istio: TLS connection failures after Istio 1.3 upgrade

Bug description After upgrading to Istio 1.3 our services are losing their database connections after what seems to be fixed intervals. This causes errors in the application, as it cannot write data using the already open connection - causing a RollBack of the transaction. Downgrading to istio 1.2.5 resolves the problem. Our setup is as follows. AWS EKS. Istio 1.3 with mTLS and global.outboundTrafficPolicy.mode=REGISTRY_ONLY. AWS RDS Postgresql 9.4. Pods access RDS via a VirtualService and ServiceEntry:

kind: ServiceEntry
  location: MESH_EXTERNAL
  - name: tcp-5432
    number: 5432
    protocol: tcp
  resolution: NONE

And VirtualService to allow access to the RDS instances are via SNI inspection.

kind: VirtualService
  - match:
    - port: 5432
    - destination:
          number: 5432
  - match:
    - port: 5432
    - destination:
          number: 5432

Logs from istio-proxy for affected services: Service A: Custom JPA java service


Service B: Keycloak IdP

2019-09-17T08:28:58.915759Z	info	FLAG: --applicationPorts="[8080,7600]"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915794Z	info	FLAG: --binaryPath="/usr/local/bin/envoy"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915801Z	info	FLAG: --concurrency="2"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915806Z	info	FLAG: --configPath="/etc/istio/proxy"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915812Z	info	FLAG: --connectTimeout="10s"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915817Z	info	FLAG: --controlPlaneAuthPolicy="MUTUAL_TLS"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915823Z	info	FLAG: --controlPlaneBootstrap="true"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915828Z	info	FLAG: --customConfigFile=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915832Z	info	FLAG: --datadogAgentAddress=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915837Z	info	FLAG: --disableInternalTelemetry="false"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915845Z	info	FLAG: --discoveryAddress="istio-pilot.istio-system:15011"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915849Z	info	FLAG: --dnsRefreshRate="300s"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915854Z	info	FLAG: --domain="our_ns.svc.cluster.local"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915859Z	info	FLAG: --drainDuration="45s"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915862Z	info	FLAG: --envoyAccessLogService=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915865Z	info	FLAG: --envoyMetricsServiceAddress=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915869Z	info	FLAG: --help="false"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915875Z	info	FLAG: --id=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915879Z	info	FLAG: --ip=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915887Z	info	FLAG: --lightstepAccessToken=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915892Z	info	FLAG: --lightstepAddress=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915896Z	info	FLAG: --lightstepCacertPath=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915900Z	info	FLAG: --lightstepSecure="false"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915904Z	info	FLAG: --log_as_json="false"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915908Z	info	FLAG: --log_caller=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915913Z	info	FLAG: --log_output_level="default:info"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915917Z	info	FLAG: --log_rotate=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915921Z	info	FLAG: --log_rotate_max_age="30"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915926Z	info	FLAG: --log_rotate_max_backups="1000"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915930Z	info	FLAG: --log_rotate_max_size="104857600"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915934Z	info	FLAG: --log_stacktrace_level="default:none"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915945Z	info	FLAG: --log_target="[stdout]"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915949Z	info	FLAG: --mixerIdentity=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915954Z	info	FLAG: --parentShutdownDuration="1m0s"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915958Z	info	FLAG: --pilotIdentity=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915964Z	info	FLAG: --proxyAdminPort="15000"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915968Z	info	FLAG: --proxyComponentLogLevel="misc:error"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915972Z	info	FLAG: --proxyLogLevel="warning"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915977Z	info	FLAG: --serviceCluster="keycloak.our_ns"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915981Z	info	FLAG: --serviceregistry="Kubernetes"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915985Z	info	FLAG: --statsdUdpAddress=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915990Z	info	FLAG: --statusPort="15020"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915993Z	info	FLAG: --templateFile=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.915997Z	info	FLAG: --trust-domain=""
2019-09-17T08:28:58.916003Z	info	FLAG: --zipkinAddress="jaeger-collector.jaeger.svc.cluster.local:9411"
2019-09-17T08:28:58.916037Z	info	Version
2019-09-17T08:28:58.943630Z	info	Obtained private IP [REDACTED_IP2]
2019-09-17T08:28:58.943721Z	info	Proxy role: &model.Proxy{ClusterID:"", Type:"sidecar", IPAddresses:[]string{"REDACTED_IP2", "REDACTED_IP2"}, ID:"keycloak-79c6949b47-rkq54.our_ns", Locality:(*core.Locality)(nil), DNSDomain:"our_ns.svc.cluster.local", TrustDomain:"cluster.local", PilotIdentity:"", MixerIdentity:"", ConfigNamespace:"", Metadata:map[string]string{}, SidecarScope:(*model.SidecarScope)(nil), MergedGateway:(*model.MergedGateway)(nil), ServiceInstances:[]*model.ServiceInstance(nil), WorkloadLabels:labels.Collection(nil), IstioVersion:(*model.IstioVersion)(nil)}
2019-09-17T08:28:58.943744Z	info	PilotSAN []string{"spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-pilot-service-account"}
2019-09-17T08:28:58.944424Z	info	Effective config: binaryPath: /usr/local/bin/envoy
concurrency: 2
configPath: /etc/istio/proxy
connectTimeout: 10s
controlPlaneAuthPolicy: MUTUAL_TLS
discoveryAddress: istio-pilot.istio-system:15011
drainDuration: 45s
envoyAccessLogService: {}
envoyMetricsService: {}
parentShutdownDuration: 60s
proxyAdminPort: 15000
serviceCluster: keycloak.our_ns
statNameLength: 189
    address: jaeger-collector.jaeger.svc.cluster.local:9411

