jest: Jest memory problems in node environment

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    OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.4
    CPU: x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
    Node: 8.1.4 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.1.4/bin/node
    npm: 6.0.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.1.4/bin/npm
    jest: ^23.0.1 => 23.0.1
    sequelize: ^4.37.10
    pg: ^7.4.3
    koa: ^2.3.0
    babel-jest: ^22.4.3

1. Preface

We recently switched all our APIā€™s test from Mocha to Jest. We have around 90 tests, half of them require to run synchronously due to them using our testing database (running seeds between them), so we have to use --runInBand.

I unfortunately canā€™t share my code as it is private.

2. The problem

Running tests one by one was fine, I then tried to run all of them at once and things went bad. With the --logHeapUsage, it seems context memory isnā€™t GCā€™d resulting in a Javascript heap out of memory.

I tried using the new option --detectOpenHandles to see what could prevent the GC to work but this is what came out:

  ā—  PROMISE
          at Promise.catch (<anonymous>)
      at node_modules/core-js/library/modules/es6.promise.js:244:30
      at Object.<anonymous>.module.exports (node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_iter-detect.js:19:5)
      at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/core-js/library/modules/es6.promise.js:243:74)
      at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/core-js/library/fn/promise.js:4:1)

I have around 6-8 of these, and no clue whatsoever of where to look.

I searched around and found out it was most likely the database connection so I added these as a global teardown:

afterAll(async () => {
    await db.close(); // Sequelize instance
    server.close(); // Koa server instance used with supertest (when needed)

This didnā€™t change much, memory still goes up very quickly (30-40 MB per test). In the end, I wrote a small file launching jest multiple times to avoid memory problems and stitching coverage report together but this isnā€™t ideal.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Reactions: 24
  • Comments: 52 (15 by maintainers)

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@rickhanlonii, Iā€™m also experiencing this bug, and I do suspect itā€™s a bug with jestā€™s module registry.

Jest does not cache modules as nodeā€™s require() does and probably does not release properly require()'d modules between test suites.

Created a repo to illustrate this issue.

@SimenB @cpojer @aaronabramov the source of the issue comes from fact that for every test run new modules cache is created but itā€™s used for all but native node.js modules.

On example of graceful-fs, following happens when more than one test is run within same process (or worker) as handled by Jest:

  1. (first test run) graceful-fs is freshly required and decorates native fs functions directly on fs object (note: through closures graceful-fs is permanently attached to fs and therefore cannot be freed)
  2. (second test run) graceful-fs is freshly required (again) within same process, and decorates (already decorated!) fs functions directly on fs object. Same way, itā€™s permanently attached to fs so not freed.

ā€¦ scenario repeats with every following test run.

So after a few test runs we deal with a situation, where after invoking single specific fs function, multiple graceful-fs functions are run recursively, and that I suppose is responsible for fastly growing memory leak.

Similarly popular Bluebird.promisifyAll(require('fs')) attaches to fs and introduces a leak. Still in that case itā€™s not recursive so not that harmful.

Iā€™ve noticed this when trying to incorporate long stack trace solution (based on async_hooks) into Jest, and observed how quickly it was blown with OOM, cause was that initializations were made before each test run, when there should be one initialization per process

When looking at Jest design, probably best solution would be to introduce an option in which we can list package names which should be handled by nodejs native modules loader (and graceful-fs could be there by default), so theyā€™re loaded once across all test runs within same process. As far as I see itā€™s not possible now, and that makes addressing this difficult.

Other solutions could be:

  • Provide an option to rely directly on require as provided by Node.js. It wonā€™t give desired isolation, but at least itā€™ll reflect public Node.js API, which is not respected with current approach.
  • Provide an option to run each test in its designated worker . Itā€™ll be slower, but itā€™s probably the only way to provide perfect side-effects free isolation.

This is something that only Jest could solve in the long run, relying on external authors to not do the bad thing (or even be aware of the issue) is just keeping a door open for this to happen again anyways in the future.

Is there something we could help on about this to make the matter advance?

@lev-kazakov @mrrinot Fixed the issue on our project by replacing graceful-fs with fs when running the tests. (We change the file in the node_modules directory). It fixed the issue completely. We use this as a replacement:

const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = Object.assign(fs, { gracefulify: () => {} });

We put this inside node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js when the tests start and we restore the ā€œrealā€ version when they are done.

