google-cloud-node: API requests hang indefinitely


I’m using google datastore API and if I run my application from my local computer then the application connects to the datastore, but if I deploy the application it cannot connect to the datastore.

Environment details

  • OS: Debian GNU/Linux 8
  • Node.js version: 6.9.4
  • npm version: shipped with Node.js 6.9.4
  • @google-cloud/datastore: 0.6.1

Steps to reproduce

I ran the following example on AppEngine instance:

const Datastore = require('@google-cloud/datastore');

const datastore = Datastore({
      projectId: '<$projectId>',
      keyFilename: './gcloud-keyfile.json'

const query = datastore.createQuery('UserModel')
  .filter('user_name', '=', 'gosho');

  .then((results) => {
    const users = results[0];
    users.forEach((user) => console.log(user));

My question is, why cannot my deployed application connect to the datastore?


About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions: 3
  • Comments: 32 (12 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

Just released google-cloud version 0.46.2 – anyone willing to test, please update and let us know how it went.

We suspect that this is due to a recent change in grpc@1.1.1 not dealing properly with the lack of /etc/services. We are working on an updated version of the Node.js docker image with a work-around that should be available in a few hours.

Could folks try deploying again (in a few hours) with the latest runtime image to see if the problem gets resolved?

Note that vm: true has been deprecated, and you should update to env: flex. threadsafe: true has no meaning for Node.js apps. The GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable is set automatically for apps deployed with env: flex, so after updating to env: flex you can remove GCLOUD_PROJECT from your app.yaml file.

But none of that has much to do with the hanging Datastore API calls. I’ve been able to reproduce the problem using three different versions of @google-cloud/datastore and I’ve notified the App Engine team.