2019-09-17T08:28:58.944445Z	info	Monitored certs: []string{"/etc/certs/key.pem", "/etc/certs/root-cert.pem", "/etc/certs/cert-chain.pem"}
2019-09-17T08:28:58.944457Z	info	waiting 2m0s for /etc/certs/key.pem
2019-09-17T08:28:58.944476Z	info	waiting 2m0s for /etc/certs/root-cert.pem
2019-09-17T08:28:58.944489Z	info	waiting 2m0s for /etc/certs/cert-chain.pem
2019-09-17T08:28:58.944596Z	info	PilotSAN []string{"spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-pilot-service-account"}
2019-09-17T08:28:58.947534Z	info	Starting proxy agent
2019-09-17T08:28:58.947830Z	info	Opening status port 15020

2019-09-17T08:28:58.948228Z	info	watching /etc/certs for changes
2019-09-17T08:28:58.948241Z	info	Received new config, resetting budget
2019-09-17T08:28:58.948620Z	info	Reconciling retry (budget 10)
2019-09-17T08:28:58.948640Z	info	Epoch 0 starting
2019-09-17T08:28:58.995583Z	info	Envoy command: [-c /etc/istio/proxy/envoy-rev0.json --restart-epoch 0 --drain-time-s 45 --parent-shutdown-time-s 60 --service-cluster keycloak.our_ns --service-node sidecar~REDACTED_IP2~keycloak-79c6949b47-rkq54.our_ns~our_ns.svc.cluster.local --max-obj-name-len 189 --local-address-ip-version v4 --allow-unknown-fields -l warning --component-log-level misc:error --concurrency 2]
[2019-09-17 08:28:59.375][17][warning][config] [external/envoy/source/server/] --allow-unknown-fields is deprecated, use --allow-unknown-static-fields instead.
[2019-09-17 08:28:59.942][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 14, no healthy upstream
[2019-09-17 08:28:59.942][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:50] Unable to establish new stream
2019-09-17T08:29:00.314844Z	info	Envoy proxy is NOT ready: config not received from Pilot (is Pilot running?): cds updates: 0 successful, 0 rejected; lds updates: 0 successful, 0 rejected
2019-09-17T08:29:02.686142Z	info	Envoy proxy is NOT ready: config not received from Pilot (is Pilot running?): cds updates: 1 successful, 0 rejected; lds updates: 0 successful, 0 rejected
[2019-09-17 08:29:02.969][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:29:03.026][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:29:05.601][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:29:05.681][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
2019-09-17T08:29:05.938502Z	info	Envoy proxy is ready
[2019-09-17 08:39:01.187][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 08:39:01.396][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:39:01.399][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:39:03.980][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:39:04.074][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:44:04.179][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 08:44:04.553][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:44:04.556][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:44:06.980][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:44:07.074][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:49:07.179][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 08:49:07.322][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:49:07.326][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:49:10.078][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:49:10.172][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:54:10.279][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 08:54:10.398][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:54:10.473][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:54:13.075][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:54:13.079][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:56:04.944][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 08:56:05.402][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:56:05.405][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:56:07.782][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 08:56:07.874][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
{"response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:16.688Z","method":"GET","request_id":"cc4e4316-bd98-9070-bdfe-0e2bfd6004f4","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"-","bytes_received":"0","istio_policy_status":"-","bytes_sent":"1789","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/realms/ehealth/.well-known/uma2-configuration","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"28","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"28","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)"}
{"upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"-","bytes_received":"72","istio_policy_status":"-","bytes_sent":"2651","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/realms/ehealth/protocol/openid-connect/token","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"914","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"915","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:21.996Z","method":"POST","request_id":"7a26ffbe-7e33-9f3e-91d8-314fde3e3a2d"}
{"bytes_sent":"1825","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/realms/ehealth/protocol/openid-connect/token","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"378","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"379","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:25.847Z","method":"POST","request_id":"95072a05-a3d8-924f-8314-c8dfc48ea165","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"95","istio_policy_status":"-"}
{"bytes_sent":"540","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/admin/realms/ehealth/users/ca6139ff-0dae-4422-91ac-4cbb9c300abc","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"441","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"441","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:26.242Z","method":"GET","request_id":"6afa974c-f86e-907b-9f15-0dfd3bb54143","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"0","istio_policy_status":"-"}
{"upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/realms/ehealth/protocol/openid-connect/token","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"91","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"91","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:26.760Z","method":"POST","request_id":"2af6d861-a2ad-9d3f-b71d-da876696071f","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"95","istio_policy_status":"-","bytes_sent":"1825"}
