jest: can't unmock module per test

I want to mock a module and then unmock it for specific tests. As an example my main file looks like:

import React from 'react';
import LocalizedStrings from 'react-localization';

const strings = new LocalizedStrings({
    lblDisplayName:"Display Name",

 fr: {
    lblDisplayName:"Display Name_fr",

export default class MyComponent extends React.Component{
  constructor(props) {

  render(){//some html

In my test i want to do something like below:

  return jest.fn();

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

import localizedStrings from 'react-localization';
it('initializes localization with correct values',()=>{

//unmock react-localization for <MyComponent /> from here on for future tests
//i tried using jest.unmock('react-localization') but then it doesnot mock it all and 1st test fails.

it('matches snapshot',()=>{
  const wrapper= shallow(<MyComponent />);

Any suggestion or help is appreciated.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 42
  • Comments: 35 (4 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

How about when you have manual mocks? How do you unmock them per test?

I solved the problem with the following approach:

import moduleToMock from 'moduleToMock'


describe('top level', () => {
  it('mock', () => {
    moduleToMock.log.mockImplementationOnce(() => true)

    // ...

  it('do not mock', () => {

    // ...

Does someone have a full example for mock/unmocking modules for test?

You can do require.requireActual('my-mock') in Jest to get the real module.

Why was this ticket closed? Was a solution found for this? I haven’t been able to pick when to use the non mocked module on a per test basis.

@cpojer If there is no solution to this problem, then you should reopen this issue or otherwise provide answer please.

@cpojer @ebrentnelson @simonsmith Just on a note that found a workaround as follows:

  return jest.fn(()=>{
    const actual = require.requireActual('react-localization');
    return new actual(val) ;

but would be nice if we can mock and unmock submodules per test.


It’ll only work if you call jest.resetModules() before the calls to doMock.

None of the suggested approaches work for me when trying to mock an implicit import (react-redux in this case). Searching for this topic on google yields this issue and not any jest docs with a canonical example. It would be nice if we could get either a definitive, working example from the jest team, or confirmation that this isn’t possible.

As an example for those trying to do something similar, for this test I wanted to mock react-redux for a snapshot test, but not for the other test. This worked for me:

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
import App from './App'

beforeEach(() => {

describe('<App/>', () => {
    it('renders without crashing', () => {
        const div = document.createElement('div')

        ReactDOM.render(<App />, div)

    it('renders the expected tree', () => {
        jest.doMock('react-redux', () => ({
            connect: jest.fn(() => component => `Connected${}`),
            Provider: () => <div />,
        const App = require('./App').default
        const tree = shallow(<App />)


You can use “spyOn” function inside any test to mock function and then use

  beforeEach(() => {

//it will restore all functions mocked

you can use "spyOn" as following:
`    jest.spyOn(bcrypt, 'compare').mockImplementation((arg1, arg2) => true)`

Another possible solution is:

import { persistStore, persistReducer } from 'redux-persist';

jest.mock('redux-persist', () => ({
  persistStore: jest.fn(jest.requireActual('redux-persist').persistStore),
  persistReducer: jest.fn(jest.requireActual('redux-persist').persistReducer)





For example how to make this work if router is implicitly imported

describe('', () => {
    it('should render itself', () => {
        const app = mount(<MainApp />);
    it('should redirect to 404 if invalid path', () => {
        // here nothing need to mock in respect of default automocking behaviour
        const wrapper = mount(
            <MemoryRouter initialEntries={['/random']}>
                <MainApp />

Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.

My current n wretched ‘solution’ is to separate tests into several files. Not sure if that’s what they call “simple” and “delightful”.

I tried using jest.doMock instead of jest.mock:

afterEach(() => {

test("a1", () => {
  jest.doMock("a", () => jest.fn(() => 1));
  const a = require("a").default;

test("a2", () => {
  jest.doMock("a", () => jest.fn(() => 2));
  const a = require("a");

but in both tests a() yields 1, just like with jest.mock. I’m not sure what jest.doMock does exactly. 😕