jest: Tests are run even when beforeAll throws error

When beforeAll throws an error, or returns a Promise that rejects, the tests are still run. I would expect the tests to not even run at all.

See example repo:

And the output:

> jest __tests__/test.js

 FAIL  __tests__/test.js
  ● test › tests 1 === 1

    My error
      at __tests__/test.js:5:14
      at Object.<anonymous> (__tests__/test.js:4:12)

  ● test › tests 2 === 2

    My error
      at __tests__/test.js:5:14
      at Object.<anonymous> (__tests__/test.js:4:12)

    ✕ tests 1 === 1 (2ms)
    ✕ tests 2 === 2 (1ms)

Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests:       2 failed, 2 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        0.154s, estimated 1s
Ran all test suites matching "__tests__/test.js".
  console.log __tests__/test.js:3

  console.log __tests__/test.js:12
    test 1

  console.log __tests__/test.js:17
    test 2

  console.log __tests__/test.js:9

npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 67
  • Comments: 25 (14 by maintainers)

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Most upvoted comments

Ya, I agree. I have to say this is an astonishingly bad developer experience for cases that rely on complex setup procedures. We have several projects with integration tests that need to add fixtures to a real database, and this issue makes it very difficult to differentiate between setup errors and failed tests, especially since setup runs independently for each test file.

It looks like this may be a better place to direct our comments, though.

This is how jasmine behaves, I’m afraid this is a wontfix for now.

No, I mean from within a test suite, I have a condition which means the rest of the file should not run so I want to skip all remaining tests or terminate the process or something. Like the behaviour which the OP expected when an exception is thrown in beforeAll.

My specific use case is I’m writing some integration tests which hit the DB but I want don’t want to run them if there’s already data in there.

It turns out that you can expect that behavior if:

  • you install the jest-circus npm package
  • you set the JEST_CIRCUS=1 environment variable when running jest

I’m surprised and bummed that this behavior is not applied by default in Jest.

If you’re looking for information about when Jest Circus is going to be released, see #6295. 🎪

We fixed this issue in the jest-circus runner, and wont be fixing it in the jest-jasmine2 runner (my understanding is that it’s a pretty tough one to fix in the jasmine runner)

In what version and PR was it fixed? I’ve tried installing jest-circus from npm and setting JEST_CIRCUS=1, but the behavior is the same: an exception in beforeAll does not prevent the tests from running.

@rattrayalex-stripe the old test runner for Jest (which is still currently the default) was powered by a jasmine fork called jest-jasmine2. We’ve written our own runner called jest-circus, which we’re migrating everything to

We fixed this issue in the jest-circus runner, and wont be fixing it in the jest-jasmine2 runner (my understanding is that it’s a pretty tough one to fix in the jasmine runner)

Sorry, what’s the relation with jasmine here? For people who are not using jasmine, failures in beforeAll et al still seem to require a try/catch + process.exit.

Is there any clean way to abort a test run other than process.exit(1)?

Ah, gotcha, thanks – guess if I’d been more patient on my request for a jest-circus readme I’d have found that out 😅 thanks @rickhanlonii !

Problem with process.exit is that I don’t get any console error messages before exit.

Seems like transitioning to jest-circus is ongoing: #6295

jest-circus is shipping with Jest 27, which is now @ next.2, and the milestone is 80% complete.

I couldn’t test because I used ts-jest, and upgrading to 27 breaks imports.

Using jest and jest-circus 26.6.3 (with ts-jest 26.5.0), I still experience the issue described by the OP: if beforeAll() throws an error, all test still execute, and the error is reported for each.

This is fixed in Jest circus, we won’t be fixing it for Jasmine. If somebody sends a PR that’s fine, but I’m going to close this as we won’t get to it