{"downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/admin/realms/ehealth/users/ca6139ff-0dae-4422-91ac-4cbb9c300abc","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"17","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"17","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:26.859Z","method":"GET","request_id":"6d6de6a0-b6e3-9284-a9f1-564ca1892766","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"0","istio_policy_status":"-","bytes_sent":"540","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local"}
{"bytes_sent":"1825","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/realms/ehealth/protocol/openid-connect/token","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"122","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"123","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:27.526Z","method":"POST","request_id":"0cf41600-100c-9ac7-9ef4-305a2e6bc324","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"95","istio_policy_status":"-"}
{"bytes_sent":"540","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/admin/realms/ehealth/users/ca6139ff-0dae-4422-91ac-4cbb9c300abc","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"21","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"22","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:27.657Z","method":"GET","request_id":"6683f498-32b4-9467-affe-53f3001d1a10","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"0","istio_policy_status":"-"}
{"response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:27.775Z","method":"POST","request_id":"15130842-5e0f-91da-8bf2-f42ae6a1a66f","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"95","istio_policy_status":"-","bytes_sent":"1825","upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/realms/ehealth/protocol/openid-connect/token","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"133","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"133","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)"}
{"upstream_cluster":"inbound|80|http|keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","downstream_remote_address":"","authority":"keycloak.our_ns","path":"/auth/admin/realms/ehealth/users/ca6139ff-0dae-4422-91ac-4cbb9c300abc","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","upstream_service_time":"15","upstream_local_address":"-","duration":"16","downstream_local_address":"REDACTED_IP2:8080","upstream_transport_failure_reason":"-","route_name":"default","response_code":"200","user_agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/11.0.4)","response_flags":"-","start_time":"2019-09-17T09:00:27.917Z","method":"GET","request_id":"6c745f50-88fd-92af-92ea-f0e1dbf0d445","upstream_host":"","x_forwarded_for":"-","requested_server_name":"outbound_.80_._.keycloak.our_ns.svc.cluster.local","bytes_received":"0","istio_policy_status":"-","bytes_sent":"540"}
[2019-09-17 09:01:07.975][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 09:01:08.081][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:01:08.086][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
2019-09-17T09:01:10.372203Z	info	Envoy proxy is NOT ready: failed to get server info: failed retrieving Envoy stats: Get net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
[2019-09-17 09:01:10.478][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:01:10.573][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
2019-09-17T09:01:10.673142Z	info	Envoy proxy is ready
[2019-09-17 09:06:10.578][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 09:06:10.615][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:06:10.618][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:06:12.974][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:06:12.978][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:11:13.079][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 09:11:13.237][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:11:13.242][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:11:15.576][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:11:15.672][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:16:15.683][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 09:16:16.092][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:16:16.095][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
2019-09-17T09:16:18.371980Z	info	Envoy proxy is NOT ready: failed to get server info: failed retrieving Envoy stats: Get net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
[2019-09-17 09:16:18.380][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:16:18.473][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
2019-09-17T09:16:18.574380Z	info	Envoy proxy is ready
[2019-09-17 09:21:18.575][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 09:21:18.900][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:21:18.972][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:21:21.278][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:21:21.374][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:25:16.841][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 09:25:17.084][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:25:17.087][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:25:19.582][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:25:19.677][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:30:19.778][17][warning][config] [bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/external/envoy/source/common/config/_virtual_includes/grpc_stream_lib/common/config/grpc_stream.h:87] gRPC config stream closed: 13, 
[2019-09-17 09:30:20.153][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See
[2019-09-17 09:30:20.156][17][warning][filter] [src/envoy/http/authn/] mTLS PERMISSIVE mode is used, connection can be either plaintext or TLS, and client cert can be omitted. Please consider to upgrade to mTLS STRICT mode for more secure configuration that only allows TLS connection with client cert. See

