kiri: Cannot view board layout

I just installed Kiri and cannot view the board layouts of any projects. I was able to reproduce this with a public project, megadesk, here’s the final section of the kiri -V output:


# 22/231 8f813aa | 2022-11-30 21:15:04 | Greg Cormier | change folder case

    # Rev 8f813aa files
         project_path: /Users/akelly/Downloads/megadesk/pcb/.kiri/8f813aa
              project: megadesk.kicad_pro
            schematic: megadesk.kicad_sch
               layout: megadesk.kicad_pcb

    # Rev 8f813aa project info
        Kicad Version: 6
          Sch Version: 20211123
          PCB Version: 20211014

    # Plotting schematics, 8f813aa
    DIR: /Users/akelly/Downloads/megadesk/pcb
    kicad-cli sch export svg --black-and-white --no-background-color --output "/Users/akelly/Downloads/megadesk/pcb/.kiri/8f813aa/_KIRI_/sch" \
    status: 0

    # Plotting layouts 4a2ee6c, 8f813aa
    DIR: /Users/akelly/Downloads/megadesk/pcb
    kidiff -k -n --webserver-disable -a 4a2ee6c -b 8f813aa -o "/Users/akelly/Downloads/megadesk/pcb/.kiri" -f "megadesk.kicad_pcb"
    | ./src/common/stdpbase.cpp(59): assert ""traits"" failed in Get(): create wxApp before calling this
    | Traceback (most recent call last):
    |   File "/Users/akelly/.local/share/kiri/submodules/KiCad-Diff/bin/../kidiff/", line 264, in <module>
    |     processBoard(board_path, plot_dir, args.quiet, args.verbose, args.frame, args.numbers)
    |   File "/Users/akelly/.local/share/kiri/submodules/KiCad-Diff/bin/../kidiff/", line 119, in processBoard
    |     popt.SetDrillMarksType(pn.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS.NO_DRILL_SHAPE)
    | AttributeError: type object 'PCB_PLOT_PARAMS' has no attribute 'NO_DRILL_SHAPE'
    | ./src/common/stdpbase.cpp(59): assert ""traits"" failed in Get(): create wxApp before calling this
    | Traceback (most recent call last):
    |   File "/Users/akelly/.local/share/kiri/submodules/KiCad-Diff/bin/../kidiff/", line 264, in <module>
    |     processBoard(board_path, plot_dir, args.quiet, args.verbose, args.frame, args.numbers)
    |   File "/Users/akelly/.local/share/kiri/submodules/KiCad-Diff/bin/../kidiff/", line 119, in processBoard
    |     popt.SetDrillMarksType(pn.PCB_PLOT_PARAMS.NO_DRILL_SHAPE)
    | AttributeError: type object 'PCB_PLOT_PARAMS' has no attribute 'NO_DRILL_SHAPE'
    status: 1

    # Rev pcb files
         project_path: /Users/akelly/Downloads/megadesk/pcb
              project: megadesk.kicad_pro
            schematic: megadesk.kicad_sch
               layout: megadesk.kicad_pcb

Assembling the HTML
- Adding list of commits
- Adding list of pages
- Adding list of layers

Latest rev 4a2ee6c
- Project's title (folder name): megadesk
- Project's name (file name): megadesk
- Sch title: [missing]
- PCB title: [missing]
- Sch revision: [missing]
- PCB revision: [missing]
- Sch date: [missing]
- PCB date: [missing]

Kiri main page
- Initial project path:
  Pro 1: .kiri/4a2ee6c/megadesk.kicad_pro
  Pro 2: .kiri/f710b6e/megadesk.kicad_pro

Starting webserver at
(Hit Ctrl+C to exit)

Screenshot: image

System specs: Kicad 8.0 from homebrew MacOS 14.2.1 Apple Silicon M1

kiri -v output:

usage: date [-jnRu] [-I[date|hours|minutes|seconds]] [-f input_fmt]
            [-r filename|seconds] [-v[+|-]val[y|m|w|d|H|M|S]]
            [[[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.SS] | new_date] [+output_fmt]
date: illegal option -- d
usage: date [-jnRu] [-I[date|hours|minutes|seconds]] [-f input_fmt]
            [-r filename|seconds] [-v[+|-]val[y|m|w|d|H|M|S]]
            [[[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.SS] | new_date] [+output_fmt]

    kiri 7a938be
    kicad 8.0.0
    plotgitsch v0.9.0-8-ge5f94e4
    kidiff be291c6

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 months ago
  • Comments: 17 (11 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Hi Thank you very much, it works now! No complaints at the moment. I appreciate the work you do. You can close the issue now 😉.

I ran kiri on megadesk quickly here, and the layout did not work for me on Linux either. Maybe I have to improve some paths of Python, I will check that.

However, I could see the layout running this it with the -k flag like this. This uses kicad-cli instead of kicad-diff to plot layouts, but it takes more time. So I suggest using -t to limit the N last commits like this:

kiri -r -D -t 4 -k

Also, it this date is a problem, you may not have GNU Date. Check if you have this gdate program. If you have it, use this workaround while studying how to fix it.

alias date=gdate

In summary you can try this to check if Kiri works complete again for you on MacOS:

alias date=gdate
kiri -r -D -k -t 4

Please, let me know if this fixes the issue for you while I track and solve this.