firebase-tools: Real time database fails when using Auth emulator

[REQUIRED] Environment info

firebase-tools: 8.14.1

Platform: macOS

[REQUIRED] Test case

In a web app:

    apiKey: "redacted",
    authDomain: "redacted",
    databaseURL: "redacted",
    projectId: "redacted",
    storageBucket: "redacted",
    messagingSenderId: "redacted",
    appId: "redacted",
    measurementId: "redacted",

  authInstance = firebase.auth()
  firestoreInstance = firebase.firestore()
  rtbdInstance = firebase.database()

  rtbdInstance.useEmulator("localhost", 9000)
  firestoreInstance.useEmulator("localhost", 8080)

  rtbdInstance.ref().once("value", r => console.log(r.val())) // fails and logs a warning

[REQUIRED] Steps to reproduce

rtbdInstance.ref().once("value", r => console.log(r.val())) // fails and logs a warning

If I don’t use the auth emulator it works fine, fetching my local database

[REQUIRED] Expected behavior

I should get data

[REQUIRED] Actual behavior

No data is returned, and a warning is logged into the dev tools console:

@firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: Provided authentication credentials for the app named "[DEFAULT]" are invalid. This usually indicates your app was not initialized correctly. Make sure the "apiKey" and "databaseURL" properties provided to initializeApp() match the values provided for your app at 

My hunch is that the problem could be:

  • the database emulator doesn’t know that auth is being emulated and verifies the token against prod
  • I’ve got an out of date database emulator? I have i database: downloading firebase-database-emulator-v4.6.0.jar
  • there is some specific order the various useEmulator calls have to be made in.

About this issue

  • Original URL
  • State: closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments: 19 (9 by maintainers)

Most upvoted comments

@tomhicks thanks for reporting! On the surface it looks like you’re doing everything correctly so one of us will have to try and reproduce this and dig in.