One thing that jumps out at me is that durations for the closed are very similar (~287000 for Service A, ~10000 for Service B). Also they seem to be followed up by a reconfiguration of Envoy due to gRPC config stream closed: 13,

Affected product area (please put an X in all that apply)

[ ] Configuration Infrastructure [ ] Docs [ ] Installation [x] Networking [ ] Performance and Scalability [ ] Policies and Telemetry [ ] Security [ ] Test and Release [ ] User Experience [ ] Developer Infrastructure

Expected behavior Connections should not close unexpectedly

Steps to reproduce the bug

Version (include the output of istioctl version --remote and kubectl version)

$ istioctl version # after downgrade
client version: 1.2.4
citadel version: 1.2.5
galley version: 1.2.5
ingressgateway version: 1.2.5
pilot version: 1.2.5
policy version: 1.2.5
sidecar-injector version: 1.2.5
telemetry version: 1.2.5 
$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.2", GitCommit:"f6278300bebbb750328ac16ee6dd3aa7d3549568", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-08-05T16:54:35Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"13+", GitVersion:"v1.13.10-eks-5ac0f1", GitCommit:"5ac0f1d9ab2c254ea2b0ce3534fd72932094c6e1", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-08-20T22:39:46Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.13", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

How was Istio installed? Helm

Environment where bug was observed (cloud vendor, OS, etc) AWS EKS.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments: 79 (25 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

So far things are looking good with the daily build mentioned above after ~7 hours. No connection drops observed.

I made the change at ~ 08:55 below - (i.e the blue 87444c67d replicaset) and restarted deployments after that. Very low usage environment; and relatively small mesh; so can just see less spikey pilot CPU usage.


We’ve seen MySql connections being dropped and we also have Redis usage; but I haven’t looked into either of them in detail with respect to this issue. Probably because on app side we have quite robust recovery mechanisms within their connection pools.

The reason I’ve been looking into this issue is that one of our services is a non-DB, non-cache TLS/TCP custom protocol and the app-layer connection/session pooling mechanism is not as robust as standard DB/redis pools so the Istio instability underneath the app had exposed an app-level problem for us.

