Leaflet: zIndexOffset for marker is not working as expected


Leaflet is a very useful component but I’m facing currently a behavior which seems very weird and I could not find a workaround for it.

I’m using Leaflet 1.0.3. I’m using Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit). The same happens on mobile devices my app is ported to (android/iOS). I’m running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

  1. I’m adding a marker to the map and I want to affect its ordering by zIndex means: var marker = new L.Marker(location, { icon: new L.Icon( { iconUrl: iconUrl, iconSize: [size.width, size.height], iconAnchor: [anchor.leftOffset, anchor.topOffset] }), draggable: draggable, clickable: true, zIndexOffset: zIndexOffset }); In my example I’m using zIndexOffset of 202.

  2. After adding the marker to the map (marker.addTo(map)) immediately I see that the marker object changes and get a zIndex of 619. Actually each application run with the same initial zIndexOffset I get a different zIndex on marker object after adding it to the map.

  3. I have an event listener on ‘mousedown’ event and when I inspect the marker object received by the listener zIndex is again different (477). Meaning it has changed even from the arbitrary value set in setp 2.

  4. In case I zoom in and out the map the zIndex will change again.

All of this doesn’t allow me to set different markers on top of others since step 2 change ruins any logic I may use in my code.

Here’s the example of what happens in the leaflet playground:

How could this be fixed or maybe any workaround?

Thanks in advance

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Comments: 29 (10 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Well, finally I came up with a solution that works fine for me: Since in your algo you just sum the zIndex calculated by leaflet and zIndexOffset provided from outside and since all zIndexes you deal with are hundreds I’m just working with zIndexOffsets in multiplications of 1000s. A bit dirty but it does the job.

Anyway, thanks a bunch for your rapid help!