Leaflet: Leaflet 1.7.1 causes 2 click events to be emitted by Leaflet Controls in Safari

Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • set up a basic map, with a control that has a button in it, which listens for click events and posts the events to the console
  • click the button in the control using Safari on a Mac
  • see two click events in the console, one with isTrusted:true and another with isTrusted:false attributes

(Using ‘force touch’ to click the button on a trackpad results in only a single click event being emitted, but it also triggers the Safari preview popup.)

Expected behavior

There should only be one click event emitted, with the isTrusted:true attribute.

Would Leaflet be able to safely filter out the click events with isTrusted:false?

Current behavior

In version 1.6 the expected behaviour is observed. In version 1.7.1 Chrome exhibits the expected behaviour, but Safari doesn’t.

The differences between the two events are included below.

MouseEvent 1:


_simulated: true
composed: false
isTrusted: false
layerX: 15
layerY: 28
offsetX: 15
offsetY: 28
pageX: 410
pageY: 46
screenX: 1390
screenY: 189
timeStamp: 499337
webkitForce: 0
x: 410
y: 38

MouseEvent 2:


composed: true
isTrusted: true
layerX: 15
layerY: 20
offsetX: 15
offsetY: 20
pageX: 410
pageY: 38
screenX: 1390
screenY: 189
timeStamp: 538265
webkitForce: 1
x: 410
y: 38

_simulated, composed, isTrusted and perhaps webkitForce seem to be the key differences, but it also seems odd that there are different timestamps and Y dimensions between the two events.


  • Leaflet version: 1.7.1
  • Browser (with version): Safari 13.1.2
  • OS/Platform (with version): OS X 10.13.6 and 10.15.6

Additional context

I noticed this after OpenStreetMap updated to the latest version of Leaflet, where the issue manifests itself by preventing some of the map tools to be used as the first event toggles a tool on and the second toggles it off. Related issue posted at https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/2811

Minimal example reproducing the issue

Please see https://codepen.io/dankarran/pen/JjXMXzd

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions: 47
  • Comments: 63 (17 by maintainers)

Commits related to this issue

Most upvoted comments

I ran into this problem in firefox as well (and mobile safari). I was not able to reproduce it reliably but the hint that it comes from the tap option led me to the solution which disables tap entirely as I apparently don’t need it to open the popup, even on mobile safari:

var map = L.map('map', { "tap": false });

disabling tap altogether fixes this for me on safari (using leaflet from react-leaflet) and all my tap events still work.

var map = L.map('map', { "tap": false });

works great! Not sure what “tap” actually does since my markers, panning etc all still work.

source: https://bleepcoder.com/leaflet/694192486/leaflet-1-7-1-causes-2-click-events-to-be-emitted-by-leaflet

edit: says @eikes comment was pinned but I actually had to “unhide” it to see it

@AduchiMergen we are currently in the final phase before releasing 1.8.0. We think we release it with march

For anyone using Vue-Leaflet, setting tap to false seems to work to resolve the issue, but remember that vue-leaflet only allows some options to be passed as props to the map component directly, for the rest (like ‘tap’) you need to pass a custom ‘options’ object, as per: https://vue2-leaflet.netlify.app/faq/#how-can-i-specify-leaflet-options-that-aren-t-part-of-a-component-s-props

Disabling tap fixed the problem for me also. But since I’m using React-Leaflet, I don’t use L.map(). Instead, the MapContainer component has a tap prop that can be used for disabling tapping.

<MapContainer tap={false}>

I ran into this problem in firefox as well (and mobile safari). I was not able to reproduce it reliably but the hint that it comes from the tap option led me to the solution which disables tap entirely as I apparently don’t need it to open the popup, even on mobile safari:

var map = L.map('map', { "tap": false });

Thank you for this solution, @eikes! I ran into this issue today and that solved it.

As appeared, the same issue affects not only desktop Safari, but also legacy Edge (and who knows what else). AFAIK atm tap handler is needed for iOS only.

So… May be we should change map.options.tap default to false.

Minimal example reproducing the issue

For the sake of clarity: that example is using

    L.DomEvent.on(container, "click", function(e) {

Note that this issue also causes bindPopup to not work with markers:

@SpencerKaiser can you try leaflet@beta?

This issue prevents menus from working on Safari. For example, openstreetmap loses its map tools. As no one is assigned to this bug, it may not get attention.

The same problem happens to me and only happens in Safari. Chrome and Firefox are only firing the event once MacOS 10.15.6 and Safari 14.0.

I temporarily downgraded Leaflet to 1.6 and everything works normally.

If the JS at https://s3.amazonaws.com/leafletjs-cdn/content/leaflet/master/leaflet-src.js is the latest version, it’s still firing two click events on iOS Safari.


~The off topic police are going a bit overboard here 🙄 the comment directly above this one is directly related to this issue…~

Edit: Thanks for making the one above on topic again 😉

Also do yall have an eta on the next release? I’m fine using the beta build for now, but I’m worried about future releases breaking us, so I’m nervous about checking that in as permanent fix.

ETA a few days. Very likely at the end of the week.

If 1.8.0 includes breaking changes, why isnt it a 2.0.0 release then??

@Falke-Design The 1.8 is quite big update which includes breaking changes IMHO bugfix should be released in a patch update 1.7.2

@systemed Can you please try shift-dragging using https://s3.amazonaws.com/leafletjs-cdn/content/leaflet/master/leaflet-src.js ? (e.g. https://plnkr.co/edit/v4GzrCYSxpIO1aOo ) That’s a build from master that already includes the changes from #7260.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/leafletjs-cdn/content/leaflet/master/leaflet-src.js ^ this version seems to work way better than 1.7.1 in desktop Safari 14.0. tap or click fires only once 👍

If it helps as a quick fix as a stopgap (and doesn’t break other things), commenting out that simulated event does seem to work for me in both Chrome and Safari on iOS…


Unsure whether this is the same issue (so please forgive tagging onto end of existing ticket), but shift-drag to zoom in is also broken in 1.7.1 on desktop Safari. Happy to open a new issue if #7260 hasn’t fixed this too.