To make it a bit more visual in a relatively low usage environment - the graph below from Istio Workload shows instability starting at exactly the point that we upgraded to Istio 1.3 in this environment 😦


@Shahard2 In each deployment of our services. I don’t think there is any Istio config to do this at mesh level. For that I’ve opened a feature request.

Hi all, I am really confused about the handling of this issue. We for now solved this by a bad workaround and ping our DB every minute, which is a really shitty solution in Production.

There is a pretty similiar thread here and I ve the feeling both have been closed pretty fast. We really tried also to check if this is by TCP settings in OS, K8s etc. but it didnt change anything.

“Something” in Istio is currently forcing TCP disconnects and affects the communication between services. Can you guys maybe make a double check on this, too? It shall be easily reproducable.

Thank you all for testing! just to be clear, our daily images are not really suited for production usage, and change every day, so they may not be stable. I recommended them only to test out this issue - use at your own risk.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2019, 4:11 AM Lasse Højgaard wrote:

I can confirm that upgrading envoy to as mentioned in #17139 (comment) seems to fix the issue. We’re using the default value for PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY Will keep monitoring over time, but so far I’ve not seen any errors.

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Setting env var PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY to true on the istio-pilot deployment did indeed resolve this issue.

Seeing some incredible CPU spikes every 5 minutes though in a zero traffic staging cluster. With just a request per second or so, the pilot HPA maxes out the number of pods for a minute or so, and then back down.

Looking forward to @nrjpoddar’s fix so we don’t have to do this in production 😅

Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 01 06 12

(PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY=true added around 00:40)

@chadlwilson good point, probably not the same issue. They were seeing similar error messages so I thought I would mention that in case others were running into that.

Maybe similar issue to, can you try setting that option in pilot mentioned there. Note my warning there - pilot will use about 10x CPU when you set that

@Shahard2 For us, using annotation is working, for now.

@marziman OK, although the way you initially described it as being when the connections were idle which is a bit different to this. If you are seeing it regardless of the connections being used/idle, and you can see a correlation to when pilot is pushing config (based on proxy logs) and then a drop shortly after that then it might be something similar.

We haven’t moved to 1.6.x yet (still on 1.5.x since our migrations must involve zero downtime thus have to be done carefully) so I can’t speak to whether the issue might have been re-introduced there, but it seems unlikely to be a branch issue to me because the fix was in envoy itself, which master would be regularly updated, and the release branches are regularly cut from master.

The commenter in also said that they weren’t affected by this issue in a subsequent comment. @courcelm - are you perhaps able to share what your issue was in the end, and how you resolved it, if it wasn’t caused by this issue?

In any case, I feel it might be more productive to open & describe your issue independently with appropriate context as to your config, even if you refer to this issue as appearing similar. You may also want to describe your upgrade path and whether you restarted everything cleanly, because to my knowledge skip-version upgrades (especially over that many versions - you’ve moved over a year of releases there) are not really supported/validated, so depending on how you executed the upgrade I wonder if the control plane and/or proxies got into a messy state.

@JoshuaFox At least from a user perspective, we have not had this issue resurface on any of the Envoy versions used by Istio 1.4.[23456789] or 1.5.[457] versions we have deployed, and we would notice it due to the way our application services and connection pooling work.

@ckcd This log is normal. The grpc connection proxy----pilot disconnects at a period of 30 minutes by default

It would be good to understand how to reproduce it and if possible we can write some tests. This issue feels like something that can prop up again if serialization is not stable.

Sorry if my original message was confusing – PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY should be false. We have established that if we set it to true the issue is resolved, but pilot takes a major performance hit. What we want to verify is if we set it to false with the new images if its resolved as well.

Thanks for trying this out!

@chadlwilson @jmagnusson on the master branch we do have this change. Can one of you try out master images? That is, and with the default PILOT_DISABLE_XDS_MARSHALING_TO_ANY=false.

I don’t want to go through all the effort + waiting for a 1.3 release to find out it doesn’t fix the problem.

Also if anyone has a way I could easily reproduce this on my own cluster that would be very much appreciated

Arr you having similar issues with other external services? For us Redis also sees sporadic connectivity issues since istio 1.3.1 (through Google Cloud Memorystore)