MicaForEveryone: Extended backdrop doesn't take effect on some apps when having 6+ CPU cores
While “Extend Frame into Client Area” is enabled, it should work as expected on several apps (any amount of cores), and Aero Wizard if we have a CPU with 4 or less cores.
But if we have a CPU with 6+ cores, the extended backdrop doesn’t take effect on Aero Wizard at all until we reload MicaForEveryone config.
Examples of Aero Wizard apps are:
• Add a network location
• Bluetooth File Transfer (fsquirt.exe
• Create Shortcut
• Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders
Here’s what Bluetooth File Transfer looks like on 4-core vs 6-core:
White texts displaying on white background = extended backdrop works
Another comparison when using a black theme:
Class: "NativeHWNDHost" {
TitleBarColor = Light ; or Dark if using black theme
BackdropPreference = Mica
ExtendFrameIntoClientArea = True
EnableBlurBehind = False
About this issue
- Original URL
- State: closed
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments: 17 (11 by maintainers)
@ethroz It’s done by editing msstyles.
Custom themes (dark & black) can be downloaded from Rectify11 discord.
After applying a black theme, launch MicaForEveryone configuration, go to the Global rule and change the following options:
Keep in mind that unofficial system-wide dark themes can result in visual bugs in some Win32 apps.
Well logging functionality is perfectly doable.