It seems that graceful is only useful when you are on Windows. Since we donā€™t use Windows at all, we donā€™t need it.

@SimenB, Iā€™ve sanitised a test case with no external dependencies:

If you run yarn jasmine, youā€™ll see the memory is stabile around 7 Mb. If you run node --expose-gc ./node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand --logHeapUsage, youā€™ll see memory leaking.

Memory leaks when you require code that overrides one of nodeā€™s internal modules functions, while keeping a reference to the original function, like here.

Libraries that do this kind of hacks:

Would you like me to open a new ticket?

Hi guys, is there any update on this?

Maybe coming with node 12 LTS and the worker modules? I have been bit hard by this issue yesterday and have been trying to find a solution since and still no luck šŸ˜¢

I know that graceful-fs has been patched in 4.1.12 but even by forcing the resolved version through yarn to 4.1.15 I still face the issue so I suppose other packages in my node_modules are doing this.

Sadly I donā€™t know of a good method to pinpoint those unless I spend a week on it and I canā€™t afford that right now.

Is there any update or plan for this in a near future?

@SimenB, @mrrinot ,

I think Iā€™ve sanitised a test case that proves graceful-fs is not the issue, but rather itā€™s graceful-fs when required via jestā€™s module registry.

The following repo illustrates the issue:

If you run yarn jasmine, youā€™ll see the memory is stabile around 7 Mb. If you run node --expose-gc ./node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand --logHeapUsage, youā€™ll see memory leaking.

Note that Iā€™m using the import-fresh module to bypass nodeā€™s cache when running with jasmine.

Here is a quick repro if you want: After a more thorough test, it seems it is graceful-fs instead. Issues that seem related:

It doesnā€™t seem that graceful-fs as of version 4.1.15 has actually fixed the memory leak. Iā€™ve forced npm to use graceful-fs@4.1.15 throughout, but doing that my tests still leak memory like crazy and eventually crash. However, when I replace graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js with the replacement specified by @Telokis then my tests stop leaking memory and finish with no problem:

const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = Object.assign(fs, { gracefulify: () => {} });

I see a comment in graceful-fs.js source code where it seems like theyā€™ve tried to stop leaking memory but clearly their fix is not working:

// Only patch fs once, otherwise we'll run into a memory leak if
// graceful-fs is loaded multiple times, such as in test environments that
// reset the loaded modules between tests.

@lev-kazakov Thanks. I removed the --verbose flag but the memory leak is still presentā€¦

Guys, check if you have properly setup paths where JEST is scanning files for coverage. Iā€™ve just discovered it goes to ā€œdistā€ folder and this is causing memory looping - after excluding it everything works like a charm again.

@seyfer you can run your test suite against run with --freezeCoreModules and --verbose and it will smoke out the leaking modules. in order to run it against you can either checkout the branch then build and link jest, or just hack your local node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js file with those changes: hereā€™s an outdated but working patch for this matter:

Iā€™d vote for implementing this first:

Provide an option to rely directly on require as provided by Node.js. It wonā€™t give desired isolation, but at least itā€™ll reflect public Node.js API, which is not respected with current approach.

And then this:

Provide an option to run each test in its designated worker . Itā€™ll be slower, but itā€™s probably the only way to provide perfect side-effects free isolation.

@lev-kazakov I didnā€™t do anything except reporting here. @mrrinot did the work alone in our officeā€™s cave.

yeah. anyhow iā€™ve created a patcher inspired by @Telokis comment above. brute hack, but works.

Jest has built in --logHeapUsage, fwiw

Ok, turns out the problem comes from us importing fs-extra in one of our model. We use the latest version (6.0.1).

Just commenting the import fixes the memory going up between test suites. I donā€™t really know if itā€™s a problem with fs-extra or jest.

Quick update:

I ā€œsolvedā€ (more like put it under the rug) my issue by splitting the work done by jest beforehand.

find . -iname '*spec*' | grep -v node_modules | xargs -n 5 jest --no-cache --globalSetup ./test/globalSetup.js --forceExit

Of course this sucks because I canā€™t take advantage of concurrent testing, and my test suite takes forever, but at least it is able to run till the end.

Iā€™m sorry to up this again, but do we have any updates on the matter?

itā€™s graceful-fs: @SimenB, fyi, jest is also dependent on graceful-fs.

Iā€™m working on a reduced case of the problem, will get back to you when/if needed