

Good job @MichalLytek on the performance improvements. I stopped iterating on it. I decided for now to stay away from any “Abstraction Layer” on top of GraphQL official schema. This might change in the future, as your library is the best out there, it’s properly maintained and it’s clear that you care about it.

Another concern that I expressed both on gitter is that you are the sole developer. A good developer nonetheless, but I cannot base a medical enterprise application on a framework maintained by a SINGLE developer, way to risky. GraphQL is moving fast, and most likely this isn’t your full time job.

Try to think of a tooling that you can offer to assist developing your framework and sell it, or write a book, or try to find some case-studies from successful projects using this, get some insight, and you can also assemble a team and leverage that to offer paid enterprise support and training. Then, people like me who are scared as **** of code-base abandonment will no longer think this.

Did some research and it seems it’s related to the createSimpleResolver and the awaiter function from typescript:

    // return (root, args, context, info) => root[fieldMetadata.name];
    return (root, args, context, info) => tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
        const resolverData = { root, args, context, info };
        return yield root[fieldMetadata.name];
        // return yield helpers_1.applyMiddlewares(container, resolverData, middlewares, () => root[fieldMetadata.name]);

As it turns out the lib awaiter was heavy, just modifying to es2017 as target to use the native async await. We just got 2x improvement. The 5000 example now takes 500ms instead 1000ms.

@MichalLytek I have tested the implementation in this description. We’re having big problems. I wanted to further test and play with the example.

The simple graphql returns 50,000 generated docs in 508ms. The type-graphql returns 2000 docs in 752ms. Something is really really off. For 50,000 and type-graphql nodemon crashes.

Security context: 0xec5e8325891 <JSObject>
    1: /* anonymous */ [/Users/theodor/Projects/tests/kaviar/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:~106] [pc=0x31244a2fd73e](this=0xec5dd184f01 <JSGlobal Object>,resolve=0xec508799a89 <JSFunction (sfi = 0xec53262cd79)>,reject=0xec508799ad1 <JSFunction (sfi = 0xec53262ced9)>)
    2: new Promise(aka Promise)(this=0xec532602311 <the_hole>,0xec5087999a1 <JSFunction (sfi = 0xec598e6eb69)>)
    4: dispatchHandle...

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
 1: node::Abort() [/usr/l

It seems that the amount of time grows exponentially not lineraly which leads me to think there’s something else going on here.

What is the resolution for this issue? i have this exact same problem. @MichalLytek

For my problem, following shortcuts are enough because I don’t have global middlewares.

export function createSimpleFieldResolver(
  fieldMetadata: FieldMetadata,
): GraphQLFieldResolver<any, any, any> {
  const { authChecker, authMode, globalMiddlewares } = BuildContext;
  const middlewares = globalMiddlewares.concat(fieldMetadata.middlewares!);
  applyAuthChecker(middlewares, authMode, authChecker, fieldMetadata.roles);

  return async (root, args, context, info) => {
    const resolverData: ResolverData<any> = { root, args, context, info };
    if (middlewares.length === 0) {
      return root[fieldMetadata.name];
    return await applyMiddlewares(resolverData, middlewares, () => root[fieldMetadata.name]);


export function createSimpleFieldResolver(
  fieldMetadata: FieldMetadata,
): GraphQLFieldResolver<any, any, any> {
  const { authChecker, authMode, globalMiddlewares } = BuildContext;
  const middlewares = globalMiddlewares.concat(fieldMetadata.middlewares!);
  applyAuthChecker(middlewares, authMode, authChecker, fieldMetadata.roles);

  if (middlewares.length === 0) {
    return (root, args, context, info) => {
      return root[fieldMetadata.name];
  } else {
    return async (root, args, context, info) => {
      const resolverData: ResolverData<any> = { root, args, context, info };
      return await applyMiddlewares(resolverData, middlewares, () => root[fieldMetadata.name]);

If someone has global middlewares, some methods to skip middlewares(like {simple:true}) may be needed.

Actually this is a REAL problem for me.

My program reads data of length 500 from database and returns as list. And no middleware are applied to the fields.

If the DB time is 200ms, type-graphql is still very slow (300ms vs 100ms).

This is a graph when I remove type-graphql runtime (decorators remain, and build schema from decorators at compile time)

2019-02-139 36 04